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  1. 研究人员发现,女人对于看格兰特或佩帕德并没有太多兴趣,她们关注的是麦古基安和赫本。

    The researchers found women weren 't interested in looking at Grant or Peppard : it was McCutcheon and Hepburn they focused on .

  2. 另外一张图片取自1961年经典电影《蒂凡尼的早餐》,在图片中,奥黛丽•赫本饰演的焦头烂额的霍莉•戈莱特丽和她的房客、乔治•佩帕德饰演的保罗•瓦雅克因为一盏台灯而起了争执。

    Another scene was from the 1961 classic Breakfast at Tiffany 's , in which Audrey Hepburn 's tightly-wound character Holly Golightly tussles over a table lamp with her tenant Paul Varjak , played by George Peppard .