
  1. 正确认识信息技术革命在这一过程对经济产生的影响具有重要的意义。

    It is of great significance to recognize the economic impact of the information technology revolution .

  2. 充分认识信息技术应用对传统企业管理产生的影响和所带来的变化,对我们运用信息技术提升我国企业的整体竞争能力,实现跨越式发展,有着极为重要的现实意义

    So it is of great realistic significance for upgrade the whole competitive ability of business to realize fully the influence and changes to traditional business administration of information technology application

  3. 以此同时,教师应更新教育教学观念,正确认识信息技术素养;自己创造条件,不断提高自己的信息技术素养;积极参加各种信息技术比赛活动。

    In the same time , the teacher should update education and teaching concept , make a correct understanding of information technology literacy , create the conditions to constantly improve their own information technology literacy and take part in all kinds of information technology competition activities .

  4. 电子商务是由多学科交叉融合而形成的,注重将信息技术、管理科学、经济学等知识有机融为一体,从信息技术的角度理解交易过程,从经营、管理的角度认识信息技术的价值。

    Third , we pay great attention to incorporate other subjects such as information technology , management science , economics for the reason that E-commerce consists of many subjects , to comprehend trade process from information technology perspective and to comprehend the value of it from running and management perspective .

  5. 生产费用和总运输费东方海外很早就已认识到信息技术会对集装箱运输业产生日益重要的影响。

    Production cost and freight OOCL has long recognized the growing importance of IT on the containerized transport industry .

  6. 大多数组织都认识到信息技术(IT)在支持其业务目标中扮演的关键角色。

    Most organizations have realized that Information Technology ( IT ) is playing a crucial role in supporting their business objectives .

  7. 在整合过程中认识到信息技术的局限性,与传统教学手段优势互补,避免陷入误区。

    During the integration process , we recognized the limitations of information technology , also take use of complementary advantages of the traditional teaching means , to avoid any misunderstanding .

  8. 在探索过程中,各国不约而同的认识到信息技术将引领未来经济的发展方向,全球将掀起新一轮的信息技术浪潮。

    On the way exploring the new manners , all of them have been aware of that the information technology will lead the development of the economy in the future and the world will meet a new wave of the development of the information technology .

  9. 信息技术带来的认识论的信息技术转向及实在和虚在的对立等,是哲学上与信息技术伦理对应的解释。

    The conversion of epistemological and the contradiction between reality and nihility brought by information technology are the philosophical explanation corresponding to information technology ethic .

  10. 论文的第二部分谈了作者对信息技术与数学课程整合的基本认识,指出信息技术在与数学课程整合中充当着如下的工具:演示工具、探索工具、交流工具、提供资源环境。

    In the second part of the thesis , The writer introduces his understand to the integration of information technology and mathematics curriculum . Then he points out the function of information technology .

  11. 随着21世纪信息技术的不断突破,互联网对世界的政治、经济、文化以及社会生活都产生了巨大的影响,使我们深刻地认识到了信息技术的伟大力量。

    With the constant breakthrough of information technology in 21 ~ ( st ) century , the internet greatly influences politics , economy , culture and social life of the world , and makes us deeply realize the great force of information technology .

  12. 信息过滤技术涉及到国家安全、社会公共安全,世界各国已经认识到信息过滤技术涉及重大国家利益,同时也是推动互联网发展、电子政务和电子商务的关键。

    The information filtering technique concerns the national security and the social public security , to which the international community has already unanimously agreed , and the information filters the technique is also the key point to promote the Internet development , the electronics governmental affairs and electronic commerce .

  13. 没有一个是准确的,只是信息系统的专科需要任何意义的认识,信息系统和技术,因为这是他们的专长。

    Because any manager may find themselves in the role of managing an information technology department as part of their corporate career track .

  14. 多源信息融合技术是协同利用多源信息以获得对同一事物或目标更客观、更本质认识的信息综合处理技术,最早出现于20世纪70年代。

    Multi-source information fusion is the technique that utilizes different information from the same object synthetically in order to obtain the more objective and entitative information for this object .

  15. 试验不但充分的发挥了传统数学教学中的优点,同时也为学生准确的认识到数学和信息技术在现实生活中的实际应用做了前期引导。

    The test is not only brought the advantages of traditional mathematics teaching , but also give the students an accurate understanding of mathematics and IT in the practical application of real-life pre-boot .

  16. 人们认识到必须通过信息技术的应用来改进政府组织,重组公共管理,实现办公自动化和信息资源的共享,形成虚拟的电子政府与网络时代的社会发展相适应。

    People realized that we should improve the government organization , reconstruct public management , realize office automation and information sharing , and form virtual " e-government " to adapt to the modern network society .