
  • 网络plastic material;ABS;EVA;Plastic Raw Material
  1. 粒状塑料原料中粉尘分离机理及柔性流动分离模型

    Separation Mechanism and Flexible Flow Separation Model of Dust in Granular Plastic Material

  2. 塑料原料中有害重金属铅、镉、汞的测定

    Determination of harmful heavy metals pb , CD and Hg in plastic material

  3. 珠江三角洲塑料原料流通产业的形成及发展

    Formation and Development of Plastics Raw Material Circulation Industry in Pearl River Delta

  4. 对塑料原料有丰富的知识和经验。具有销售技术、学品方面的丰富经验。

    Good knowledge of plastic material . Substantial experience in selling technical / chemical items .

  5. 他似乎已获得丰富的知识。对塑料原料有丰富的知识和经验。

    He seemed to have come by a large fund of knowledge Good knowledge of plastic material .

  6. 该产品广泛应用于增强塑料原料、聚四氟、密封材料、作填充用料。

    This product widely applies in the reinforced plastics raw material , the polytetrafluoro , the packing material , makes the packing needed materials .

  7. 热流道浇注系统的采用,不仅缩短了制件的成型周期,节省了塑料原料,而且在很大程度上提高了产品质量。

    By hot-runner casting system , products molding cycle is shortened , plastic material is saved , and products quality is largely improved as well .

  8. 经销化纤原料及产品、线、工原料及产品(含危险品)塑料原料及制品。

    Distribution chemical fiber raw materials and products , thread , chemical raw materials and products ( including dangerous goods ), plastics raw materials and products .

  9. 介绍能将定长短切玻纤和塑料原料直接填充、混炼、塑化的注射机构的主要结构、工作原理及应用特点。

    The main structure and characteristics , working principle and applying characteristics of injection mechanism for inline process of glass fiber reinforced materials with extrusion are introduced .

  10. 该方法简便、快速、准确,适用于聚氯乙烯塑料原料及其制品中己二酸二(2-乙基己基)酯的测定。

    This method was of simple , speed , accurate which was suitable to the determination of di ( 2-ethyl hexyl ) adipate in polyvinyl chloride plastics materials and products .

  11. 为此,乐高和世界自然基金会合作,又加入生物塑料原料联盟,后者为开发由植物材料制成的环保塑料提供资金。

    With this in mind , Lego has partnered with WWF to play their part , joining the Bioplastic Feedstock Alliance ( BFA ) , which supports the responsible development of plastics made from plant material .

  12. 随着近年来能源的紧缺,导致塑料原料价格不断上升,如何在保证产品性能的前提下来节约塑料原料,是目前研究的一个热点。

    In recent years , the polymer resin price is rising due to the petroleum shortage . How to save plastics on the premise to ensure the plastics part quality is one of the research hotspots .

  13. 介绍了气辅成型的优越性,系统地阐述了塑料原料、制品设计、模具结构和注射成型工艺条件与气辅成型的关系。

    This paper presented the advantages of gas-assisted molding , the influence factors to gas-assisted molding , such as the kind of plastic material , part design , mold structure and processing parameters , are systematically elaborated .

  14. 塑料原料中的粉尘含量直接影响其下游制品如薄膜、注塑件等的质量,控制或减少塑料原料中的粉尘含量十分重要。

    The dust content in plastic material directly affects the quality of its downstream products , such as film and injection molding piece , therefore , it is very important to control or reduce the dust content in plastic material .

  15. 介绍了珠江三角洲塑料原料市场建设、电子商务交易模式在塑料原料流通领域的应用情况,以及珠江三角洲塑料原料物流圈的形成对塑料产业发展的影响。

    The application of electronic commerce and the establishment of the plastics raw material market in circulation industry in Pearl River Delta were presented . The influence of the formation of plastics raw material market to the development of plastics industry was discussed .

  16. 对以废旧PVC塑料为原料,制备活性碳纤维的实验方法和机理进行了初步探讨;

    Some preparing methods and their mechanism of ACF from waste PVC plastic in experiment were primarily discussed .

  17. 通过正交试验,以木材纤维和废旧聚丙烯塑料为原料,异氰酸酯或马来酸酐作偶联剂,压制木材纤维/聚丙烯复合材料,研究聚丙烯(简称PP)用量对木塑复合材料性能的影响。

    Through multi-factor orthogonal experiment , wood fiber / plastic composite was manufactured to study the effects of polypropylene content on properties of wood fiber / plastic composite by using wood fiber and recycled polypropylene ( PP ) and MDI or MA as coupling agent .

  18. 本文以ABS塑料为原料,按照动力相似理论,制作了一个比例为1:100的试验模型。

    According to dynamic similarity theory an experimental model with 1:100 ratios is made out of raw material of ABS plastic in this paper For the train movable load on the surface of bridge , full load of train is considered as the only load behavior .

  19. 乙炔:最简单的炔(C2H2),无色可燃气体,广泛用作金属焰焊接和切割的燃料,也是合成许多有机化学品和塑料的原料。

    Acetylene ( ethyne ) Simplest alkyne , C2H2 . A colourless , flammable , explosive gas , it is used as a fuel in welding and cutting metals and as a raw material for many organic compounds and plastics .

  20. 塑料光纤原料甲基丙烯酸丁酯的提纯

    Purification of butyl methacrylate as raw material for plastic fiber

  21. 一种极易燃烧的液态酮,广泛用作有机溶剂和制造塑料的原料。

    A highly inflammable liquid ketone widely used as an organic solvent and as material for making plastics .

  22. 人造花顾名思义,就是以鲜花作为蓝本,用布、纱、丝绸、塑料等原料加以模仿。

    Artificial name suggests , is to flowers as the blueprint for cloth , yarn , silk , plastic and other raw materials to imitate .

  23. 依据国内外研究现状,对淀粉基可降解塑料的原料、配方、成型方法、应用等作了一些研究。

    In this paper , recent progress in starch-based degradable plastic is reviewed , including the raw material , the preparation methods and the application .

  24. 为了从大豆秸秆中提取生物降解性塑料的原料-乳酸,对大豆秸秆纤维素酶水解条件进行了研究。

    For making lactic acid as a material to produce biodegradable plastic from soybean straw , the affecting factors during the enzymatic hydrolysis of soybean straw were studied .

  25. 双螺杆挤出机是化工行业重要的机电一体化先进装备,主要用于塑料化工原料的改性和造粒生产。

    Twin-screw extruder is a kind of mechatronics advanced equipments in chemical industry , and it is mainly used for plastics modification and granulation production of chemical raw materials .

  26. 与投资密切相关的钢坯、钢材、成品油、初级形状的塑料等原料性商品进口量均下降。

    Less orders were placed for products which were closely depended on the investment climate , such as billet , rolled steel , refined oil and plastic in primary form .

  27. 以废旧聚丙烯塑料为原料,采用二段接触分解法催化裂解制汽油,重点进行了催化剂的筛选和复配试验研究。

    The study of producing gasoline from waste polypropylene plastics by two-steps contact decomposition method is described in this paper , which major project is the selection and composing of catalyst .

  28. 木塑复合材料是一种基于木质材料和废弃塑料为原料的新兴环保材料,木塑复合材料的出现为缓解木材资源紧张、保护生态环境提供了一种新思路。

    Wood-plastic composite is a kind of new environment-friendly material based on the wood materials and waste plastic , it provides a new way to ease the tight of timber resources and to protect the ecological environment .

  29. PP是制造塑料制品的原料,在化工、化纤、建筑、轻工、家电、包装等工业和医疗领域得到广泛应用。

    PP is the raw material for plastic products , it is widely used in the fields of chemical industry , chemical fiber , construction , light industry , home appliance , packaging and medical care .

  30. 另一个潜在利用价值是玉米高直链淀粉是生产光解塑料的最佳原料,是解决目前严重的白色污染的有效途径。

    Amylose has a potential use that is to produce photodegradable films , which is one of the best and effective ways to solve " plastic pollution " problems .