
bāo chǎng
  • Package;make a block booking;book a whole theatre or cinema
包场 [bāo chǎng]
  • [make a block booking] 指包下电影、演出等的全部的或大部分座位

包场[bāo chǎng]
  1. 此外,新人还可以选择包场使用羽田机场的休息室,还可选择在机场内的大厅举办婚宴。根据这项新服务,情侣们可以乘坐波音777-300ER飞机举行婚礼,该飞机通常用于目前尚未投入运营的国际航班。

    All Nippon Airways in air travel amid the COVID-19 pandemic . Under the new service , couples can hold their wedding ceremonies aboard Boeing 777-300ER jets normally used for international flights that are not currently in operation .

  2. 我们是偷偷溜进来的又不是在这里包场

    We 're trying to sneak around.We didn 't rent this place out .

  3. 售票或者包场的;

    Selling tickets or making block booking ;

  4. 日场联欢包场与会议包场价格相同。

    The price of party block in the day time is similar to the meeting block .

  5. 这地方还可以包场?

    You can rent this place ?

  6. 在分配上,剧场与戏班之间形成了分账制、场租制、包场制等多种分配方式。

    On the distribution , the theater and the troupe formed split system , rental system , book system and other distribution systems .

  7. 制片方则表示,他们为包场支付了相应的金额,正大光明,所以收入理应计入总票房。

    The producer says they paid for the block booking , fair and square , and so the takings should count towards the total box office .

  8. 要不就是干脆在家,然后网上购买自己需要的东西,再要不请人帮忙买我自己所需,再不然,包场。

    Or I will choose stay at home , then buy things by internet , or I buy employ one person to help me to buy the things I need , or book the whole theater .