
  • 网络Issuance conditions;Terms of the Offering
  1. 最后一点是放宽ETF发行条件,鼓励更多的基金管理公司开发更多的类型丰富的ETF产品。

    Finally , to relax the conditions of issuing ETF and encourage fund companies to exploit more extensive type of ETF products .

  2. ①净资产收益率符合发行条件。

    Return rate of net assets is fulfilled the issuing conditions .

  3. 可转换债券发行条件设计的技术分析

    Technical Analysis of the Design of Indenture for Convertible Bonds

  4. 股票发行条件过于僵化;

    The conditions of the stock issuance are too rigid to adapt to the need of the economy development .

  5. 可转化债券是一种新型金融工具,在发行条件设计方面还存在很多问题,通过运用金融工程的分析方法,对可转化债券发行条件设计进行技术分析。

    The convertible bond is a new financial instrument . There are still many problems with the design of indenture .

  6. 从而为可转债发行条件、发行条款的设计等提出了相应的政策建议。

    So , the corresponding policy recommendations can be proposed for the convertible bonds conditions and the terms of design .

  7. (三)公司申请其债券上市时仍符合法定的公司债券发行条件。

    And ( 3 ) The conditions for issuing the bonds shall be met at the time when a company applies for listing its bonds .

  8. 如果贷款人必须收回资金,优先债务享有最优先的求偿权,则对借款人而言,该债券发行条件可能会负担较轻。

    Senior debt earns high priority if lenders have to reclaim funds , hence the bond issue terms can be less onerous for the borrower .

  9. 直接融资市场方面有价证券由于其严格的发行条件几乎将中小企业拒之门外。

    The marketable securities of market of direct financing nearly keep small & medium sized enterprises outside of the door because of their strict conditions for issuing .

  10. 并从发行条件、行业分布和资金募集情况三个方面对创业板和主板市场进行了对比分析。

    Besides this paper carried out comparative analysis of GEM and the main-board market from three aspects which were the issue qualification , the industry distribution and the state of funds recruitment .

  11. 接着,通过对融资成本的解析,分析其构成和决定因素&发行条件和未来股价,并深入论证了可转债发行条款设计对融资成本影响的重要性。

    Then we analyze the constitution of the financing cost and its decisive factors & issuing terms and the future price of the stock . And we probe deeply the impact of the design of the issuing terms to the financing cost .

  12. 通过研究洪水保险债券的运作模式,分析了我国洪水保险债券的发行条件与发展思路,指出洪水保险债券为我国防洪减灾提供了可资借鉴的崭新方法与工具。

    By studying the operating mode of flood insurance bond , this article expounds the developmental perspective of flood insurance bond in China and points out that flood insurance bond provide us a new financial tool to control and reduce flood disasters .

  13. 综合考虑可转换债券发行条件中所涉及的相关因素,以公司总价值最大化为目标,建立了转换速率与公司资产变化量之间的关系模型。

    Considering the factors related to the issuance of convertible bond , a model is developed to express the relationship between conversion rate and asset variation of the firm issuing the bond with the maximization of the firm 's gross assets taken as the objective .

  14. 注册会计师承办创业板上市公司审计业务相关问题分析同时,对创业板公司是否符合发行上市条件给予初步评价。

    Analysis of issues involved in the business relating to companies to be listed auditor should make a preliminary evaluation on whether the client is qualified for listing .

  15. 保荐人承担保荐担保责任的正当性条件是保荐人拥有真正的保荐权,对申请人是否符合发行上市条件有实质性的决定权。

    Making the sponsor undertake the warranty liabilities should assume the sponsor has the real right , and it has substantial discretion on whether the applicant meets the conditions for issuing and listing .

  16. 如果可能,请使用强名称成员条件、发行者成员条件或哈希成员条件。

    Where possible , use a strong name membership condition , publisher membership condition , or the hash membership condition .

  17. 我国可转换债券的发行条款执行条件多为有条件执行,其定价方法更为复杂。

    The executing conditions of the provisions of Chinese convertible bonds depend on stock prices , which make pricing more complicated .

  18. 如果一个非常熟练的用户拒绝接受各种社团发行版的苛刻条件(diktat),而想要运行一个来自CD的Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP(LAMP)类型的应用程序堆栈,那该怎么办?

    What if a very sophisticated user refuses to accept the diktat of various community distributions and wants to run a Linux / Apache / MySQL / PHP ( LAMP ) - type application stack from a CD ?

  19. 一些国家回购了大量未偿债务,而通过发行偿还期更长条件条件更优惠的债券来对现有债务进行再融资。

    Several bought back large amounts of outstanding debt and refinanced existing debt by issuing longer maturities on more favorable terms .

  20. 公司债券可转换为股票的,除具备发行公司债券的条件外,还应当符合股票发行的条件。

    Corporate Bonds convertible into shares shall meet not only the requirements for the issue of Bonds But also the requirements for the issue of shares .

  21. 深入研究了可转换公司债的发行主体、发行权限、发行条件,同时介绍了有关国家的法律规定,对我国可转换公司债发行制度的可操作性提出了思考。

    I consider that company should be the only legitimate issuer in the future , and the power to make decision on issue of convertible bonds should be authorized to the board of directors .

  22. 运用泛函变分原理,求出最优转换速率,并且进一步得到可转换债券的最优发行策略,为可转换债券发行条件的设计提供了一种新的方法。

    The functional calculus is introduced to determine the optimal conversion rate so as to optimize the issuance strategy of convertible bond , thus offering a new way for the design of original indenture for convertible bond .

  23. 第二十条上市公司发行新股,应当符合公司法有关发行新股的条件,可以向社会公开募集,也可以向原股东配售。

    Article 20 . When a listed company issues new stocks , it shall comply with the conditions required by the Company Law on new stock issue . It may sell the new stocks to the public or to existing stockholders .

  24. 只要整个最终派生工作按照与本手册相同的许可声明发行,您就被授权按照与发行原文相同的条件复制和发行本手册的修改版本。

    Permi ion is granted to copy and distribute modified versio of this manual under the conditio for verbatim copying , provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permi ion notice identical to this one .

  25. 农行除A股外任何其他证券的发行都是分别并独立于本次A股发行的、并不以本次A股发行为条件。

    Any such securities offering will be a separate and independent offering and will not be conditional upon the A share offering .

  26. 通过对中国私募发行产生的经济基础与市场环境的分析,说明中国的私募是内生于市场需求的,私募发行在中国现行条件下具有与公募相比无可比拟的优势。

    Through the analysis of the economic foundation and market environment from which private offerings have grown in China , the conclusion can be reached that private offerings are a natural product of the market requirements , and they have unparallel advantages over public offerings .