
  • 网络need for cognition;cognitive need;cognitive demand
  1. 认知需要与战略决策过程之间的关系

    Need for Cognition and the Process of Strategic Decision Making

  2. 网络广告研究领域的一个重要变量&认知需要又是如何在网络广告特性与浏览者态度之间发生作用的?

    What is the role of an important variable in the field of internet advertisement & need for cognition between the characteristics of internet advertisement and attitudes of web browsers ?

  3. 决策目标和认知需要对成本沉没效应的影响

    The Impact of Decision Goal and Cognition Needs on Sunk Cost Effect

  4. 人类认知需要自身的心理成长过程。

    Human being 's cognition based on psychological development .

  5. 病理性互联网使用与情绪、认知需要的模型构建

    A Structural Equation Modeling of Mood , Need For Cognition and Pathological Internet Use

  6. 报道展开的层次不同,对于受众态度形成、认知需要、理性分析的满足不同;各种大众传播媒介报道的优劣特点不同,工作方式与着眼点也不同。

    Different coverage levels provide audiences with different information for their attitude , perception and rational analysis .

  7. 完成这种认知需要将自己浸润在客户的雄心和他们的关切里。

    This is accomplished by immersing oneself in the client 's ambitions as well as their concerns .

  8. 其中,认知需要包括求真、向善、爱美的需要;

    Among them , cognitive need refers to the need for the true , the good and the beautiful ;

  9. 翻译活动是按照社会认知需要,在具有不同规则的符号系统之间所作的信息传递过程。

    The activity of translation is a process of information transferring between symbolic systems that have different rules in accordance with the demands of social cognition .

  10. 本研究以人格预测任务作为决策任务,考察由情境启动激活的决策策略和认知需要的个体差异对决策过程和决策结果的影响。

    This study used personality prediction tasks as the decision-making task , reviewing the impact of situation priming and cognition needs on decision processes and outcomes .

  11. 二十五年来,语言教学上的许多重要发展都以某种方式涉及到语言学习过程中对情感因素的认知需要。

    Many of the major developments in language teaching during the past twenty-five years are in some way related to the need to acknowledge affects in language learning .

  12. 认知需要是对自然人类为了获得对身边世界更多的了解从而需要学习、探索、发现还有创造的一个表达短语。

    Cognitive needs is the expression of the natural human need to learn , explore , discover and create to get a better understanding of the world around them .

  13. 本研究运用情境案例法探讨了在不确定环境下决策者的认知需要与其在战略决策过程中分析环境和判断战略导向的关系。

    Using the situation-based case analysis , this study aimed to examine the relationships between the need for cognition and individuals ' analysis of the environment and judgment of strategic orientation .

  14. 通过相关分析发现高认知需要者在决策过程中更倾向于关注环境、对环境做出积极判断、强调从长远和全面的角度去分析企业战略。

    It was found that the greater need for cognition was associated with more attention to environments , more positive judgment of the environment , and more long-term and comprehensive perspectives on strategic issues .

  15. 2充分满足学生的内在需要(尤其是认知需要)。内在需要的满足是培养学生物理自主学习意识的前提。

    Satisfy the Internal needs of the students sufficiently ( especially cognitive needs ) . The precondition to cultivate high school students ' autonomic learning consciousness is to satisfy their Internal needs . 3 .

  16. 关于认知需要的问卷调查——要求调查对象针对如“我真的很喜欢一个需要想出问题新的解决方法任务”,以及“我只是觉得我要努力”等这些语句的认知程度进行打分。

    The ' need for cognition " questionnaire asked participants to rate how strongly they agree with statements such as " I really enjoy a task that involves coming up with new solutions to problems , " and " I only think as hard as I have to . "

  17. 规划的社会认知水平需要提高。

    The public cognition for comprehensive land use planning needs improving .

  18. 当你终于感觉饥饿的时候,你将认知你需要吃一些上帝创造的东西。

    When you finally do get hungry , you will recognize that you need to eat something that God created .

  19. 认知闭合需要显著影响高中生志愿决策后悔。

    High school students ' Need for Cognitive Closure effect of decision regret of the will of college entrance examination significantly .

  20. 出于对生物和化学过程中的关键性过程认知的需要,人们付出了相当大的努力来发展荧光探针。

    The need for the understanding essential recognition events in chemistry and biology has directed considerable efforts toward the development of chemical probes .

  21. 认知闭合需要是近年来心理学的研究热点,它被认为是人类稳定的认知特征。

    Need for Cognitive Closure is a hot-discussed psychology researches in recent years , it is considered as one of individuals ' stable characters .

  22. 雷朋说,这种女性越来越多使用科技产品的趋势将持续下去&广告客户需要确认他们迎合了女性对科技产品日益增长的使用和认知的需要。

    Laybourne said this increasing use of technology among women was expected to continue & with advertisers needing to ensure they addressed women 's increased usage and knowledge .

  23. 研究二编制风险情境探讨认知闭合需要对志愿决策风险偏向的影响。

    The second experiment use risky story situation to research impact of Need for Cognitive Closure ' on the risk decision propensity of the will of college entrance examination .

  24. 由此可知,认知无线电需要根据感知结果动态的调整其无线系统的运行参数,其物理层必须拥有很高的灵活性和适应性。

    According to the above , cognitive radio need to dynamically adjust the operational parameters of its wireless system , which requires its physical layer to possess high flexibility and adaptability .

  25. 高丽大学的李敏硕博士是本论文的第一作者,他表示,“关于除菌皂的能力,广告的错误引导和消费者扭曲的认知都需要改改了。”

    The paper 's lead author , Dr Min-Suk Rhee , of Korea University , said ' advertisement and consumer belief regarding the effectiveness of antibacterial soaps needs to be addressed . '

  26. 同时也为促使高认知闭合需要者对决策信息进行详尽的加工,减轻高闭合倾向,提高决策质量提供了理论依据。

    At the same time , It also provide a basic theory about how to promote individuals with high dispositional NFCC to search more information , reduce the high closed orientation , which improve their decision quality .

  27. 到底认知闭合需要对志愿决策有什么影响,是怎样影响的,以往的研究几乎没有涉及,本文拟对这一问题进行探讨。

    Need for Cognitive Closure in the end what effect decision-making of the will of college entrance examination , how it affects , in the past studies , the researchers always pay only a little attention to it .

  28. 从价值的本质属性出发,认为情节犯的价值就在于立法者和司法者与情节犯的认知和需要与情节犯本身属性之间的关系性问题。

    From the aspect of the nature of value , the importance of circumstance crime lies in the needs and recognition to circumstance crime from legislation and jurisdiction , the nature of circumstance crime itself and the relation between them .

  29. 此外,自我表达、自我认知经常需要通过社会比较获得:实验同伴外在形象及其表达内容对被试造成了某种压力,同伴压力导致的是上行比较还是下行比较直接影响自我认知。

    Furthermore , self-expression and self-evaluation are always a social comparison process : the pressure from peers ' appearance and the topic of conversation can produce either an upward comparison or downward comparison which will have very important effect on the respondents ' self-evaluation .

  30. 组建实际认知无线电网络需要解决的核心问题是:如何准确地识别频谱空穴并检测授权用户出现。

    The core problem of constructing the actual cognitive radio networks is how to find the spectrum hole and identify the license users .