
fā fán
  • introduction;introduction to a book (subject)
发凡 [fā fán]
  • [introduction to a book (subject)] 揭示全书或某一学科的要旨

  • 其发凡以言例,皆经国之常制,周公之垂法,史书之旧章。--杜预《左氏春秋传序》

发凡[fā fán]
  1. 旅游哲学发凡

    An Introduction to Philosophy of Tourism

  2. 汉语教学修辞学新体系发凡

    The Summary of the New System of Rhetoric in Chinese Teaching

  3. 20世纪中国现代建筑史研究发凡

    Research on Chinese Modern Architectural History in the Twenty Century

  4. 《修辞学发凡》是汉语修辞学的经典著作。

    The Origin of Rhetoric is a classical work of Chinese rhetoric .

  5. “现在已经转入《阶级意识发凡》。”

    But now it 's switched over to Elementary Class Consciousness . "

  6. 新罗教育思想的誓记石:花郎道之发凡

    Milestone of Silla 's Educational Thoughts : the Origin of Hwa Rang Do

  7. 社区地理学研究发凡

    A tentative study of the geography of community

  8. 《修辞学发凡》研究

    Research on an Introduction to Rhetoric

  9. 系统动力学发凡

    A Survey of System Dynamics

  10. 比喻类似点是陈望道先生在《修辞学发凡》中提出的比喻句得以成立的三个要素之一。

    The similarity of metaphor is one of three essential factors for which metaphor sentence is built , a theory put forward by Chen Wangdao in his book On Rhetoric .

  11. 可以说,中国古代书法自觉的审美与评价,是以尺牍交流的形式,由草书启蒙发凡的。

    It can be safely said that the aesthetic value and evaluation of the ancient Chinese handwriting started from the enlightenment of the zhang cao Script taking the form of the exchange of chi du , bamboo slips to write on .