
  • 网络Public Key Cryptography;Public-key cryptography;PKC;public key cryptology
  1. 在公钥密码学中,密钥是由公开密钥和私有密钥组成的密钥对。

    In public key cryptography , key is a key pair composed by a public key and a private key .

  2. 自公钥密码学诞生以来,公钥体系密钥管理的研究和探讨就一直是信息安全领域的重要研究热点之一。

    Since public key cryptography is invented , the research of key management for public key system has been become one of the hotspots of information security .

  3. RSA密码算法提出至今已有30余年,关于它的研究仍然是公钥密码学中最具活力的研究领域。

    RSA algorithm has been proposed for more than 30 years and it still remains an active research area in public key cryptography .

  4. 以椭圆曲线上的有理点构成的Abel群为背景结构,实现各种密码体制已是公钥密码学领域的一个重要课题。

    Implementing various cryptosystems , based on the Abel group composed of the points on elliptic curves , has already developed into an extremely important subject in cryptology research .

  5. 在介绍了公钥密码学与数字签名和门限签名的概念之后,本文介绍了几种代表性的门限群签名方案,这些方案都是将Shamir秘密分享原理应用到公钥密码系统中得出的成果。

    After introducing public key cryptology , signatures , and the concept of threshold signatures , this paper introduces several representative ( t , n ) threshold signatures , which are combined the Shamir secret sharing and public key cryptology .

  6. 在第一章,我们介绍有限自动机可逆性理论产生的背景、核心概念、主要研究内容、以及它在公钥密码学上的应用-有限自动机公开钥密码体制(FAPKC)。

    In Chapter 1 , we introduce the background , core notions , main contents of the invertibility theory of finite automata , and its applications in public key cryptography-the Finite Automaton Public Key Crypotsystem ( FAPKC ) .

  7. 单向限门函数在公钥密码学中有着重要的应用。

    One-way trapdoor function has impotents applications in public cryptography .

  8. 基于身份的公钥密码学关键问题研究

    Study on Public Key Cryptography Research on Key Problems in Identity Based Public Key Cryptography

  9. 本文通过研究公钥密码学中的二次背包体制,给出了一种基于二次背包加密的数字水印算法。

    In this paper , we propose a new digital watermarking algorithm based on quadratic knapsack problem , which belongs to public-key cryptosystem .

  10. 代理密码学,是公钥密码学的一个重要研究领域,它包括代理数字签名和代理密码系统两个部分。

    Proxy cryptography , which is an important research field of public key cryptography , includes two parts : proxy digital signature and proxy cryptography .

  11. 另一方面随着计算机科学技术日新月异的发展,公钥密码学的安全性越来越受到挑战。

    With the other hand , the rapid development of computer science and technology , the security of public key cryptography is increasingly being challenged .

  12. 论文主要通过研究改进椭圆曲线公钥密码学,设计实现了一个基于椭圆曲线的混合加密系统。

    By studying and improving on ECC mainly , this article deals with the design and encryption algorithm implementation of a hybrid cryptosystem based on elliptic curve .

  13. 公钥密码学是加密密钥和解密密钥不同的密码学体系,为了区别加密密钥和解密密钥相同的对称密码系统,故取名为公钥密码。

    Encryption key is different from decryption key for the cryptosystem , therefore , in order to be different from symmetric encryption , which is called Public-Key Cryptosystem .

  14. 椭圆曲线密码是现代公钥密码学领域中的一个重要课题,椭圆曲线密码体制是一种基于椭圆曲线上的离散对数问题而设计的非对称公钥密码体制。

    Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem ( ECC ) is an important subject in the field of modern public key cryptography . ECC is based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm .

  15. 数字签名技术的提出得益于公钥密码学的发展,因此对数字签名的研究要在对公钥密码学以及公钥基础设施的基础之上进行。

    The digital signature technology is benefit from the development of the public key cryptography . Public key cryptography and Public Key Infrastructure are the bases of the digital signature research .

  16. 无证书公钥密码学是近年来提出的一个好的密码学范例,它汲取了基于证书和基于身份的公钥密码学的优点,而避免了这两种体制的缺陷。

    Certificateless public key cryptography is a recently proposed attractive paradigm which combines the advantages of both certificate-based and ID-based cryptosystems as it avoids the usage of certificates and does not suffer from key escrow .

  17. 随着数字签名的发展,首先出现了基于传统公钥密码学的数字签名体制,但是在签名的验证过程中需要认证中心提供公钥证书。

    With the development of digital signature , the digital signature schemes based on the traditional public cryptology firstly appeared , but it needs the certificate provided by CA in the process of verification of signature .

  18. 基于ID的一次性盲公钥的密码学分析

    Cryptanalysis of one-off blind public key based on ID

  19. 公钥密码是密码学的重要内容,是实现信息保密的核心体制,其安全性及发展的研究也一直是密码研究中非常活跃的课题。

    Public key cryptosystem is an important branch of cryptology , and both its security analysis and development is always very active subject in cryptanalysis .

  20. 公钥密码体制为密码学的发展开辟了新的方向,也带来更宽广的研究平台。

    Public-key cryptography is a new direction which borders the platform of cryptography research .

  21. 无证书公钥密码体制是目前密码学研究的热点,本文详细分析了公钥密码学的发展过程,着重研究了无证书公钥密码体制及无证书的认证密钥协商协议。

    CL-PKC is a cryptography research focus . This paper analyzes the process of development of public key cryptography by focusing on the authenticated key agreement protocol based on CL-PKC .

  22. 公钥和非对称公钥密码学使用一对密钥,其中的一个定义为私钥并加密存放,另外一个被称为公钥,通常无须加密。

    Public key and asymmetric-public-key cryptography uses a pair of keys , one that is designated the private key and kept secret , the other key is called the public key and is generally made available .