
pèi jiàn
  • sabre;walking sword;walking rapier;a double-edged sword
佩剑 [pèi jiàn]
  • [a double-edged sword] 腰间佩带的剑

  • 佩剑将军

佩剑[pèi jiàn]
  1. 采用文献资料法、观察法、专家咨询法等方法,论述我国女子佩剑运动员比赛中技战术运用的特点,主要表现为:1.以对攻转换战术为主;2.进攻与防守平衡;

    Using literature method and expert consult method , the author does a research on the tendency and characteristics of skill and tactics of our female walking sword .

  2. 这位败将交出他的佩剑以示就范。

    The defeated general showed his submission by giving up his sword .

  3. 大权在握者,比如斯大林和希特勒(Hitler),往往将自己视为无私而孤独的骑士,在佩剑纵马前行时被吸引至敌人的疆土。

    Men of power such as a Stalin or Hitler usually see themselves as selfless , lone knights riding with swords drawn into hostile territory .

  4. 可能您还不知道禁止佩剑的新法例。

    Perhaps you are unaware of the law against wearing sword .

  5. 如何培养女子佩剑选手的进攻意识

    How to Develop the Attacking Consciousness of Women Sabre Fencers

  6. 我们把他的佩剑和十字荣誉勋章带了回来准备交给他的太太做纪念。

    We bring to his widow his sword and cross of honor .

  7. 女子佩剑运动的项目特点和发展趋势的分析

    Analysis on Item Characteristic and Trend of Women Sabre Fencing

  8. 我国优秀男子佩剑运动员仲满的技术运用分析

    Using Technology Analysis of Chinese Excellent Saber Player ZHONG Man

  9. 法国优秀佩剑运动员多年训练安排与比赛成功率预测模型研究

    Training Program of French Elite Sabre Fencers and Competition Success Forecast Model

  10. 他放下面罩,抽出佩剑。

    He dropped his visor and slid out his sword .

  11. 单腿冲刺进攻在当今佩剑比赛中的作用

    Function of Single Leg Fleche in Contemporary Sabre Competitions

  12. 在击剑比赛中使用花剑、重剑和佩剑三种剑。

    Foil , epee and sabre are the three weapons used in fencing competitions .

  13. 浅谈佩剑进攻战术在比赛中的作用

    The Role of Sabres Offensive Skill in Competitions

  14. 在花剑和佩剑比赛中,只有进攻方才能得分。

    In foil and saber , only the attacking fencer can score a point .

  15. 佩剑的剑身具有柔性,一侧刃可用于劈砍。

    The saber has a flexible blade with a cutting edge on one side .

  16. 骑士们佩剑披甲准备战斗。

    The Knights girded themselves for battle .

  17. 这个下午,是什么原因触动了它,为我独自铸了这枚光的佩剑?

    This afternoon , what made it mold a sword of light for me alone ?

  18. 英国皇家侍卫官佩剑。

    England royalty housecarl 's dressing saber .

  19. 你看,那就是我的佩剑。

    Look , this is my sword .

  20. 佩剑速度最快也往往用得时间最短。

    Saber has the fastest speed in the three weapons with the shortest time in competitions .

  21. 在大众理念中,忍者倾向于被塑造为带着佩剑、投出飞镖、一袭黑衣的勇士。

    In pop culture , ninjas tend to be portrayed as sword-wielding , shuriken-throwing , black-clad warriors .

  22. 世界杯女子佩剑决定性动作起动和时机距离值的准定量研究

    Semi-Quantitative Research on Start and Opportune Distance of Decisive Action for World Cup 's Female Sabre Fencers

  23. 奥运会击剑比赛使用的剑有三种:花剑、佩剑和重剑。

    There are three kinds of sword used in the Olympic fencing-foil , sabre , and epee .

  24. 他的佩剑横放在膝上,让大家都能看见。

    His sword was across his knees , the steel bare for all the world to see .

  25. 你若作恶,却当惧怕。因为他不是空空的佩剑。

    But if you do wrong , be afraid , for he does not bear the sword for nothing .

  26. 扎格尼斯是2004年(雅典奥运会)佩剑金牌得主。此次,她以15比8击败银牌得主萨达-雅各布森。

    Zagunis , the2004 saber champion , took the gold with a15-8 victory over Sada Jacobson who took the silver .

  27. 不过,在仪式之后,他用礼仪佩剑来切他们的婚礼蛋糕,弥补了他的紧张。

    But he made up for his nerves after the event by cutting their wedding cake with his ceremonial sword .

  28. 所以他不妨跟女孩子们学学针线,然后叫密肯把他的佩剑熔掉,拿去做马蹄铁吧。

    so he might as well take up needlework with the girls and have Mikken melt down his sword for horseshoes .

  29. 春秋战国时,斗剑、佩剑之风盛行,剑术量论也相应得到发展。

    In the warring state period , toasting fork and walking rapier were in vogue with swordsmanship also gaining certain development .

  30. 他抽出佩剑,举至盔前,剑刃向上,摆出一个表示敬意与和平的手势。

    He drew his sword , held it to his helm , blade upward , in gesture of salute and peace .