
sù liào bǎn
  • plastic sheeting
  1. 一边是大坑,装满了正在发酵的谷物,上面盖着塑料板,另一边是开着盖的圆桶,充作蒸馏器。

    Huge pits , filled with fermenting grain and covered in plastic sheeting , are at one side . On the other , open drums serve as distillers .

  2. 接下来,用塑料板盖住孔,用泥土固定塑料边缘,并用石头将塑料板的中心向下压。

    Next , cover the hole with the plastic sheet , securing the edges of the plastic with dirt and weighting the sheet 's center down with a rock .

  3. 不过,所需的部件只有一张透明或略带乳白色的塑料板、六英尺长的塑料管和一个接水的容器——饮水杯即可。

    The only components required , though , are a sheet of clear or slightly milky plastic , six feet of plastic tube , and a container — perhaps just a drinking cup — to catch the water .

  4. PMMA塑料板在道路隔声屏障中的应用

    An Application of the PMMA Plastic Board for Road Traffic Noise Barrier

  5. 每盏灯的材质均为圆形丙烯塑料板,正中央是LED镜像灯泡(mirrorbulb),周围则代表灯光束、手工缠绕的双色线。

    Each is made of a circular acrylic panel with a mirror LED bulb at the centre surrounded by hand-woven , two-tone threads that represent rays of light .

  6. 纤维增强塑料板在日本砼结构加固工程中的应用

    Present status of strengthening concrete structures by FRP sheets in Japan

  7. 硬质塑料板的平面弯曲疲劳测定法

    Testing method for flexural fatigue of rigid plastics by plane bending

  8. 塑料板排水处理软土地基的研究现状

    Current Study on the Soft Soil Foundation Improved by Prefabricated Drains

  9. 塑料板排水法加固软基效果分析

    Analysis of Soft Foundation Consolidation Effect through Plastic Plate Drainage

  10. 土工织物加筋与塑料板排水联合加固软基的计算方法研究

    Study on calculational method of geotextile-reinforced and plastic board-drained foundation

  11. 塑料板排水预压法加固软基机理及沉降计算方法研究

    Study on the Mechanism and Settlement Computation Method of Prefabricated Drain Preloading

  12. 强夯-塑料板排水法软基加固技术及应用

    Dynamic Compaction-Prefabricated Drain Soft Foundation Treating Method and Its Application

  13. 塑料板防水技术在隧道工程中的应用

    Use of the plastic diaphragm water-proof technique in tunneling

  14. 铅蓄电池塑料板栅的研究

    Study of the Plastic Grid of the Lead Battery

  15. 小麦面筋蛋白基塑料板拉伸性能的研究

    A Study on Tensile Properties of Wheat Gluten-based Bio-Plastics

  16. 压结至中等硬度的木材、、造板材和塑料板。

    Compressed wood up to medium-hard wood , aluminum , synthetic and plastic boards .

  17. 本文探讨了小型铅蓄电池采用塑料板栅的可行性。

    The Plastic grid of the Portable lead battery using ABS Plastic was studied .

  18. 其他塑料板、片、膜、箔、扁条。

    Other plates , sheets , film , foil and strip , of plastics .

  19. 塑料板摸起来象玻璃。

    The plastic board feels like glass .

  20. 强夯-塑料板排水法在粉土和粉质粘土地基加固中的试验研究

    Test on Drainage Consolidation in the Foundation Treatment of Saturated Silty Soil and Silty Clay

  21. 采用预压硬质塑料板槽设置水泥混凝土路面缩缝的探讨

    Discussion on Setting Cement Concrete Pavement Contraction Joint Used by Precompression Rigid Plastics Plate Trough

  22. 浅谈塑料板排水法在软基处理中的应用

    Brief discussion on the application on water drainage with plastic board method in soft foundation treatment

  23. 塑料板排水法处理深圳湾软粘土地基的固结沉降研究

    Study on Consolidation & Settlement of Using Prefabricated Plastic Drains Improving the Soft Foundation in Shenzhen Gulf

  24. 辩护人芯板可为木板、胶合板、硬质纤维板、塑料板、玻璃等。

    Paraclete core board can be board , plywood , horniness beaverboard , plastic board , glass .

  25. 流量堰板与挡板改为耐蚀塑料板的实践分析

    Analysis on the Practice of Replacing the Flow Weir Plate and Baffle Plate with the Anticorrosion Plastic Plate

  26. 主要零件可用木板、铁板、塑料板或蜂窝纸制造。

    The main parts are made of wood plates , iron plates , plastic plates or honeycomb paper .

  27. 包装行业:雕刻印刷橡胶板、塑料板、双层板、刀模切刀板等。

    Packaging industry : printing rubber plate engraving , plastic plates , double plates , die cutter cutting board .

  28. 更有甚者,这样的屏幕可以用喷墨打印机印制到柔软的塑料板上。

    Even better , such screens can be printed on a flexible sheet of plastic using an inkjet printer .

  29. 两层玻璃间有塑料板、树脂板或其他材料的板以防破碎的玻璃。

    Glass made with plates of plastic or resin or other material between two sheets of glass to prevent shattering .

  30. 比较不同试验材料的生物附着效果,混凝土板、木板、铁板和塑料板的附着效果较好。

    The accrete effects of concrete slab , wood board , iron plate and plastic board were better than other material .