
  1. 在不确定情况下判断的认知哲学分析

    Cognitive Philosophy Analysis of the Judgment under Uncertainty

  2. 在福多的认知哲学思想部分中,心脑关系是认知本质的理论基础,这种心脑关系是建立在符号同一论的观点之上的。

    In the last part , Mind-brain relation based on the token-token identity theory is the basis of cognitive essence .

  3. 语言认知是哲学和语言学研究的共同课题。

    Language cognition is a topic for both linguistic and philosophical inquiries .

  4. 同样,主体客体的相互作用也是管理学作为认知科学哲学的最基本的研究目标。

    Meanwhile , the interaction of the main object is the basic research aim of the knowledge scientific philosophy .

  5. 没有比所谓“缸中的大脑”更有影响力的思想实验了,这个思想实验涵盖了从认知学到哲学到流行文化等各个领域。

    There has been no more influential thought experiment than the so-called " brain in a vat " hypothesis , which has permeated everything from cognitive science and philosophy to popular culture .

  6. 脑认知功能及其哲学思考

    A Study and Philosophical Thinking of Cognitive Function on Brain

  7. 认知科学与哲学关系的历史审视

    Historical Survey on the Relationship between Cognitive Science and Philosophy

  8. 培养元认知能力的哲学思考及教学实践

    Philosophical Thinking of Developing Metacognitive Ability and Teaching Practice

  9. 认知语言学的哲学基础:体验哲学

    The philosophical basis for cognitive linguistics : Embodied philosophy

  10. 超文本范式&关于公共信息资源及其认知机制的哲学思考

    Hypertext Paradigm : Philosophical Thinking of Public Information Resources and Their Cognition Mechanisms

  11. 认知语义学及其哲学根源

    Cognitive Semantics and Its Origin of Philosophy

  12. 认知语言学的哲学基础是经验现实主义,同时也被称为体验观。

    It takes experiential realism , also known as embodiment , as its philosophy basis .

  13. 经验主义:认知语言学的哲学观试论经验主义语料观的回归

    The Regression of Empirical Corpus Study

  14. 体验哲学(经验主义,经验现实主义)是第二代认知语言学的哲学基础。

    The embodied philosophy ( Experientialism , Experiential Realism ) is the base of the second-generation cognitive linguistics .

  15. 英汉语隐喻认知对比的哲学基础

    On Philosophic Foundation of the Contrastive Study of Metaphors Between English and Chinese Why Chinese ? What Is Philosophy

  16. 认知语言学的哲学观与马克思主义认识论比较观察在认知过程中的作用是什么?

    A Comparison between the Philosophical Outlook in Cognitive Linguistics and Marxist Epistemology ; What is the role of observation in knowing ?

  17. 随着认知语言学体验哲学思想对语用研究的渗透,语用意义的体验认知观也开始初见端倪。

    With the influence of philosophy in flesh adopted by cognitive linguistics , experiential approach to pragmatic meaning has become the focus of pragmatic studies .

  18. 技能的本质以及初学者和专业人士之间的差异这一话题一直是认知科学和哲学领域的有大量讨论的话题之一。

    The topic of the nature of skill - and the differences between beginners and experts - has been one of considerable discussion in cognitive science and philosophy .

  19. 隐喻研究由来已久,从单纯的修辞学研究,发展到后来的认知心理学、哲学、语用学、符号学、现象学、阐释学等多角度研究。

    Metaphor study has a long history , from the pure rhetoric , later the cognitive psychology , philosophy , pragmatics , semiotics , phenomenology , hermeneutics from multiple perspectives , such as research .

  20. 自20世纪七十年代起,学者从认知心理学、哲学、语用学、符号学等角度对隐喻进行多层次的系统研究,而隐喻翻译的研究却未引起足够的重视。

    Scholars have made a multi-level and systematic study of metaphor from cognitive psychological , philosophical , pragmatic and semiotic aspects since 1970s , but the translation of metaphor does not gain the equal attention .

  21. 而现今的隐喻研究已拓展到认知心理学、哲学、语用学等领域。研究者们将隐喻视为各种意义理论和语言理解理论的检验场。

    The research of metaphor nowadays has been expanded into the fields of cognitive psychology , philosophy and pragmatics etc. The researchers view metaphor as the testing ground of various theories of meaning and language understanding .

  22. 体验哲学是认知语言学的哲学基础,主要提出了三条基本原则:心智的体验性,认知的无意识性,思维的隐喻性,这对于语言的成因具有较大的解释力。

    Embodied Philosophy , which has three basic rules : the embodied mind , the cognitive unconsciousness , and metaphorical thought , has become the theoretical basis of cognitive linguistics . It is more powerful for the explanation of language formation .

  23. 体验哲学作为当代认知科学的哲学基础,将人与世界的互动活动&体验作为联系主、客观的桥梁。

    As the philosophical foundation of today 's cognitive science , the " Philosophy in the Flesh " sees man 's experience , the interaction of man and the world as the bridge linking the subjective world with the objective one .

  24. 本文通过探究认知诗学的哲学基础,希望能够完善认知诗学本身,推进语言学、文学、及哲学等学科之间的跨学科研究,深化对人类认知与思维的理解。

    By probing into the philosophical foundation of cognitive poetics , the thesis is expected to promote the construction of cognitive poetics as a discipline , to accelerate the interdisciplinary research among linguistics , literature and philosophy , to improve the comprehension of human thought and cognition .

  25. 首先,我们探讨了认知语用学的哲学渊源,这一语用学的分支被认为起源于莫里斯(Morris)的符号学和格赖斯(Grice)关于会话含义的逻辑推导理论。

    First , we provide the philosophical origin of cognitive pragmatics , which is Charles Morris ' semiotics and Grice 's logical deduction of conversational implicature .

  26. 逻辑主义:基于认知分析的数学哲学

    Logicism : The Philosophy of Mathematics Based On Cognitive Analyses

  27. 认知转向:科学哲学发展史上一次新的战略性转移

    The Cognitive Turn : A New Strategic Development in Philosophy of Science

  28. 脚本的兼容性认知特征及语言哲学解释

    The Cognitive Features of Scripts and the Philosophical Exposition

  29. 认知语言学研究的哲学思考

    Philosophical Thoughts of Studying Cognitive Linguistics

  30. 外国诗歌审美通感的认知机制与体验哲学

    Analysis of Cognitive Mechanism of Synaesthetic Metaphor in Foreign Poems from the Perspective of Embodied Philosophy