
  • 网络Plastic currency notes
  1. 英国央行行长马克•卡尼(MarkCarney)说,塑料钞票将是进步与传统的最好结合,并表示这种转变是自然演化的结果。

    Mark Carney , BoE governor , said the notes would combine the best of progress and tradition , adding that the switch was a natural evolution .

  2. 英国央行(BoE)宣布,将发行易擦洗的塑料钞票。这意味着不久后,在英国街角商店和酒吧易手的皱巴巴的5英镑和10英镑纸钞将成为历史。

    The crumpled fivers and tenners that change hands in corner shops and pubs across Britain are set to be consigned to history after the Bank of England announced the introduction of wipe-clean plastic notes .

  3. 新型塑料钞票的触感光滑,有些许蜡质感。

    The bills feel smooth and slightly waxy .

  4. 相比传统钞票,塑料钞票有几点优势。

    They have several advantages over conventional notes .

  5. 但塑料钞票还要更加坚韧,能耐得住机洗。

    But plastic notes are tougher still , able to withstand a cycle in the washing machine .

  6. 后来就有了我们现在使用的纸钞、硬币,还有塑料钞票。

    And then there is money as we know it today in notes and coi - plastic notes .

  7. 从11月起,新型的塑料钞票就将代替传统纸币投入流通。这种塑料钞票具有携带方便,不易破损的优点。

    Starting in November , new polymer bank notes will start to replace paper-cotton bills that wear and tear more easily .

  8. 卡尼说,今天介绍的塑料钞票很独特,其他地方还没有类似的货币。

    The polymer notes we 're introducing today are unique , Carney said . There 's simply no other currency like them .

  9. 塑料钞票的生产成本更高,但寿命更久英国央行称是纸钞的2.5倍并且更难伪造。

    The notes are more expensive to produce but they last longer – two-and-a-half times longer , the BoE said – than their paper equivalents and are more difficult to counterfeit .

  10. 塑料钞票也称聚合物钞票,目前已在超过25国得到使用,包括澳大利亚(1988年成为首个推出塑料钞票的国家)和赞比亚等等。

    Plastic , or polymer , notes have been adopted in more than 25 countries , from Australia – which , in 1988 , became the first to introduce the notes – to Zambia .

  11. 卡尼在担任加拿大央行行长时为该国推出了塑料钞票,不过他今年7月才赴英国央行上任,而英国央行三年前就开始研究用塑料钞票替代纸钞。

    Mr Carney introduced plastic banknotes in Canada while head of its central bank , although the BoE has been researching a switch to plastic for three years , predating his arrival in July as governor .

  12. 英国央行三个月前开始向公众征求意见,并在购物中心推介5英镑和10英镑塑料钞票样品,告诉购物者它们是安全的,成本低于纸钞,也更环保。

    Since launching the consultation three months ago , the BoE has taken sample # 163 ; 5 and # 163 ; 10 notes on roadshows to shopping centres , telling shoppers that they are secure , cheaper and greener than paper-based money .

  13. 塑料材质钞票有多种优点&更完备的防伪措施、更长的使用寿命,甚至还会更加干净。

    There are several benefits to plastic cash – enhanced security , a longer life and the money is even cleaner .

  14. 塑料百元大钞将率先发行,明年3月会有50加元的塑料钞票面世。

    The first bills to go plastic will be the $ 100 notes . The $ 50 notes will follow next March .