
  • 网络certificate authority;SGS;ncb
  1. 将新创建的文件发送给认证机构(CA)。

    Send the newly created file to certificate authority ( CA ) .

  2. 权威认证机构CA和审核机构RA是PKI建设和应用的核心,承担着公钥证书颁发、撤销、更新等一系列管理工作。

    Certificate Authority and Registration Authority are the core of PKI .

  3. 这些工作是由另外独立于ISO组织的认证机构来做的。

    These services are performed independently of ISO by certification bodies .

  4. 研究了证书策略在桥认证机构(CA)体系中的设置和处理问题。

    The setting and disposing of certificate policies ( CP ) in a Bridge CA system was studied .

  5. 数字证书是由可信任的第三方称为认证机构(CA)。

    Digital certificates are issued by a trusted third party known as a certification authority ( CA ) .

  6. 论文研究了我国电子认证机构(certificateAuthority下面简称CA)的法律问题。

    The paper researches legal issues of the Certification Authority ( Certificate Authority the following referred to as : CA ) .

  7. 随着计算机网络和现代化教育技术的发展,网络学习已经成为许多教育机构和认证机构的一种新的学习方式,基于Web的网络学习平台的普及度越来越高。

    With the rapid development of computer network and modern educational technology , E-learning has become a brand-new learning style , and the Network Teaching Platform is becoming increasingly popular .

  8. 作为公钥基础设施PKI(PublicKeyInfrastructure)的核心实体认证机构CA(certificateAuthority),是开展电子政务的重要基础建设。

    As the core entity of Public Key Infrastructure ( PKI ), Certificate Authority ( CA ) is an important base to develop E-Government ( EG ) .

  9. 数字证书由受信任机构(认证机构或CA)发布,并且限制了使用期限。

    A digital certificate is issued by a trusted authority ( a certificate authority or CA ) and is issued only for a limited time .

  10. 数字证书:数字证书是由受信任方即认证机构(CA)发布的电子ID卡,用于建立凭证。

    Digital certificates : Digital certificates are electronic ID cards issued by trusted parties know as Certificate Authority ( CA ) that establish credentials .

  11. 就PKI实体来讲主要由两部分构成:注册机构(RA)和认证机构(CA)。

    Formed by two parts mainly as to PKI entity : The Registration Authority ( RA ) and Certificate Authority ( CA ) .

  12. 该机制利用PKI的CA认证机构完成用户的统一认证、PMI的SOA授权管理中心对用户进行集中的权限管理。

    This system uses PKI-CA certification to realize the unified user authentication , and PMI-SOA authorization manage center to centralize user rights management .

  13. 认证机构(CA,CertificationAuthority),是指签发电子证书、提供与电子签名相关的服务的自然人或法人。

    Certification authority ( short for CA ) is the nature person or legal man that signs the digital certification and provides services related to the digital signature .

  14. PKI利用可信的第三方认证机构(CA)签发的数字证书在网络通信中建立和管理信任。

    With the digital certification enacted by CA , Public Key Infrastructure ( PKI ) provides a framework to construct and manage the trust relationship .

  15. CertificateAuthoriaty(CA):认证机构(CertificateAuthority,CA)是发布数字证书供其他方使用的受信任实体。

    Certificate Authoriaty ( CA ): Certificate Authority ( CA ) is a trusted entity that issues digital certificates for use by other parties .

  16. CA不仅是传统的电子身份认证机构,而且是集信息流、资金流、物流和信用安全认证为一体的第三方社会公共服务平台。

    CA is not only the traditional electronic authentication institutions , but also the public service platform which sets the information flow , capital flow , logistics and security certification .

  17. 随着Web服务的发展,我们可能会看到一类新型的被称为SLA机构的公司的发展,它们类似于目前提供数字证书的认证机构。

    As Web services evolve , we might see the evolution of a new breed of companies called SLA authorities , similar to the certification authorities who currently provide digital certificates .

  18. 广州市人事局电子政务系统中的CA就是建立在OPENSSL基础之上的小型认证机构。

    The CA of Guangzhou Personnel Bureau Electronic Government Affair System is a minitype Certificate Authority building on the base of OPENSSL .

  19. 只有通过由国际公认的认证机构ISO9000认证的工厂才有可能豁免某些评估项目。

    Exemption to certain elements might be granted for the factory , which are ISO9000 certified by a universal recognised certifying body .

  20. sgs世界领先的检验、鉴定、测试和认证机构。

    SGS is the world 's leading inspection , verification , testing and certification company .

  21. 教育署必须下降,因为联邦政府批准的国家认证机构的法律学校的ABA和教育团体为目标的空间。

    The Department of Education must drop the ABA as the federally approved national accreditor of law schools and make room for objective educational bodies .

  22. 典型PKI应用系统包括安全Web、注册机构(RA)、认证机构(CA)、目录(LDAP)和数据库等服务器。

    The typical PKI application system includes security Web server , Registration Authority ( RA ) server , Certificate Authority ( CA ) server , LDAP server and database server .

  23. 其中,认证机构(CA)是PKI的信任基础,承担网上认证服务的、可信的第三方机构。

    Among them , PKI is based on the trust of the certification body ( CA ), on the commitment of the credible third-party agencies on the online authentication service .

  24. 在对标准认证机构CA进行分析、研究的基础上,提出并实现了OAM中基于PKI规范的认证机构CA系统。

    On the base of analyse , research of standard Certification Authority ( CA ) system , bring forward and realize CA system of PKI-based in OAM system .

  25. 根据认证机构国际商学院促进协会(AACSBInternational)的数据,自2009-2010学年以来,提供在线MBA学位的学校增加了四分之一。

    Since 2009-10 , the number of schools offering online MBAs has increased by a quarter , according to figures from AACSB International , the accreditation body .

  26. 利用以公开密钥加密技术为基础的认证机构CA,及其颁发的数字证书,能够很好的解决上述问题,并保证交易各方身份的确定性。

    By using the public key infrastructure certificate authority and it 's digital certificate , can solve the above problems , and at the same time can guarantee the reliability of people 's identity .

  27. 焊接程序规范(WPS)和程序检定记录(PQR)由独立第三方认证机构人员负责核准。

    Both WPS & PQR shall be approved by the independent , accredited organization personnel .

  28. 英国的商学院认证机构amba认为,该机构的会员受到了严重的侵害。

    AMBA , a British-based accreditation agency for business schools , says its members are being badly hurt .

  29. 最后,阐述了JS药品认证机构BSC模型的实施步骤、可能存在的问题以及配套措施。

    In the end , the thesis analyzes the implement steps , possible problems and the supporting measures in BSC of Jiangsu drug certification institutions .

  30. 当一名自称美国大使馆官员的人打电话来斥责他没有英语语言方面的资格时,莫汉同意向Axact开办的网站“全球英语语言培训认证机构”(GlobalInstituteofEnglishLanguageTrainingCertification)支付7500美元。

    When a phone caller who identified himself as an American Embassy official railed at Mohan for his lack of an English-language qualification , he agreed to pay $ 7500 to the Global Institute of English Language Training Certification , an Axact-run website .