
rèn zhī yǔ yán xué
  • cognitive linguistics
  1. 文章以句法、语义、语用三个平面的语法理论为理论背景,结合认知语言学、构式语法、标题语法等相关理论,以期对有一种A叫B构式有一个较为全面的认识。

    Focused on three aspects of syntax , semeiotics and pragmatics theoretical background , this article is to gain a proper understanding of the construction , combined with cognitive linguistics , construction grammar , the title syntax theory and so on .

  2. 以Hoey和其他语言学家为首的认知语言学的这一观点受到了传统的语料库语言学家的批判。

    However , many corpus linguists criticized this view of cognitive linguistics headed by Hoey and other linguists .

  3. 2)以吃/eat为例在认知语言学(CL)框架中阐述了构造的特征。

    The feature of construction is explained within the framework of CL with " Chi / eat " as examples ;

  4. 认知语言学中的理想化认知模型(IdealizedCognitiveModels,简称ICM),尤其是典型理想化认知模式可以构建我们对转喻(Metonymy)生成的理解。

    Idealized Cognitive Models ( ICM ), especially the typical ICM in cognitive linguistics , can be used to construct the understanding of metonymy generation .

  5. 认知语言学对句法的研究通常聚焦于构造语法,以期能为语言提供一个统一的分析方法,同时也有力地批判了TG的基本假设,因而受到国内外认知语言学家的普遍关注。

    The cognitive linguistic approach to syntax goes under the name of Construction Grammar , which is purported to offer a unified account of language .

  6. 随着认知语言学的兴起,尤其是Lakoff和Johnson的《我们赖以生存的隐喻》一书的问世,人们对隐喻的认识发生了翻天覆地的变化。

    With the rising of the cognitive linguistics , especially with the publishing of the book Metaphors We Live By written by Lakoff & Johnson , a great change has occurred in the study of metaphor .

  7. Lakoff和M.Johnson为代表的认知语言学研究实现了从客观主义哲学观到经验现实主义哲学观的转变,这标志着人类意识形态和语言哲学的进步。

    Represented by George Lakoff and M.Johnson , it realized a change from view of objectivism philosophy to that of experimentalism philosophy , marking a progress in human ideology and language philosophy .

  8. 本文从Jakobson的结构主义理论出发,运用认知语言学的隐喻、转喻和空间合成理论,对意象并置产生的实时意义建构进行了分析。

    The paper , starting from Jakobson 's structuralist theory , applies the current theories of metaphor , metonymy and blended space in cognitive linguistics to the analysis of the online meaning construction of juxtaposed images .

  9. 本文探讨认知语言学与意识形态的关系。

    This paper explores the relations between cognitive linguistics and ideology .

  10. 本文对认知语言学的研究范围和研究方法进行回顾和评述。

    This paper reviews the scope and methods of cognitive linguistics .

  11. 这部分运用认知语言学的原理进行解释。

    The theory of cognitive linguistics is used in this part .

  12. 摘要语用学和认知语言学为反语的研究提供了不同的视角。

    Pragmatics and cognitive linguistics provide different perspectives for irony study .

  13. 隐喻与翻译&认知语言学对翻译理论研究的启示

    Metaphor and Translation : A Cognitive Linguistic View on Translation

  14. 认知语言学非常重视对空间方位词的研究。

    Cognitive linguistics stresses the study of special location nouns .

  15. 意义构建问题是认知语言学的一个核心问题之一。

    Meaning construction is one of the core questions of CL.

  16. 本文从语用学以及认知语言学的角度,详细探讨了仿拟的语言、语用和文化特征。

    It discusses the linguistic , pragmatic and cultural features of parody .

  17. 基于认知语言学的教学法与基础英语词汇教学

    Cognitive Linguistics-Based Cognitive Teaching Approach to Basic English Vocabulary Teaching

  18. 范畴理论的发展及其对认知语言学的贡献

    Development of Category Theory and Its Contributions to Cognitive Linguistics

  19. 对莎士比亚的新解释认知语言学理论对词典释义的阐释力

    New reading of Shakespeare Cognitive Linguistics and Its Revelation to Dictionary Explanation

  20. 认知语言学是语言科学中较新的一个流派。

    Cognitive linguistics is a newer school of linguistic science .

  21. 本文从认知语言学角度对巧妙设“预”现象进行探究。

    This thesis deals with it from the angle of cognitive linguistics .

  22. 大学生英语写作错误及其认知语言学分析

    Error Analysis in College English Writing Based on Cognitive Linguistics

  23. 空间介词是认知语言学中一个十分重要的研究对象。

    Spatial preposition is a rather important object of study in cognitive linguistics .

  24. 认知语言学中的基本层次范畴及其特征

    Basic - level Category and Its Features G Language

  25. 认知语言学为预设研究提供了新的理论框架。

    Cognitive linguistics provides a new theoretical framework for the study of presupposition .

  26. 赵元任对认知语言学的理论贡献

    Zhao Yuan-ren 's Contribution to Theory of Cognitive Linguistics

  27. 量词的形成和使用是有理据的,认知语言学中的很多基本观点都可以在它们的使用中找到具体的反映。

    Many basic principles of cognitive linguistics can find concrete realization in classifiers .

  28. 汉英外交文献语言特点的功能语言学阐释科技英语新词的构成特点及其认知语言学阐释

    A Functional Approach to the Language Features of Chinese and English Diplomatic Documents

  29. 概念结构研究是认知语言学领域的重要课题。

    The study of conceptual structure is one important field in cognitive linguistics .

  30. 拓扑心理学与认知语言学的隐含关联性研究

    The Implicit Relevance between Topological Psychology and Cognitive Linguistics