
  • 网络abstract questions;abstract problem
  1. 本文以复杂问题简单化、抽象问题形象化为基本原则,以软件项目管理过程可视、可控化为基本目标。

    Take complicated problem oversimplifies and abstract problem pictorialize as base , Take software project manages process visualization and controllabled as basic goal .

  2. 再次,介绍了分类和抽象及其与概念从属之间的关系,加深对概念的理解和分类抽象问题认识。

    Moreover , classify and abstraction and the relation of the concept of subordinate were introduced , strengthen the understanding of concept and abstract problem of the classification to know .

  3. 微处理器的硬件抽象问题:利用CPU配置信息表实现了对不同类型CPU的硬件抽象。

    A data structure of CPU information table is constructed to characterize the different type of microprocessors .

  4. 这不只是个抽象问题,

    And this wasn 't just an abstract question .

  5. 我遇到了一个有关电脑的抽象问题

    Um , listen , I have sort of an abstract computer question .

  6. 文学艺术的抽象问题,有着深刻的哲学、美学内涵,但学界迄今未有深入的探寻。

    Literary and artistic abstraction possesses profound philosophic and aesthetic connotation , but it has not been further explored yet .

  7. 但是,同时,他在奥斯陆和开罗提出的抽象问题把他们自己推向了舞台中央。

    In the meantime , however , the abstract issues he raised in Oslo and Cairo have thrust themselves to centre-stage .

  8. 研究了逆向工程中动态剧情的模式发现以及抽象问题。

    This paper emphasizes on the research of pattern discover and scenario abstraction of dynamic interaction in - formation in software reverse engineering .

  9. 但是我们必须巧妙地制定我们的计划和重点领域,在我们的行动中机警灵活。卫生不是全球和国家级的一个抽象问题,而是触及个人、家庭和社区的一个具体的现实。

    Health is not an abstract issue at global and national levels , but a concrete reality that touches individuals , households and communities .

  10. 本文对化学反应等温方程式中容易混淆难以掌握的几个抽象问题,结合教学实践进行了阐述,有助于这方面的教学工作。

    Combining with teaching practice , the article states in great detail several abstract and confused problems on the same temperature equation of chemistry reaction . It 's helpful for teaching .

  11. 我写信给您,并非意图讨论死刑这个抽象问题,或发起任何反对死刑与支持死刑的争论。

    I do not address you on the subject with any intention of discussing the abstract question of capital punishment , or any of the arguments of its opponents or advocates .

  12. 对于玛格丽特,很值得注意她处理危机的能力以及她对人生中抽象问题(诸如死亡、工作、文化和两性关系)的哲学思索。

    For Margaret , it is well worth notifying her capability to deal with crisis as well as her philosophical reflections on abstract matters in life such as death , work , culture and sex .

  13. 本文通过引用一些很典型的例子来实现将抽象问题形象化引导学生观察问题、整理信息、联想、构造解题模型等方法来开拓职高生的思路。

    In order to develop middling vocational students'thinking , this article quotes some very typical examples to realize abstracting the questions into visualization when guiding students to observe questions , reorganize information , asso ˉ ciate , construct models of solving problems .

  14. 研究发现数学课堂教学的情境的创设要遵循从实际出发,以学生为主体,抽象问题具体化,趣味性,师生合作等原则,具体运用问题情境,故事情境,现实数学情境,游戏情境等策略。

    The study found that mathematics classroom teaching situation of creation to follow from reality , student-centered , abstract , interesting , and problems , the specific use principle of cooperation problem situations , situation , realistic mathematics situation and strategies play contexts .

  15. 虽然对高度抽象问题的研究可以为如何解决更为复杂的现象提供见解,但是这种抽象的企业与现实的企业是存在差距的,得到的解释是对现实世界的过于简单的观点。

    Although highly abstract of the study for how to solve more complex provide insights , but there is a gap between the enterprises and the abstract reality of the business , The interpretation to the real world is too simple point of view .

  16. 本文从屏幕布局、抽象问题设计、内容趣味化、形象展示、过程探究等优化策略进行探讨,以不断提高多媒体和网络技术教学的质量。

    This paper discusses how to optimize such elements as screen composition , abstract question design , the making of interesting content , image display and study of the teaching process . The discussion herein aims to improve the quality of the multi-media & web-oriented education today .

  17. 局部C半群与抽象Cauchy问题的弱解

    Local C-semigroups and Weak Solutions of Abstract Cauchy Problem

  18. 对一个n闭性高阶抽象Cauchy问题的论证

    The proof to a higher order abstract Cauchy with n closeness question

  19. C(t,s)半群和含有单参数的抽象Cauchy问题

    C ( t , s ) - semigroups and One - parameter Abstract Cauchy Problems

  20. 一类非齐次抽象Cauchy问题的适定性

    Property Poned for a Class of Non-homogeneous Abstract Cauchy Problem

  21. 一类高阶抽象Cauchy问题及应用

    A class of higher order abstract Cauchy problems with Applications

  22. C-半群和对抽象Cauchy问题的应用

    C Semigroups and its Applications to Abstract Cauchy Problems

  23. 在文[1]的基础上,讨论局部积分C-半群在抽象Cauchy问题上的应用。

    In this paper we discussed the application of the local integrated C-semigroups to abstract Cauchy problems .

  24. 在传统Co半群的基础上,给出了广义Co半群的定义,并着重引入一个类似的新概念:广义抽象Cauchy问题。

    On the basis of the traditional Co-semigroup , the paper defines the generalized Co-semigroup , and introduces a new analogous concept : the generalized abstract cauchy problem .

  25. 证明了C-半群生成元的强弱等价性及生成元有关的基本性质,并给出C-半群在抽象Cauchy问题中的应用。

    This paper proves the equivalence of strong and weak limits in definition of the generator of C-semigroups and some properties relative to the generator , and give their applications to abstract Cauchy problems .

  26. GORM有助于缓解抽象泄漏问题,它支持使用对Groovy有意义的方式表示对象模型,由GORM在幕后处理关系数据库的问题。

    GORM helps mitigate the leaky-abstraction problem by allowing you to represent your object model in a way that makes sense in Groovy .

  27. RJP:使用某个能够正确抽象当前问题领域的编程语言能够极大地提高软件开发的效率。

    RJP : Using a language supporting the proper abstractions for the problem at hand is crucial to effective software development .

  28. 第一节中首先介绍带特殊重试时间的M/M/1重试排队的数学模型,接着引入状态空间、主算子及其定义域,然后将该模型转化成Banach空间中的抽象Cauchy问题。

    In Section 1 , first we introduce the mathematical model of M / M / 1 retrial queue with special retrial times , then we convert the model into an abstract Cauchy problem in a Banach space by introducing state space , operators and their domains .

  29. 研究具反射边界条件,非自伴非紧算子的抽象边界问题,证明了它等价一个Wiener-Hopf方程,并证明了方程的适定性。

    In this paper , the abstract boundary value problem of non-selfadjoint and non-compact operator with reflective boundary condition is studied . It is obtained that the this kind of problems is equal to a Wiener-Hopf equation and the well poset problem of the abstract boundary value is proved .

  30. 局部积分C&半群与抽象Cauehy问题

    Local Integrated C-Semigroups and the Abstract Cauchy Problems