
  • 网络supermarket;Supermarket Management
  1. 着重阐述了基于Java超市管理系统的结构以及实现,详细介绍了SqlServer数据库在系统中的应用和实现方法。

    This paper expounds the structure and implementation of the supermarket management system based on Java , and introduces the application of SQL Server in the system and implementing methods .

  2. 超市管理系统及数据挖掘技术在其上的应用

    Supermarket Management System and Application of Data Mining

  3. 基于ERP理念的连锁超市管理信息系统开发初探

    Development of management information system of chain stores based on ERP

  4. 新型大型超市管理信息系统研究与设计

    Investigation and Design of a New Information Management System Used on Large-scale Supermarket

  5. 图书馆超市管理模式对地下停车场管理的探讨

    A Discussion on the Management of under Park With Library Supermarket Managing Mode

  6. 现代超市管理模式对图书馆读者服务工作的启示

    Modern Supermarket Management Enlighten Library Reader Service Work

  7. 本文论述了中小型超市管理系统的设计和实现。

    This paper introduces the designs and implements of the small supermarket management system .

  8. 备件超市管理信息系统

    Information Management System of Spare Parts Supermarket

  9. 会员制超市管理系统

    The Management System of Membership Supermarket

  10. 一种中小型连锁超市管理信息系统设计与实现中的关键问题研究

    The Key Questions of Designing and Applying A MIS System for Medium-sized and Small Chain Supermarket

  11. 瑞雪超市管理系统的设计与实现用于给将要交作业的同学们,加油!

    Ruixue Supermarket Management System Design and Implementation used to be perpendicular operation to the students , and refueling .

  12. 管理必须是一个动态的过程,在超市管理中,也就在实际销售中应采取相应的措施实施管理。

    In the supermarket management and the actual sale , appropriate measures should be taken in implementation and management .

  13. 本论文的最终目的,在于建立起一个超市管理系统,真正来实现信息管理系统。

    The main purpose of this paper is to establish a supermarket management system to achieve the requirement of true information management .

  14. 本文主要介绍了超市管理系统的需求分析与具体设计,以及基于超市管理系统上的数据挖掘。

    This paper mainly introduce a analysis of requirement and essential design of a supermarket Management System and data mining based on it .

  15. 而大型的超市管理系统功能过于强大而造成操作繁琐降低了小超市的工作效率。

    But the large-scale supermarket management system management system function too was formidable creates the operation tediously to reduce the small supermarket working efficiency .

  16. 农业高校图书馆全开放知识超市管理模式探讨&以湖南农业大学图书馆为例

    On the Full-Open " Knowledge Supermarket " Management Pattern of Agricultural College Libraries & A Case Study of the Library of Hunan Agricultural University

  17. 面对庞大的信息量,有必要开发超市管理系统来提高销售管理工作的效率。

    Facing huge information content , it is necessary to develop sells saves the information management system to enhance the sales management work the efficiency .

  18. 假以时日,沃尔玛应该能够集中采购货品,并为众多商店下大额订单,而不是由每家大型超市管理自己的订单。

    Over time Wal-Mart should be able to centralise buying and order huge volumes for lots of stores instead of each hypermarket managing its own orders .

  19. 采用先进的信息技术,推行物资超市管理模式,有效地破解了这一难题,从而促进了物资管理创新。

    Adopting the advanced information technology and carrying out material supermarket management mode could effectively solve this problem , which promotes the innovating of material management .

  20. 针对超市管理系统的收银系统与数据服务器交换数据所存在的一些问题,提出了一种可以提高计算机资源利用率的数据获取/更新处理方法。

    Considering the shortage of data exchanging with DB server in sales system , the paper puts forward a data acquiring / updating method to improve the use of computer resources .

  21. 本文通过对发电企业物资超市管理模式的研究,以推动对发电企业物流进行全方位流程化的管理,强化企业成本控制,提升市场竞争力。

    Study on material supermarket management pattern can help the power plants run logistics in full direction and process , stimulating to control the cost and improving the market competitive ability .

  22. 本文首先介绍了超市管理系统的具体分析与设计,本系统分为两个子系统:后台管理员端和前台收银端。

    This paper first introduce a analysis of requirement and essential design of a supermarket , the system compartmentalize two subsystem : background administrator subsystem and income administrator in the stage subsystem .

  23. 文章通过对传统图书馆管理模式与图书馆超市管理模式的分析,并对图书馆超市管理模式对地下停车场造成的影响及解决办法进行探讨。

    Based on the analysis of traditional library managing mode and library supermarket managing mode , the paper discusses the impact of library supermarket managing mode on under park and provides with the solutions .

  24. 本文介绍了运用数据挖掘中的关联规则,挖掘超市管理系统数据库中各种货物的排放,避免了脱离市场、脱离需求,盲目排放货物所造成的损失,节省了资金,提高了效益。

    This paper introduce how to apply the association rule of data mining to mine how to combine the strategy , so we avoid being devoicing from market and requirement and the loss and save money and improve efficiency .

  25. 论文借鉴超市管理的先进经验对图书馆的各项管理提出了若干整改意见及实施措施,以期为提高图书馆管理水平、改善读者服务质量提供有价值的参考。

    Drawing lessons from the advanced experience of the supermarket management , this paper puts forward many reforming opinions and implementing measures , hoping to supply the valuable reference for the raising of library management level and improving the quality of reader service .

  26. 最后在三层C/S结构基础上,利用交易中间件技术研究和设计开发了超市管理系统,实现了商业的自动化管理,并且对系统分别利用手工和工具进行了测试,基本达到要求。

    And then basing on the three-tier structure , a supermarket management application system is investigated and designed by use of transaction middleware technology , and the auto management is realized . Finally , a mass of tests by man and tools prove that this system is up to satisfaction .

  27. 基于WebServices技术的连锁超市物流管理信息系统的研究

    The Research of the Logistics Management Information System of the Chain Store Based on Web Services

  28. 基于UML超市配送管理系统的分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of Management System of Supermarket Dispatching Based on UML

  29. MVC模式在中小型连锁超市信息管理系统的应用

    Applying MVC model to information management system for small / medium supermarket

  30. 对等网在中小型连锁超市POS管理系统中的应用

    Application of Peer-to-peer Network in Middle-small-scale Linkage Supermarket