
chāo jí shì chǎnɡ
  • supermarket
超级市场 [chāo jí shì chǎng]
  • (1) [supermarket] 一种大型多部门的、实行顾客自我服务方式的零售商店

  • 走进日本的超级市场,只见食品琳琅满目,有许多食品只要加水一热,即可食用

  • (2) --亦称自选商场

  1. 明年初该新产品就会在超级市场上架。

    The new product will arrive on supermarket shelves early next year .

  2. 他看着人们匆匆地进出超级市场。

    He watched people bustle in and out of the supermarket .

  3. 各地超级市场报告说圣诞节前生意火爆。

    Supermarkets everywhere reported excellent trading in the run-up to Christmas .

  4. 多数超级市场都经销一系列有机产品。

    Most supermarkets sell a range of organic products .

  5. 西汉普斯特德有各种各样不错的店铺和超级市场。

    West Hampstead has a variety of good shops and supermarkets

  6. 超级市场香烟零售可以比多数烟草商价格低几分钱。

    Supermarkets can afford to retail cigarettes at a couple of cents below the price charged by most tobacconists .

  7. 中国加入WTO后,超级市场成为零售行业中备受关注的热点。

    After China 's entry into WTO , supermarkets have been a hot issue in the retail trade .

  8. 我们的公司坐落在ABC超级市场的附近。

    Our company is located near the ABC supermarket .

  9. 他以在全美拥有逾100家葡萄酒特大型超级市场的TotalWineMore为例,证明品类杀手模式仍在努力运作。

    He points to Total Wine More , with over 100 wine hypermarkets across the US , as another example of the category-killer model still hard at work .

  10. 他以在全美拥有逾100家葡萄酒特大型超级市场的TotalWine&More为例,证明品类杀手模式仍在努力运作。

    He points to Total Wine & More , with over 100 wine hypermarkets across the US , as another example of the category-killer model still hard at work .

  11. 卡达的王室正在考虑超级市场J塞恩斯伯里的一个完整的收购要约,一项报告说。

    The royal family of Qatar is considering a full takeover offer for supermarket J Sainsbury , a report says .

  12. ICAAB有5个不同的概念:百货商店,超级市场,超市,便利店和折扣店。

    ICA AB has5 different store concepts : Hypermarkets , Supermarkets , Superstores , Convenient stores and Discount stores .

  13. KDD技术在超级市场中的应用

    Application of Technology KDD in Supermarket

  14. 本文运用企业X再造理论与日本丰田汽车公司的准时化生产方式(JIT)分析超级市场的供应链,并以零售业巨头沃尔玛公司为例,进一步阐明了超级市场供应链的X再造。

    By utilizing the theory of X-Engineering the Corporation and the YIT producing methods , we understand something about X-Engineering the supply chains of the supermarket . Wal-Mart serves as a example here .

  15. 2.Atcheckout旅馆结账时一位年轻的男士申请一份超级市场收银员工作,但被告知此工作仅适合女性。

    A young man applied for a job as a supermarket checkout operator and was told it was a job for a woman .

  16. 在一种意义上,这已经发生了:非政府组织(NGOs)参与了进来,制定了新的产品规范,这铭记在了你能在大多数超级市场买到的咖啡包装上的证明上。

    In a way , this has happened : nongovernmental organisations ( NGOs ) stepped in to assign new production norms enshrined in certifications that you find stamped on coffee packaging in most supermarkets .

  17. 为了对超级市场的购物篮进行分析,R.Agrawal等人于1993年首先开创性的提出了关联规则(AssociationRules)挖掘理论,并建立了支持度-可信度框架。

    In order to make an analysis on shopping basket of supermarket , R. Agrawal , et al . put forward the Association Rules of mining theory and established the framework of Support - credibility in 1993 .

  18. 鲍里斯叶利钦(borisyeltsin)在成为俄罗斯总统前曾经访问美国,当他看到休斯敦的一家超级市场时,感觉眼花缭乱。

    When Boris Yeltsin , before he became Russian President , went on a trip to the US and saw a Houston supermarket , he found the experience dizzying .

  19. 同时,就像商业街上部分已经破产的零售商一样,VirginMegastores连锁店正受到超级市场的挤压。

    Meanwhile , the Virgin Megastores chain is being squeezed by the supermarkets – like other high-street specialist retailers , some of which have gone bust .

  20. 比如,在韩国,零售巨人特易购(Tesco)公司在熙熙攘攘的地铁站里推出了“移动超级市场”,消费者们能够迅速地扫描需要的商品。

    In South Korea , for instance , retail giant Tesco rolled out " mobile supermarkets " in busy subway stations , allowing commuters to quickly scan items they wanted to buy .

  21. 当特里爵士被任命这个最高职位时,乐购正在英国的超级市场领军集团中的第三位苦苦挣扎,在它前面的是Sainsbury和玛莎百货。

    When Sir Terry was appointed to the top job , Tesco was struggling in third place in Britain 's supermarket hierarchy behind Sainsbury 's and Marks & Spencer .

  22. 戈尔本原本是一名工程师及超级市场/零售连锁店桑科萨集团(CencosudS.A.)的前执行官,矿难发生时,他刚出任矿业部长不久,并且对采矿毫无经验。

    At the time of the mine collapse , Golborne , an engineer and former executive of the supermarket / retail chain Cencosud S.A. , was new on the job and had no experience in mining .

  23. 我经常去超级市场买菜。

    I often go to the supermarket to shop for food .

  24. 在超级市场里,坎迪德选一条最短的结帐队来排。

    At the supermarket , Candida chose the shortest checkout line .

  25. 什么时候我能到超级市场

    When can I go into the supermarket and buy what I

  26. 马上就领我们去参观一下那个超级市场。

    We 'll be shown around the supermarket in a minute .

  27. 我们已为新的超级市场选好了一个合适的地点。

    We 've found a suitable location for our new supermarket .

  28. 她在超级市场里瞥见了她的朋友。

    She caught a glimpse of her friend in the supermarket .

  29. 那间超级市场正建造停车场之类。

    A supermarket 's building a new car park or something .

  30. 与大型超级市场相比,我们更喜欢那家拐角小商店。

    We prefer the small corner shop to the large supermarket .