
diàn tánɡ
  • Store;commodity section;shop/store room;the business quarter of a shop/store
店堂 [diàn táng]
  • [shop] 商店里进行营业的屋子

  1. 这仍是少数人的兴趣,但却给人以享受,在博罗市场繁忙的Monmouth店堂里,你可以一次品尝几种咖啡,然后购买你最喜欢的咖啡豆带回家。

    This is still a minority interest , but an enjoyable one , and at the buzzing Monmouth shop in Borough Market it 's possible to try several coffees at any one time , and buy your favourite beans to take home .

  2. 他以在店堂教堂中布道开始了自己的事业。

    He started his career preaching in a storefront church .

  3. 免费提供风格统一的店堂设计。

    The unified style of shop designing free of charge .

  4. 她每天早晚两次总要把店堂打扫一遍。

    Every morning and night she sweeps out the place .

  5. 他说罢踢了奥列弗一脚,便走进店堂。

    With these words he gave Oliver a kick and went into the shop .

  6. 他把新鲜水果货架摆在店堂门口。

    He set the stands of fresh fruit at the entrance of the store .

  7. 浅析当代商业店堂装饰设计

    Brief Analysis about Commercial Salesroom Decoration Design

  8. 浅谈珠宝首饰店堂营销策略

    A Discussion on Jewelry Marketing Policy

  9. 店堂里相当闷热,空气仿佛被棺木的味儿污染了。

    The shop was close and hot , and the atmosphere seemed tainted with the smell of coffins .

  10. 拉梅奇太太非常不礼貌地把詹妮从头到脚打量了一番以后,朝店堂后面走去。

    Mrs. Ramage looked Jenny up and down in a rude manner and walked to the back of the shop .

  11. 在发霉、阴暗、杂乱无章、迷宫般的店堂里,总有希望找到一件稀世珍品。

    There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty , dark , disordered rooms a real rarity will be found .

  12. 店堂装饰广告是对以店铺、酒肆、茶楼为主体的经营场地进行特殊装饰广告表现形式的统称。

    Decorated advertising of shops is a general designation of a special decorate advertisement form , which deals for stores , pothouses and tea shops .

  13. 休斯顿-一家已经在店堂中陈列了鲨鱼和其他奇异水族生物的饭店,近日决定引入另一位成员,动物家族的国王-白虎,来增加饭店的吸引力。

    HOUSTON-A downtown restaurant that already features sharks and other exotic aquatic life wants to add another attraction from the animal kingdom : white tigers .

  14. 领有执照的酒店店主(出售食品、烈酒、啤酒等供顾客在店堂内享用)。

    A licensed victualler , ie a public house keeper who sells food , spirits , BEer , etc to BE consumed on the premises .

  15. 我走进昏暗的店堂,从架上拿了一罐牛奶,打开它,把牛奶倾在一只杯子里。

    I went into the dark store , took a can of milk from the shelf , punched it open , and squirted it into a cup .

  16. 格式合同、通知、声明、店堂告示等含有前款所列内容的,其内容无效。

    Should formal contracts , circulars , statements and shop or store notices carry contents mentioned in the previous paragraph , the contents shall be null and void .

  17. 在西单商业区你还会看到许多广告牌和年轻艺术家们创作的绘画。很多超市和店铺也都将各类装饰品挂满店堂。

    Promotion billboards and colorful graffiti created by young artists can be seen in Xidan commercial district , and some stores and supermarkets have been decorated with new ornaments .

  18. 手臂上搭着大衣,身着西装的两个青年走进北海亭面馆,望着坐无虚席、热闹非常的店堂,下意识地叹了口气。

    Arm draped coat , wearing a suit of two young people into the Beihai Pavilion restaurant , looked with every seat taken , very lively stores , unconscious sigh .

  19. 有灭蝇设施如粘蝇纸、灭蝇灯、滞留喷洒液等的店堂和厨房无蝇数最高百分率分别为52.9%,38.7%;

    In kitchens and dining - rooms where sticky card , residual spray and fly - killing lamp were applied the top non - fly rates reached 52.9 % and 38.7 % respectively .

  20. 结果:有防蝇设施如纱门、纱窗及风幕机、门帘的店堂和厨房无蝇数最高百分率分别为45.5%,44.4%。

    Results : In kitchens and dining - rooms with facilities such as screening doors and windows , vertical air curtain doors the top non - fly rate reached 45.5 % and 44.4 % respectively .

  21. 起先她像是看见鬼闯入店堂似的吓一大跳,随后连忙放下那只盘着的腿,挺起腰来,冷冷地白了他一眼。

    At first she was as startled as if a ghost had invaded the store and then , hastily removing her foot from beneath her , she stiffened her spine and gave him a cold stare .

  22. 马尔福先生穿过店堂,懒洋洋地看着陈列的物品,摇响了柜台上的铃铛,然后转身对儿子说:“什么都别碰,德拉科。”

    Mr. Malfoy crossed the shop , looking lazily at the items on display , and rang a bell on the counter before turning to his son and saying , " Touch nothing , Draco . "

  23. 非常后,厨师从店堂内走了出来,一把抓住那个扫烟囱工人,说他闻饱了菜肴的香味,硬要他付一半饭钱,不然,就不放他走。

    At last the cook came out of the shop , and taking hold of the sweep , declared that , as he had been feeding upon the smell of his food , he should not go away without paying half the price of a dinner .

  24. 第二十四条经营者不得以格式合同、通知、声明、店堂告示等方式作出对消费者不公平、不合理的规定,或者减轻、免除其损害消费者合法权益应当承担的民事责任。

    Article 24 a business operator shall not be permitted to set unreasonable or unfair terms for consumers or alleviate or release itself from civil liability for harming the legal rights and interests of consumers by means of standard contracts , circulars , announcements , shop notices , etc.

  25. 最后,厨师从店堂内走了出来,一把抓住那个扫烟囱工人,说他闻饱了菜肴的捍味,硬要他付一半饭钱,不然,就不放他走。

    At last the cook came out of the shop , and taking hold of the sweep , declared that , as he had been feeding upon ( 2 ) the smell of his victuals , he should not go away without paying half the price of a dinner .