
  • 网络Park management;Park Administration;Parks and Recreation
  1. 最近,围绕公园管理这个课题正在不断地出现新的发展趋势。

    New trends in park management have been rising constantly .

  2. 那就有建设工程,公园管理,零售

    That 's construction jobs , park management , retail ...

  3. 环境挑战非常重大,但坦桑尼亚国家公园管理局的努力似乎正在取得成效。

    The environmental challenges are significant but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be paying off .

  4. 一位深思熟虑的官员把其中的一些副本转交给了公园管理部门,认为他们可能会将其放大以供其中一个游客中心展示。

    A thoughtful official passed on some of the copies to the park authorities on the assumption that they might make a nice blow-up for one of the visitors ' centers .

  5. 朱莉·赫顿�约克郡谷地国家公园管理局(YorkshireDalesNationalParkAuthority)

    Julie Hutton , Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority

  6. 垂钓者必须事先得到公园管理者的许可。

    Anglers are required to obtain prior authorization from the park keeper .

  7. 把钱给我们的国家公园管理局(NationalParkService)。国家公园是我们最珍贵的东西之一;

    Give money to our National Park Service . They are one of our greatest treasures ;

  8. 公园管理处的雷·布朗(RayBrown)表示,美国2%的人口在内战中丧生。

    Ray Brown from the National Park Service says two percent of the American population died in the Civil War .

  9. 两年前,作为一名生物技术人员,我在国家公园管理局(NationalParkService)工作。我注意到,公园中野生动物受到的骚扰大多来自人类制造的噪音和混乱。

    Working for the National Park Service two years ago as a biological technician , I noted harassment of wildlife in the park , mostly by human noise and mess .

  10. NikoletteWilliams是公园管理人员,他和视频中的20名游客当时就在观察台上。

    Nikolette Williams is the park ranger in the video with about 20 visitors on the observation deck .

  11. 国家公园管理局致力于进一步扩大数字服务的范围,上个月,管理局首次推出了Instagram账号;

    The digital outreach continued with the start of the first National Park Service Instagram account last month ;

  12. 2013年11月,在中央公园管理委员会(CentralParkConservancy)的一次慈善活动上,金斯伯格对基施鲍默说,她一直很喜欢中央公园长椅上的献词,希望将来有一把椅子是献给自己的。

    In November 2013 , while at a benefit for the Central Park Conservancy , Ms. Ginsburg mentioned to Mr. Kirschbaum that she had always loved the dedications on the benches in Central Park and hoped to have one someday .

  13. 在大约十点半时,她们来到了麦克·哥提亚(MikeGauthier)的家。哥提亚是优胜美地的办公室主任,负责公园管理当局和攀岩者之间的沟通。

    At about 10:30 , they showed up at the door of Mike Gauthier , Yosemite 's chief of staff , a conduit between park bureaucracy and the climbing community .

  14. 游客人数增加是好事,但是如何分散游客也是个问题,国家公园管理局的发言人凯西·卡帕(KathyKupper)在华盛顿接受电话采访时说。

    The wealth of visitors is great but spreading it around can be a challenge , Kathy Kupper , a spokeswoman for the park service , said on the phone from her office in Washington , D.C.

  15. 森林公园管理体制与组织机构探析

    Research on the Management System and Organization of Forest Park

  16. 公园管理局的导游带游客到遗址。

    National Park Service guides lead visitors to the ruins .

  17. 这一变化,无疑将给公园管理带来更大的难度。

    This change will undoubtedly lead to greater difficulty of park management .

  18. 浅析美国国家公园管理经验对我国世界地质公园的启示

    Revelation of the Management Experiences of National Parks in the United States

  19. 国家公园管理局在1800年代后期开始。

    The National Park Service began in the late 1800 's.

  20. 你也替公园管理局工作?

    Do you also work with the Park Service ?

  21. 该领域的专业有林业、公园管理、环境保护等。

    Majors include forestry , parks administration , environmental protection , and others .

  22. 公园管理处也保护公园内的动物和植物。祝大家每天进步一点点!

    The park service also protects the animals and plants within the parks .

  23. 该公园管理人员最初拒绝承认比萨受到了虐待。

    The park 's management initially rejected claims that Pizza was being mistreated .

  24. 美国公园管理的最新发展趋势

    New Trends in the US Type Park Management

  25. 国家公园管理局表示,受影响最严重的是金字塔形状的顶端。

    The National Park Service says the worst damage is in the pyramid-shaped top .

  26. 利益相关者视角的森林公园管理创新

    Management Innovation of Forest Park from Stakeholder Perspective

  27. 森林公园管理体制改革探讨&以武汉市为例

    Research on the Forest Park Management System & With Wuhan City as an example

  28. 夹金山脉大熊猫栖息地自然遗产的国家公园管理模式

    Model of National Park for Mangement Natural Heritage of Giant Panda Habitat in Jiajin Mountains

  29. 作为巡山,我的一个国家公园管理处的雇员。

    As a park ranger , I am an employee of the National Park Service .

  30. 快把公园管理人员叫来!

    Get somebody from the park service !