
  1. 公司注册资金2500万元,现拥有聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)生产线三条。

    The Companies registered is more than 25 million yuan . The company has three polyacrylamide ( PAM ) production lines .

  2. 公司注册资金:壹亿元人民币。

    The company 's registered capital is RMB100 million yuan .

  3. 该公司注册资金为人民币万元;

    The company registered capital is CNY ;

  4. 除此之外,还有诸如一人公司的注册资金过高;

    Of course , such as the setting of the registered capital too high ;

  5. 中方企业现状:有限公司,注册资金1亿元。

    Gerneral Description of Chinese Sponsor : Limited company , registered capital of100 million yuan .

  6. 随着近两年国内经济结构升级的推动,国内租赁行业突猛进地进行跨越式发展,租赁业公司个数和注册资金以翻倍式地增长。

    With the structure of the economy upgrade in recent years , the leasing industry of domestic have a sudden leaps and bounds , the number and the registered capital of the companies in a double-type grow .

  7. 新修订的《中华人民共和国公司法》降低了公司的注册资金,这对经济犯罪侦查工作又产生重要的影响。

    The new version of the " PRC Company Law " reduced the company 's registered capital which had an important impact on the investigation of economic crime .