
  • 网络public key cryptography;public key cryptosystem
  1. 椭圆曲线密码系统ECC是现在主流的公钥加密系统RSA的有效替代。

    Elliptic curve cryptosystem ECC is an efficient substitution of the mainstream public key encryption system RSA nowadays .

  2. 在分析了RSA公钥加密系统和混沌加密各自的优点及其存在的安全问题的基础上,提出了一种新的分组双密密钥密码方案。

    In this paper , through analyzing the advantages and security of RSA encryption system and chaotic encrypt , a new grouping double-key cryptogram scheme is presented .

  3. TinyIBE:面向无线传感器网络的身份公钥加密系统

    TinyIBE : An Identity-Based Encryption System for Wireless Sensor Network

  4. 相关网络安全协议应运而生,而它们的基础都是安全高效的加密算法,椭圆曲线加密系统与其他公钥加密系统相比有许多优点,受到国内外安全专家的极大关注。

    Then on the basis of safe and high efficient encryption algorithm , some related network protocols are produced .

  5. 基于混沌理论改进希尔加密系统密钥矩阵对称密码加密系统与公钥密码加密系统

    Improvement in Key Matrix of Hill Cipher System Based on Chaos Theory

  6. 对称密码加密系统与公钥密码加密系统对称密码学在工业设备保密中的应用

    Analysis of the Differentials between Private And Public Key Cryptography ; The application of symmetrical cryptology in industrial equipment