
  • 网络Development Anthropology;developing anthropology;anthropology of development
  1. 发展人类学视野中的文化生态旅游开发&以云南泸沽湖为例

    Development Anthropology 's Perspectives of Eco-Cultural Tourism : A Case Study on Lugu Lake in Yunnan

  2. 发展人类学之发展概念与幸福感相关问题探析

    The analysis of related issues about the concept of " development " of " Development Anthropology " and " Happiness Feelings "

  3. 百年中国社会变迁与全球化过程中的文化自觉&在21世纪人类生存与发展国际人类学学术研讨会上的讲话

    The Changes in Chinese Society over the Century and the Cultural Consciousness in the Process of Globalization

  4. 近十年来,话语与身份研究蓬勃发展,成为人类学、语言学、教育学、社会学等多个学科的重要研究课题。

    Over the past ten years , research on discourse and identity has witnessed vigorous growth and become one of the most important research subjects across several research fields such as anthropology , linguistics , education , sociology and so on .

  5. 摘要本文通过人类学情感与情绪研究的探讨,人类学环境研究转型的讨论,以及“发展”的人类学批评,以论述人类学之于主体观照的本体研究。

    This article demonstrates that the investigation of the body itself study of anthropology refers to the subject , through arguing the study of emotion and sentiment in anthropology , the transformation of the study of circumstances in anthropology , as well as the anthropological criticism of development .

  6. 审美人类学的深化发展对于美学和人类学的学科建设,都大有裨益。

    Further development of which will do good to the construction of aesthetics and anthropology .

  7. 民族村镇保护与贵州旅游业的发展&黔东南观光人类学研究

    Protection of Ethnic Villages and Development of Guizhou 's Tourism ── A Study on Tour Anthropology of Southeastern Guizhou

  8. 汉民族社会群体和社会组织的形成和发展过程向来是人类学及历史学领域广泛关注的课题。关于汉民族聚居形态的研究则是这一课题重要的组成部分。

    The development and revolution concerning with society colony and society organization of Han nation always are main subjects which are researched extensively within field of anthropology and history .

  9. 在今后的发展过程中,人类学影视片除了发挥对文化进行记录的传统优越性以外,还可以其独特的影视表达方法和视角,对人类文化进行深入的解释。

    In the future developing process , besides the traditional superiority of recording cultures , the anthropological film may make deep interpretation of human cultures from the unique visual perspective .

  10. 隐喻理论是当代认知语言学中最具代表性的理论之一,近几十年更是迅速发展为哲学、人类学、心理学、社会学、语言学和文学批评等众多学科的研究热点。

    Metaphor theory is one of the most representative theories in the contemporary cognitive linguistics . In recent decades , it has become a hot topic of philosophy , anthropology , psychology , sociology , linguistics and literary criticism , etc.

  11. 中国人类学发展的难点主要是人类学学科地位不明确或不稳固,其今后发展的焦点是人类学中国化或本土化的问题。

    Due to its equivocal and unstable status , it develops with great difficulty .

  12. 本文首先重点介绍了以文化与发展为研究对象的西方发展人类学产生的背景及其三种典型的发展范式理论流派。

    This paper begins with a review of the context and three typical theories of " paradigm of development " of development anthropology that studies culture and development .