
  • 网络sampling bias;Sampling error;sampling deviation
  1. 科学家们解释道,产生这种判断差异的可能原因是“抽样偏差”。

    " Sampling bias " is the likely explanation , say the scientists .

  2. 与此相关的自选择偏差和抽样偏差问题也在文中进行了讨论。

    Self-selection bias and sampling bias are also discussed at the end of the paper .

  3. 本文介绍一种新的抽样策略:密度偏差抽样。

    This paper introduces one kind of new sampling strategy : Density biased sampling .

  4. 与CNBS相比,ONBS以其特有的迁移同质化效应,可以缓冲小群体复制育种中突出的源于配子抽样的群体遗传特性随机波动和抽样偏差,从而以渐进方式与总体保持遗传同质性。

    Compared with CNBS , ONBS can mitigate the prominent random fluctuation and sampling deviation of hereditary property in population originated from gamete sampling in the replication breeding of small population since ONBS shows special homogeneity effects in migration so maintain genetic homogeneity to total population in a progressive way .