
  • 网络Breech;breech presentation;breech position
  1. NST假反应型可能与脐带异常、臀位及妊娠高血压综合征等高危妊娠有关;

    False response of NST may relate to abnormity of umbilical cord , breech presentation and pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome .

  2. 结果:脐带脱垂的发生率为0.14%,其中臀位脐带脱垂的发生率为3.04%,头位为0.03%,两者比较差异高度显著,P0.001。

    Results : The incidence of prolapse of umbilical cord was 0.14 % , with 3.04 % for breech presentation and 0.03 % for cephalic presentation respectively ( P0.001 ), which was statistically significant .

  3. 臀位分娩与IVH的发生有统计学意义。

    Beech delivery played an important role in the occurrence of IVH .

  4. 结果胎膜早破、胎盘因素、双胎、臀位、妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP)、妊娠高血压疾病等为早产主要原因。

    Results The main causes included premature rupture of membrane , placental factors , unknown aetiology , bigeminal , glutea position , intrahepatic cholestasis of gestational period ( ICP ), gestational hypertension and so on .

  5. 初产臀位选择分娩方式的简易评分法&附1218例分析

    Simple Scoring Method in Selection of Delivery Route for Primipara Breech

  6. 硫酸舒喘灵在纠正臀位中的作用

    The action of salbutamol sulfate in correcting breech presentations of fetus

  7. 卧位纠正臀位一次成功的临床观察

    A clinical observation of correcting breech position with the decubitus

  8. 单胎足月臀位分娩方式的选择

    The choice of delivery method in single term breech fetus

  9. 臀位妊娠分娩方式的选择

    The choice of mode of delivery for breech presentation in nulliparous women

  10. 你好,我的大女儿出生时也是臀位

    Breech ? Hello . My first daughter was a breech baby .

  11. 目的:探讨臀位矫正的适当时机及可行方法。

    Objective : To explore the time and way for correcting pelvic presentation .

  12. 臀位改良倒转术157例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 157 cases of improved cephalic version

  13. 臀位致先天性髋关节脱位的病因分析及预防

    Pathogenic analysis of congenital hipjoint dislocation caused by breech presentation and its prevention

  14. 单胎初产臀位围产儿预后相关因素分析

    Related factor analysis of outcome of breech presentation perinatal with single pregnant and primipara

  15. 目的探讨臀位分娩方式的选择及其并发症的发生。

    Objective To investigate the selection of method of breech delivery and its complications .

  16. 产钳术在臀位阴道分娩中的应用初探重新评价产钳术在阴道助产中的地位

    By obstetric forceps evaluation of assisted vaginal delivery

  17. 目的:探讨膝胸卧位纠正臀位的临床效果。

    To approach the clinic effect of correcting breech postition with knee chest decubitus .

  18. 目的为了合理有效地控制臀位剖宫产率。

    Objective : To effectively control of birth by womb operation in the hips .

  19. 结论:胎盘&胎儿循环阻力增加可能是臀位形成的原因之一。

    Conclusion : The increasing of placenta-fetal circulatory resistance maybe a factor in breech presentation .

  20. 结论:提高臀位妊娠剖宫产率并非是降低围生儿死亡率的唯一手段,应加强臀位妊娠期保健,防止臀位妊娠并发症的发生。

    Conclusion : Improving cesarean section is not the only way to reduce perinatal mortality .

  21. 应用简易评分法控制臀位剖宫产率

    Application of the Simple Evaluation Method to Control the Rate of Birth by Womb Operation

  22. 剖宫产时极度胎头高浮转为臀位分娩术式探讨

    Effects of breech delivery to be turned from excessive floating fetal head in cesarean delivery

  23. 我那时也是臀位的。

    I was also in breech presentation .

  24. 她的宝宝是臀位,我不想在这儿做剖腹产手术臀位

    Her baby 's breech , and I would hate to try a c-section here .

  25. 对于臀位剖宫产应掌握好臀牵引术的技巧,应按臀位分娩机转进行。

    Breech position caesarean sectionshouldmaster the skill of breech extraction , operating according to breech deliverymechanism .

  26. 不过最后,胎位依然是臀位,她需要进行剖腹产了。

    But in the end , the baby remained breech and she needed a caesarean section .

  27. 臀位改良倒转术是减少臀位分娩率的有效措施&附69例报告

    Improved Cephalic Version , Effective Method of Reducing of Breech Delivery : A Report of 69 Cases

  28. 胎儿脐血流阻力增加与臀位的关系探讨

    Study of the Relationship between Breech Presentation and the Increasing of Fetal Umbilical Artery Blood Flow Resistance

  29. 臀位能掌握臀牵引技术者,应行臀牵引术;

    The person that buttock potential energy masters buttock drawing skill , should go buttock drawing art ;

  30. 初产妇足月臀位分娩方式的选择&273例分析

    Selection of the mode of the term breech delivery in primigravida & a clinical analysis of 273 cases