
  1. 他的标志是这样的,佩戴方式如上所述。

    His Seal is this which is to be worn as aforesaid , etc.

  2. 矫治器的佩戴方式、治疗时期和功能影响部位均与患者满意度有关。

    The adorn fashion , treatment stage and functional position has influence on patient satisfaction .

  3. 谷歌眼镜的佩戴方式跟戴耳机如出一辙。

    Google Glass is a headset which is worn the same way you 'd wear a pair of sunglasses .

  4. 这种固定部位的固定的佩戴方式,在很大程度上束缚了首饰艺术的发展,限定了首饰与身体的关系,也制约了身体的呈现。

    The fixed part of the fixed wear way to a large extent hindered the development of Jewelry Art , defines the relationship between jewelry and body , and restricted the presentation of the body .

  5. 如果你不能向下卷开避孕套的话,你佩戴的方式很可能是不正确的。

    If you have difficulty unrolling the condom , you might have put it on the wrong way .