
  • 网络circulation market;trading market;secondary market
  1. 上海市水产品流通市场的现状

    The present status of aquatic products circulation market in Shanghai

  2. 第六,建立水产品的流通市场。

    Sixthly , establish the aquatic products circulation market .

  3. 到目前为止,财政部说还没有制定废除小额硬币的相关计划,但很多人把政府征求置评一事看作小额硬币最终退出流通市场的开始。

    As yet , the Treasury says it has no plans to get rid of the coins but many see this as the beginning of the end .

  4. 股票IPO市场的发行种类、数量和发行方式决定着流通市场的规模和运行。

    The scope and operation of a issuance market depend on the kinds , amount and the issue model of stock in the IPO market .

  5. 农产品流通市场结构、市场行为与农民收入&基于SCP框架的案例研究

    The Influence of the Market Structure and Conduct of Agricultural Product on Farmer 's Income : An Case Study Based on SCP Model

  6. 在国家实施振兴东北老工业基地战略,加快粮食流通市场化改革的的背景下,本人将吉林省的粮食经济问题作为MBA毕业论文选题,力图对吉林省的经济发展有所裨益。

    My graduate thesis for MBA is based on the background of the policies of vitalizing northeastern old industry base and enhancing the reform of grain circulating market .

  7. 由于我国农产品流通市场化改革进程的不断加快,以及加入WTO后,农产品价格受国内和国际市场的影响,农产品生产经营者将面临巨大的价格波动风险。

    Since the markets-oriented reform of the circulation of agricultural product is deepening increasingly and the price of agricultural product is becoming more vulnerable to the fluctuation of international markets , the producers and other markets-partners involved in the market are facing enormous price risk .

  8. 第三章是国债流通市场效率问题的分析。

    First analyze the efficiency of information revelation in circulative market .

  9. 基于流动性风险理论的国有股过渡流通市场方案

    Study on Transitional Trading Market for State-owned Share by Liquidity Risk

  10. 流通市场秩序失灵与政府贸易规制创新

    The Malfunction of Market Order and Innovations of Governmental Commercial Regulations

  11. 增发博弈中流通市场交易操纵模型与实证研究

    Underwriter 's Traded-based Manipulation Model and Empirical Study : A SEO Game

  12. 山西煤焦流通市场化改革建议

    Suggestions for Coal and Coking Coal Circulation Marketing Process of Shanxi province

  13. 煤炭经营主体多元化,煤炭流通市场化的经营格局正逐步形成;

    The business body is diversified and the market-oriented pattern is being formed .

  14. 对内开放还是对外开放:B股流通市场改革效应分析

    Analysis on the Reform of B - Share Market

  15. 中国(大陆)蔬菜流通市场研究

    Study on vegetable circulation market in Chinese mainland

  16. 国有股准流通市场探索研究

    A Study of Quasi-circulation Market of Stated-owned Stock

  17. 试析我国国债流通市场流动性发展

    On Development of Governmental Bond Market 's Mobility

  18. 债券市场与股票流通市场相关性问题及对策研究

    Study on the Relativity between the Bond Market and Stock Market and the Countermeasures

  19. 全流通市场股东行为与市场估值体系变化研究

    Study on the Shareholders ' Behavior and Evaluation System Change of Fully Circulating Market

  20. 我国公司债券流通市场的做市商制度分析

    Analysis on the Dealer of Corporate Bond

  21. 基于制度期货理论国有股准流通市场方案设计

    Theory on Transaction of the State-owned Stocks

  22. 因此,研究花卉市场中介组织对于农户的作用和影响具有重要意义,也直接影响到花卉流通市场的运转效率。

    So it is important to study the influence of flower market intermediary organization to farmers .

  23. 农产品流通市场的博弈分析&以养鸭流通业为例

    Game theory applied in circulation market of agriculture production & taking duck circulation market for example

  24. 我国的国债市场被人为的分成交易所市场和银行间市场,不同的国债投资主体被限制在不同的国债流通市场进行交易。

    China bond market is divided into two parts : the exchange market and intra bank market .

  25. 这其中,有很大一个原因就是假冒伪劣药品等进入流通市场,尤其是在供应链环节。

    Among these , there is a very significant reason is counterfeit drugs enter the circulation market .

  26. 第三节对于全流通市场下的上市公司融资趋势进行了预测。

    Last we forecast the financing preference of the Chinese listed company in the period of Full Circulation .

  27. 我们还对目前我国农业生产资料流通市场的现状及存在的问题进行了分析,找出了需要改进的地方。

    We analyse the circulation market of inputs , and identify the problems and areas needed to improve .

  28. B股流通市场对境内开放是中国资本市场走向开放、统一的重要步骤。

    The opening of B-share market in domestic market is a key step of opening China 's capital market .

  29. 另外,应充分尊重和发挥流通市场的调节作用,慎用国家直接干预方式治理通胀。

    The adjusting role of circulation market should be given full play and state intervention should be used with caution .

  30. 目的了解广州市流通市场预包装食品营养标签使用现状及消费者对食品营养标签知晓情况。

    Objective understanding of guangzhou circulation market pre packing food nutrition label use status and consumer awareness on food nutrition labels .