
qǔ yàng
  • sample;set sample
取样 [qǔ yàng]
  • [set sample] 从大量物品中取出少量做样品

取样[qǔ yàng]
  1. 取样检查的结果必须附加说明。

    Results of the sample must be translated .

  2. 大鼠心室肌RNA提取的最适取样量研究

    The Investigation of Optimal Sample Quantity in Isolation of RNA from Rat Left Ventricular Muscle

  3. 已从200多名病人取样。

    Samples were collected from over 200 patients .

  4. 治疗一些类型的先天性肾上腺增生性肥大能够运用诸如羊水诊断或绒毛膜取样的产前检查被发现。

    Treatment some forms of CAH can be detected in prenatal tests like amniocentesis or villus sampling .

  5. 研究发现,办公室的地板是最干净的。这项实验对地毯和家用电器都擦拭取样,以得出需氧菌、酵母菌和霉菌的数量。

    Office floors were found to be the cleanest in the experiment — in which carpets and household appliances were swabbed to reveal levels of aerobic3 bacteria , yeast4 and mould .

  6. 小波取样定理在断层CT的ART方法中的应用

    Application of Wavelet Sampling Theorem in ART Method about the Cross-Sectional CT

  7. 克服矿化不均匀效应的X荧光取样最佳测网

    Optimum measuring net for correcting mineralizing heterogeneity effect in XRF sampling

  8. 克服基体效应的影响是X辐射取样技术中的关键问题。

    Overcoming matrix effect is a key problem in XRF .

  9. X辐射取样技术的研究和应用

    Study and application of X radiation sampling technique

  10. X取样方法的研究和应用(一)&测量几何条件的最佳化

    Study and Applications of X-ray Sampling Method ( I ) & Optimizing on Geometry Effect

  11. 用Excel对钻孔取样法试验数据回归分析

    Regression Analysis of Experimental Data of Boring Sampling Method by EXCEL

  12. 线阵CCD输出信号相关双取样处理技术探讨

    A Correlative Double Sampling Processing Technique for the Output Signal of Linear CCD 's

  13. Stasser(1985)在一系列实验的基础上,提出了信息取样模型(InformationSamplingModel)。

    On the base of a series of experiments , Stasser ( 1985 ) proposed an information-sampling model .

  14. DEM空间分辨率和重取样方式对流域特征参数的提取会产生重要影响。

    The DEM spatial resolution and sampling method have a great impact on the watershed features .

  15. 高速实时示波器以高速AD变换为核心,取样示波器采用时域取样。

    The high-speed AD change is used as the core of high-speed oscillograph , and time domain sampling is applied for sampling oscillograph .

  16. 本文首次从理论上探讨了X取样方法中的几何效应影响(实质是源样距变化影响),导出了理论方程。

    Geometry effect in X-ray sampling has been investigated theoretically for first time . A set of theoretical equations about geometry effect has been developed .

  17. 并在此基础上对识别后的拟合曲线进行3D数据的计算讨论,解决了取样及数值计算的算法问题。

    According to these , the 3D data calculation is discussed for recognized fitted curve , and the problem of sampling and numerical calculation method is solved .

  18. 用于ICF驱动器的取样光栅的研制

    Research and Fabrication for Beam Sampling Grating Used in ICF

  19. 关于在BOD5测定中取样量的探讨

    Exploration of the Sample Volume on the Measurement of BOD _ 5

  20. 光PPM取样信号的最大似然解调

    Optimum Detection for Optical PPM Sampled Signal

  21. 采用直接定量取样稀释、微量进样-火焰原子吸收光谱法测定了豚鼠内耳外淋巴液中Ca、Mg、K、Na等元素含量。

    The content of Ca , Mg , K , Na in external lymph in inner ear of Guinea pig was determined by FAAS .

  22. 用二维DFT分析多重亚取样电视信号的三维谱

    An Analysis of the Three Dimensional Spectrum of Multiple Sub Nyquist Sampled Television Signal by Two Dimensional DFT

  23. 通过每天定时监测厌氧反应器不同高度各取样口发酵液的pH值和可溶性COD值,研究不同高度发酵液各参数的变化规律。

    Research the variation disciplinarians of the fermentative liquid at different space by testing the data of PH and COD at different heights of reactors everyday .

  24. 介绍在铜冶炼厂由PLC和上位机组成的两级精矿自动计量和取样计算机控制系统的设计和应用情况。

    Design and application of two level computer control system that consists of PLC and process computer for concentrate measuring and sampling in copper melting plant are described .

  25. 分别从黄冈棉田、荆州农田、沙市农药厂等长期受有机磷农药污染的不同环境土壤取样,通过富集培养,筛选分离到10株甲胺磷(MAP)降解菌.测定了各菌株的降解效能。

    Screening of Methamidophos Degrading Fungal Strains and Their Degradation Efficiency Ten strains of methamidophos degrading bacteria were isolated from the different soils in which organophosphates was used for a long period .

  26. 凝析气井地面PVT取样技术

    Surface PVT sampling technique of condensate gas well

  27. 对湛江地区辣椒地土壤取样,测定了容重pH、及有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量。

    Soil sample from the chilli field was taken to determine its bulk density , pH and the organic matter , overall nitrogon , inorganic nitrogen , quick-acting phosphorus and potassium .

  28. 通过随机抽样和农户推荐,对西双版纳大卡老寨12户农民的水田采用典型取样法设立48个1m2(1×1m)的样方进行调查并结合现场社会经济状况调查。

    Twelve sampling plots of wet-rice field were investigated of twelve households of Daka , Xishuangbanna , Yunnan .

  29. 从人们了解近红外(NIR)技术以来,它经历了从停滞到迅速发展的过程,这完全得益于仪器制造技术以及取样技术的不断发展。

    NIR technology has been well and rapidly developed with the development of the apparatus manufacturing and sampling technique .

  30. 目的为研究一些溶酶体源的酶成分与PMN的关系提供一个可靠的取样方法。

    Objective To found a reliable sampling method investigate the relationship between the PMN and enzyme component of lysosome .