
  • 网络hip;Hip breadth;hip width
  1. 本试验选择无角陶赛特、萨福克成年公羊为试验材料,经颈静脉采血提取血液中基因组DNA,并现场对采样肉羊进行臀围和臀宽测量。

    In this study , Poll Dorset , Suffolk adult rams were selected as the test material , from which jugular vein was collected to extract genomic DNA , and measured the hindquarter width and hip circumference on the spot . 1 .

  2. 显得武术运动员骼窄而髋宽或细腰臀宽,有待于进一步分析。

    All this shows the Chinese Wushu Routines players usually have got the narrow iliac bone and the wide hip , or rather , the thin waist and the wide buttocks , which needs to be further analysed.10 .

  3. 站在椅子前,双脚间距与臀同宽。

    Stand in front of your chair with your feet a hip 's width apart .