
  • 网络shop-in-shops;shop-in-shop;Shop in Shop;Store-in-Store
  1. 今年,伦敦的塞尔福里奇(Selfridges)百货公司把销售空间的一个显著位置划给了“无性别”,这是一个店中店,Nicopanda、安·迪穆拉米斯特(AnnDemeulemeester)和李阳等性别模糊的品牌都混合放在这里。

    This year , Selfridges in London dedicated a significant swath of its selling space to Agender , a store-within-the-store where gender-fluid labels like Nicopanda , Ann Demeulemeester and Yang Li commingle .

  2. 越来越多的厂家在大型购物中心开设了店中店

    More and more factories have run shops-within-shops in Big malls

  3. 店中店则是另一种日益流行的快闪店模式。

    The store-within-a-store model is another type of pop-up that 's becoming more common .

  4. 除了传统的销售方式,我们也会采取最新的店中店销售、体验销售和网上销售。

    Except the traditional marketing method , we will adopt in the newest shop too the shop sell , experience selling and online spending .

  5. 但同时也将酝酿网络销售的想法、与本土企业合作,并探索店中店等其它选择。

    But it will also incubate ideas via the Internet , work with local partners and explore other options , such as stores within stores .

  6. 所谓店中店就是允许一家小公司在另一家大型零售商门店中设立专柜或专区,测试产品的销路。

    Allowing smaller businesses to test market their items by setting up a stand or an area within a larger store may attract new business for the bigger retailer .

  7. 过去苹果认为印度市场规模过小也太复杂,不适合自己开设高端商店,因此一直与零售商合作,采取“店中店”的迷你店铺形式。

    The company has viewed India 's market as too small and complex to sustain its high-end shops but has experimented with " store-in-store " mini-shops , in partnership with retailers .

  8. 我们希望在未来的三年内,能够实现1000家“店中店”的销售目标,每家店达到每天12瓶进口酒的基本销量。

    We hope that in the next three years , we can realize the1000 " caves in the restaurants " sales target and every shop realizes the basic sales of12 imported wines .

  9. 与此同时,蔻驰将努力在北美地区打造更出色的百货店中店及更注重客户体验的旗舰店来弥补关店的损失。这家公司在北美12个主要市场的业务占它销售总额的一半。

    It will try to make up for that with better spots in department stores and high-touch flagship stores in the 12 major North American markets where it gets half of its sales .

  10. 在暖和的天气里,不妨来到店中,在店旁小路上放置的凳子上坐坐,来杯咖啡和一个纸托蛋糕打发时光。

    On warm days , stop and sit on stools arranged in the alley next door to idle over a coffee and a cupcake .

  11. 本文研究的对象是专业店中运动用品专业店的经营模式。

    The core question of this study is to study the business model for specialized sports stores .

  12. 和其它零售伙伴一样,宜进利已经建立了一个网络,其中包括为客户建立的单一品牌专卖店,此外还有店中店、珠宝店,以及它和唐龙的合资企业。

    Like other retail partners , Peace Mark has built up a network of mono-brand boutiques for its clients , shop-in-shops and jewellery stores , as well as the Tourneau venture .