
tún bù
  • pygal;hipshot;derrière;buttock;rump;rear;seat;posterior;hip
臀部 [tún bù]
  • (1) [buttock]∶四足动物后肢的上端和腰相连接的部位

  • (2) [rump]∶各种动物身体后部无明显标志或界限的部分

臀部[tún bù]
  1. 将手放在臀部下面,减轻背部的一些压力。

    Place your hands under your buttocks to take some of the strain off your back

  2. Bill:在荷兰索要bill(账单)可能会引起哄堂大笑:在那儿的意思是臀部。

    Bill : Asking for the bill might raise a few guffaws in the Netherlands : bill means buttocks there .

  3. 这条牛仔裤的臀部太窄。

    These jeans are too tight around the hips .

  4. 当主唱者扭摆臀部时,观众发狂似地尖叫起来。

    As the lead singer gyrated his hips , the crowd screamed wildly .

  5. 奶牛的臀部标着一个数字。

    The cows ' rumps were marked with a number .

  6. 他从脖子到臀部均被烧伤。

    He had burns that stretched from his neck to his hips .

  7. 我的衬裙已经蹿到臀部,厚厚地卷成一圈。

    My underskirt had ridden up into a thick band around my hips .

  8. 然后他站起来,拍了拍牛仔裤的臀部。

    Then he got up and brushed off the seat of his jeans .

  9. 她得减去臀部多余的脂肪。

    She will have to get rid of the excess weight on her hips .

  10. 他的灰色短裤的臀部开裂了。

    The seat of his short grey trousers split

  11. 每天只锻炼20分钟,即使最松弛的臀部也会变挺翘。

    Exercise for just 20 minutes a day to firm up even the saggiest bottom .

  12. 如果能对自己的身体做一点改变,那她会选择臀部。

    If there was one thing she could change about her body it would be her bottom .

  13. 鞍座上的弹簧翘出来,把我裤子臀部那块磨破了。

    It had a saddle with springs sticking out , which wore away the seat of my pants

  14. 几年前我把一条腿摔断了,石膏夹板一直固定到臀部。

    A few years ago I broke my leg and had a plaster cast on up to my hip .

  15. 是的,这是一款臀部自拍杆。美国公司On.com推出的BelfieStick通过可弯曲设计,能让人们更轻松地实现臀部自拍。

    The Belfie Stick , from US company On.com , lets people more easily take a picture of their behind using a bendable design .

  16. 他们随着流行音乐的声音摇晃着臀部

    They wiggled their hips to the sound of pop music .

  17. 拥有沙漏身材的女性有着丰满的胸部和圆润的臀部,与纤细的腰部形成鲜明的对比,这种身材的轮廓因为酷似古时的沙漏而得名。

    Women with this type of figure have wide hips that resembles an old-fashioned hourglass .

  18. 是吗?可能你是需要做更多的臀部运动吧

    Yeah , well , maybe you need to do a few more butt flexes .

  19. 这些妇女特别不喜欢自己的胃部,腹部,臀部,大腿,腿部

    The women especially disliked their stomachs or abdomens , hips , thighs and legs .

  20. 如果看到一条李维斯牛仔裤臀部没有口袋会让人感觉很奇怪。

    It would be odd to see a pair of Levi 's without hand-sized pockets on the hips .

  21. 臀部自拍杆配有可延长的调节杆,中间设有铰链,无需镜子,就可以帮助摄影爱好者捕捉到完美角度。

    The extendable and adjustable1 arm , with a hinge in the middle , helps amateur photographers get the perfect angle without needing to use a mirror .

  22. 能够降低患心脏病的风险,提高血压和血糖值和锻炼臀大肌、股四头肌,肌腱,还有臀部和小腿的肌肉。

    Lower your risk of heart disease , improve your blood pressure and blood sugar levels and build strength in your glutes , quadriceps , hamstrings , and the muscles in your hips2 and lower legs .

  23. 一般建议所有搭乘飞机的乘客,不管是头等舱、商务舱还是经济舱,都要多喝水,有可能时就要走一走活动双腿,定时扭扭脚踝,转转膝盖和臀部,尽量减少患上经济舱综合征的风险。

    It is recommended that all persons traveling on air flights , irrespective of which class they are in , drink lots of water and move their legs by walking whenever possible and by periodically flexing to minimize the risk of economy class syndrome .

  24. 研究显示,将近三分之一的臀部和骨盆骨伤不能通过X射线检测出来。

    X-rays fail to spot up to nearly a third of fractures in the bones of the hip and pelvis , research suggests .

  25. 那些以为自己喜欢大臀部的男性其实更加喜欢脊椎,Lewis博士说。

    Men who think they like big bottoms may actually bemore into spines , Dr Lewis said .

  26. 只有当老虎是3D对象时,树枝才能像照片中那样沿老虎尾巴、臀部和背部伸展。

    Only if the tiger was a3-D object the stem could stretch along the tail , hip and the back of the tiger as seen in the photo .

  27. 在一个名叫底对底(bottomtobottom)的游戏中,戴维斯让学员在水中跳起,然后以臀部下坐的姿势落向池底。

    In a game called ' bottom to bottom , ' students jump up in the water , then let themselves fall bottom-first to the floor of the pool .

  28. 沃尔夫最喜欢的练习包括大腿内侧运动(InnerThigh)和经典搭桥(ClassicBridge)练习,这些动作有助于锻炼臀部、大腿内侧和腿肚部位。

    Her favorites include the Inner Thigh and the Classic Bridge exercises , which help sculpt the butt , the inner thighs and the back of the legs .

  29. 中国市场研究集团(chinamarketresearchgroup)的雷小山(shaunrein)表示,“中国消费者抱怨称,(相对于普通美国人),他们的胯部较窄,臀部较小,腿较短”。

    " Chinese consumers complain their hips are narrower , their bottoms are smaller and their legs shorter , " compared with the average American , says Shaun rein of China market research in Shanghai .

  30. 请记住,ass在英语口语中除了“驴”外还有“傻瓜”的意思,也是对“臀部”的一种虽很委婉但仍不太礼貌的说法。

    Remember that the word'ass'in spoken English also means a fool and is a very mildly impolite word for the human rump .