
  • 网络peyton;Payton;Paton;Gary Payton
  1. 坎贝尔没能阻止佩顿放弃。

    Campbell tried in vain to dissuade Paton from quitting .

  2. 没有人胆敢打断他的臆想(艾伦佩顿)

    No one would have dared to break into his abstraction ( Alan Paton )

  3. 那一年他们家的圣诞合影上有拉卡莎、杰里米、他们的儿子佩顿(Peyton)和一张贝拉的相片。

    Their Christmas photo that year shows LaKasha , Jeremy , their son Peyton and a framed portrait of Bella .

  4. 佩顿与公司还录制了圣安德烈断层地震的声音,把它结合到安德鲁·洛金顿(AndrewLockington)创作的配乐中去。

    ( Mr. Peyton and company also recorded seismic sounds of the San Andreas fault , and incorporated them in a score by Andrew Lockington . )

  5. 创新科技产品销售网站GrandSt的联合创始人阿曼达•佩顿(AmandaPeyton)承认,独立、创新、另类电子产品市场在今天价值1万亿美元的消费类电子产品市场中仅占一小部分。

    Amanda Peyton , co-founder of Grand St , a marketplace for creative technology , admits that the independent , creative , alternative electronics market is worth just a fraction of the $ 1tn consumer electronics market today .

  6. 创新科技产品销售网站GrandSt的联合创始人阿曼达•佩顿(AmandaPeyton)承认,“独立、创新、另类电子产品”市场在今天价值1万亿美元的消费类电子产品市场中仅占一小部分。

    Amanda Peyton , co-founder of Grand St , a marketplace for creative technology , admits that the " independent , creative , alternative electronics " market is worth just a fraction of the $ 1tn consumer electronics market today .

  7. 所以卢卡斯去那边,佩顿跟你睡。

    So Lucas goes there , Peyton goes in with you .

  8. 他雇用了一个物理学家法兰西斯·尤佩顿来协助他。

    He hired physics expert named Francis Upton to help him .

  9. 弗莱德斯,给我接戴维斯号上的佩顿指挥官。

    Flanders , get me admiral pendelton on the crateon davies .

  10. 但我不会离开的,佩顿。

    But , um , I 'm not going anywhere , peyton .

  11. 我今天很高兴,佩顿。

    I had a really great time today , peyton .

  12. 佩顿丢了,我不知道她在哪里。

    I lost peyton . I don 't know where she is .

  13. 菜鸟梅琪佩顿和她的车贺比。

    Rookie driver Maggie peyton , in a car she calls herbie .

  14. 我可以去找佩顿或者卢卡斯,又或者其他人。

    I can just call Peyton or Lucas or something .

  15. 顺便说一下,你跟佩顿谈过了吗?

    By the way , have you talked to peyton ?

  16. 佩顿,真舍不得走。

    Peyton , it sucks that I have to go .

  17. 埃莉为什么来找我们,佩顿?

    Why do you think Ellie came to see us , peyton ?

  18. 好啊。佩顿是双子座的,而这就说明了一切。

    Payton 's a Gemini & and that explains everything .

  19. 否则我们就要参加佩顿的葬礼了。

    Otherwise we might have been at peyton 's funeral .

  20. 你不是下一个伟大的佩顿。

    You 're not the next great Peyton after all .

  21. 怪物,你是指佩顿?

    By " troll ," do you mean payton ?

  22. 那是去年春天你写给佩顿的!

    Last spring in another letter you wrote-to peyton !

  23. 我是说佩顿队需要这次比赛。

    I mean , team Peyton needs this race .

  24. 就像是上佩顿•曼宁教的橄榄球课一样

    It 's like I 'm taking a football class from Peyton Manning .

  25. 斯坦佩顿我就知道我听过你的名字

    Stapleton ! I knew I knew your name .

  26. 你能不能今天不要跟佩顿说话。

    I 'd appreciate it if you wouldn 't talk to Peyton today .

  27. 佩顿,我不明白你为什么这么生气。

    Peyton , I don 't understand why you 're so pissed off .

  28. 而这些大池塘全是通往佩顿河的。

    And these great big shit ponds are leaking shit into Peyton creek .

  29. 我真希望当时能在你身边,佩顿。

    I really wish I could have been there for you , peyton .

  30. 你是咱们佩顿家第一个大学生。

    You 're the first Peyton to graduate college .