
chōu zhēn kōng
  • Vacuuming;evacuation;creation of vacuum;rarefy;pick up the suction
抽真空[chōu zhēn kōng]
  1. H-600型电子显微镜抽真空系统的微机自动控制

    Automatic control of the evacuation system of H-600 , electron microscope by microcomputer

  2. 文章简要介绍了日立H-600型电子显微镜抽真空系统,分析了抽真空程序及其程序控制电路。

    The paper simply introduces the evacuation system for model H-600 electron microscope and analyzes the program of evacuation and the program control circuit .

  3. GIS抽真空时绝缘电阻降低的原因分析

    Analysis of the Reasons for Reducing of Insulation Resistance in GIS Vacuum

  4. GIS抽真空与充气工艺探讨

    Probe into Technology about GIS Vacuumizing and Puffing

  5. 真空碳热还原要求对白云石进行煅烧处理,使白云石完全分解,脱除其中结合的CO2和挥发分,以减少抽真空作业,保证还原反应的顺利进行;

    Experiments of dolomite calcining and vacuum carbothermic reduction of calcined dolomite are labored on .

  6. PET缩聚过程脱挥方式比较&抽真空及通氮气

    Comparison of the way of removing small molecules in PET polycondensation process & pumping vacuum and purging with nitrogen gas

  7. 抽真空包装与充N2处理效果基本相同。

    The result is the same as vacuum packing and gas flushing .

  8. 斩拌时抽真空可显著改善产品的质构特性、色泽、感官特性及保水性(P0.05)。

    Vacuum while chopping can significantly improve product texture properties , color , sensory characteristics and water holding capacity ( P0.05 ) .

  9. ⑷包装袋材料对保鲜效果影响很大,普通的PE薄膜不适合于抽真空或充气等处理。

    ⑷ There is more effect for packing material in preservation . General PE is not fit for vacuum packing and gas flushing .

  10. 介绍了在SF6全封闭组合电器安装时,抽真空与充SF6气体的程序、方法以及注意事项。

    The article introduces the program ? method and points for attention in vacuumizing and puffing SF6 gas when we install SF6 GIS .

  11. H-600型电子显微镜抽真空自控电路分析

    Analysis of Auto-control Circuit for Evacuation System of Model H-600 Electron Microscope

  12. 在部分产品气体作为再生气和抽真空再生2种工艺条件下,考察了合成氨原料气中CO的净化过程的稳定性。

    Under two process conditions , viz . , a part of the product gas used as the regenerating gas and regeneration with vacuum-pumping , the stability of the purification process by removal of CO from the ammonia feed gas is examined .

  13. 结果表明:泡菜汁接种、打浆、不抽真空、热烫5min所得发酵汁感官品质最佳。

    The results indicated that the pitching pickle juice , pulp , no evacuation was an optimum processing technology .

  14. 以NaOH为催化剂,山梨醇与油酸之比为1:1.2,在温度180~190℃、水抽真空的条件下,加热4h合成Span-80。

    By using NaOH as catalyst , span-80 is synthesized at the following conditions : 1:1.2 the ratio between sorbitol and 9-octadecenoic acid , 180 ~ 190 ℃ the temperature , vacuum treatment by water and 4 hours the heating time .

  15. 采用纯度为98%的正21烷(C21H44)作为相变材料(PCM),通过抽真空灌注的方法将其灌注到泡沫铜内部,封装并作绝热处理后作为试验件。

    The98 % pure Heneicosane ( C21H44 ) was used as the phase change material ( PCM ), and it was filled in the copper foam through a vacuuming procedure .

  16. QDX系列冰箱压缩机抽真空除湿充氮气装置的模块化结构设计

    Modular Structure Design of the Vacuum-pumping , Removal of Humidity and Charge Nitrogen Equipment Which Is Applied in the QDX Series Refrigerator Compressor

  17. 实际填高6.7m的路基在填筑完成抽真空结束再预压2个月后地基土固结度大于95%。

    The consolidation degree of soil is larger than 95 % after the embankment of height of 6.7 m is filled and vacuum preloading is constructed for 2 months .

  18. 关于抽真空整体铝模的改进①先后经过热处理、微弧氧化处理的ZL101具有优异的综合力学性能,满足作为模具对其力学性能的要求。

    Improvement on Vacuum Supply to Complete Aluminum Mold In this experiment the conclusions given hereinafter are obtained : ① Aluminum mold coated with MAO layer has sufficient mechanics performance to satisfy the requirement of being as amold .

  19. 该炉炉温高达1600℃,由于采用水冷式双层炉外壁和全金属隔热屏式的炉内胆及高真空机组抽真空,其真空度能达到8×10-4Pa。

    The furnace temperatrue can reach 1600 ℃ . The vacuum pressure can reah 8 × 10-4 Pa , due to the water-cooled double layers of furnace external walls , the inner container with metal heat shield and the high vacuum pumping system .

  20. 液体喷射器在常减压蒸馏装置抽真空系统的应用

    Application of liquid ejector in evacuation system of Atmospheric-vacuum Distillation Unit

  21. 减压抽真空系统设备防腐对策

    Anti - corrosion measures for equipment in vacuum pumping system

  22. IMN/400×400抽真空平板硫化机辅机结构设计

    Assistant Construction Designing About IMN / 400 × 400 Air Pumping Press

  23. 将产品放入袋内抽真空热封。

    Put the products into the bag exhaust the air then seal .

  24. 同时设备可以边运转边抽真空。

    At the same time equipment can be operated while pumping vacuum .

  25. 抽真空饱和方法对岩石电阻率测量的影响

    Effects Of Vacuum Saturation Method on Electrical Resistivity Measurement of Rock Samples

  26. 微小间隙抽真空以及真空检漏等应注意的问题进行探讨。

    The problems of the vacuum and its leak check are studied .

  27. 低温储罐抽真空工艺试验研究

    The Study of a Low-temperature Storage Tank Vacuum Pumping Technology

  28. 提高火电厂抽真空系统效率的方案研究

    Methods of increasing efficiency of vacuum system in power plant

  29. 抽真空更换油浸电力变压器蝶阀的方法带荷自动抽头变换开关

    Method for Replacement of Oil Immersed Power Transformer Butterfly Valve by Vacuum

  30. 大马力深度抽真空装置的控制

    The Control of the High - Power Extreme Vacuum System