
chōu chá
  • spot check;selective examination;conduct a selective examination;have a sport check
抽查 [chōu zhā]
  • [selective examination]∶选择性的检查;抽取其中的一部分检查

  • 抽查卫生

抽查[chōu chá]
  1. 微型永磁直流电动机产品质量抽查结果及分析

    Quality Analysis and Selective Examination Results for Micro-permanent DC Motor Products

  2. 对电子元件质量监督抽查结果的综合分析

    Analysis of Selective Examination Results for Quality Supervision of Electronic Components

  3. 经抽查,发现肉变质了。

    On random inspection the meat was found to be bad .

  4. 定期对公司内部质量体系的运营状况进行审核,并对产品质量进行LOT(批次)抽查和追踪,对质量体系不断进行完善。

    Access and audit running state of the company interior quality system , spot-check and trace the quality of LOT product .

  5. 浅议化蛹抽查法CCD自扫描测量光电摄像系统MTF的方法

    Method of measuring photoelectric camera system MTF with charge coupled device sampling automatically

  6. 目的对所抽查的MH培养基质量进行调查分析。

    Objective To investigate and analyze the quality of M-H culture medium .

  7. 叙述为保证分析方法的标准化,利用A、B、C分类控制法进行盲样抽查,并定期进行标定样检验。

    In order to gurantee the standardization of analysis method , A , B , C classification control method was used to take blind samples and check the tested samples .

  8. 如果比较的状态显示为“NoDifferences”,那么会建议进行抽查,以确保没有发生格式更改。

    If there are " No Differences " shown for the status of the compare , then spot checking is suggested to make sure that formatting changes have not occurred .

  9. 介绍了1996、1997和1999年对PVC树脂的三次监督抽查结果,并提出了改进建议。

    The quality monitor results of PVC resin respectively in the years of 1996,1997 and 1999 are introduced , and some improvement suggestions are proposed .

  10. 虽然美国汽车制造商获许自己进行车辆测试,但美国国家环境保护局(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency,简称EPA)也会进行抽查,而绝大部分执法行动是由美国监管机构开展的。

    While United States automakers are allowed to test their own cars , the Environmental Protection Agency does its own random checking , and the vast majority of enforcement actions are undertaken by American regulators .

  11. 雇主还会在发出工作邀约之后抽查求职者的证明材料(美国大学理事会永久保存SAT成绩,不过查询一年以前的成绩需要多达五周的时间,并须支付30.50美元检索费)。

    ( The College Board keeps SAT scores indefinitely , though requests for scores older than one year take up to five weeks to fulfill and cost $ 30.50 to retrieve . )

  12. 随机抽查100例新入院妇产科病人,进行第1个24h、第3个24h尿常规检验,并结合临床症状进行诊断。

    A spot check Was made in random in 100 patients in the department of obstetrics and gynecotokology who were admitted in our hospital just now .

  13. 方法从1993年起每年随机抽查<15岁40~50名儿童用ELISA检测接种后HBsAg、抗-HBs、抗-HBc。

    Methods We have investigated 40 ~ 50 children aged less than 15 years old by random sampling every year since 1993 and detected their HBsAg , anti-HBsAg , anti-HBc by ELISA .

  14. 方法:抽查我院2003~2005年住院病人医嘱处方5000张,根据合理用药监测系统(PASS),临床药理知识及文献资料,对不合理处方进行分类和统计分析。

    METHODS 5000 inpatient prescriptions in 2003 ~ 2005 in our hospital were sampled ; in which , the irrational prescriptions were classified and analyzed statistically based on prescription automatic screening system ( PASS ), pharmacological knowledge and literatures .

  15. 方法随机抽查市场上销售的3种减肥药,采用TLC及LC-MS联用技术定性鉴别,HPLC外标法定量。

    METHODS Three diet pills were chosen in random . They were determined by TCL , HPLC and LC-MS. The external standardization method was used for the quantitative analysis .

  16. 我们随机抽查了300个评审者进行研究,结果证实评审者在评审代码时确实非常小心,更少的错误(bug)被发现了。

    We took a random sample of300 reviews to investigate , and the evidence showed that the reviewers were , indeed , carefully reviewing the code and there were simply fewer bugs .

  17. 论文对测量过程实行三级分类控制,重点论述了对关键测量过程的控制方法,包括控制图法、测量系统分析(MSA)法、期间核查方法,抽查和点检/巡检。

    Focuses on the control methods of key measurement process , include control charts , MSA , period verification , spot check , tour inspection .

  18. 方法:分别对60例ICP患者及围生儿情况与同时随机抽查30例正常妊娠分娩组(对照组)的临床资料、新生儿脐血血气资料进行分析比较。

    Methods : The clinical data of 60 cases of ICP and 30 cases of normal childbirth and the navel blood gas data of their perinatal infants and a neonates were analysed .

  19. 方法:随机抽查温州市三级甲、三级乙各一所医院临床护理学生125名,采用问卷调查方法,结果录入计算机,建立Excel数据文档,进行统计分析。

    Methods : To check 125 clinical nursing students of the hospital randomly by the questionnaire , recording the result into the computer , establishing the text file with excel software , then undertaking the statistic analysis .

  20. 方法随机抽查110名无偿献血员所供血液;以聚合酶链反应技术检测血清中HPVB19DNA的表达。

    Results PCR assay was applied to detect the serum HPV B 19-DNA expression in randomly selected 110 blood donors .

  21. 方法随机抽查2001年整体护理病历100份进行分析,在此基础上于2002年1月开始采用PDCA循环进行病历质量管理。

    Methods one hundred holistic nursing care records in 2001 were randomly selected and analyzed . From Jan. 2002 , quality management of the records by PDCA circulation was implemented .

  22. 方法对住院分娩新生儿及非肝病儿童随机抽查1995例血清乙肝病毒标志物(HBVM)和抗-HCV。

    Method This was an investigation at random of1995 newborns born in our hospital and children without liver disease , the HBVM and anti HCV in their serum were detected .

  23. 1995年在国内贸易部的全国市场商品质量抽查中浓缩料系列瘦肉型(C18)产品被评定为质量信誉商品。

    In1995 , during a national product sampling for quality and quantity by Trading Bureau , President 's concentrate feeds series-brawn type ( C18 ) was credited for quality and quantity excellence .

  24. 通过设计质量抽查工作,就配电线路保护、保护选择性、4极开关应用、EPS应用和软起动器在电气设计中的问题作了简要分析,并提出通常正确的做法。

    In the paper , it is analyzed briefly that remarkable problems existed in electric power design such as distributing line protection , protective selectivity , 4-pole switch application , EPS application and soft starter through selective examination on design quality and common correct settlement method is put forward .

  25. 方法抽查26例(26)眼,采用国产全氟丙烷(PerfluoroPropane,C3F8)玻璃体腔注气治疗黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离,术后使用井字头架加强体位护理。

    Methods 26 eyes with macula hole retinal detachment were treated with , Perfluoro propane ( C3F8 ) injection , in postoperative position nursing , we provided home-made head rack for patients to maintain a prone position .

  26. 2000年语言复读机行业监督抽查结果及分析

    The Result and Analysis of 2000 Spot-check for Speech Repeating Players

  27. 检疫部门应当转变观念,适当增加抽查比例。

    Authorities should change the mindset and increase its sample rate .

  28. 销售领域轻柴油质量抽查结果与分析

    Light Diesel in Sales Field Quality Sample Inspection Result & Analysis

  29. 吉林省38所医院护理工作抽查情况分析

    Sampling Survey of Nursing Care Services in Jilin Province on working

  30. 地铁和轻轨乘客的夸包可能会随时受到抽查。

    Subway and rail passengers are subject to random bag searches .