
  • 网络plastic cup
  1. 记得在塑料杯子里的小种子吗?

    Remember the little seed in the plastic cup .

  2. 晚上表演的时候,记得带上两个塑料杯子。

    Carry around two plastic cups for your night of performances .

  3. 带一个大杯子到办公室,不要用一次性塑料杯子。

    Bring a mug to the office instead of using polystyrene cups .

  4. 帮他找一些塑料杯子,讲课的任务都是他的了。

    Find him some plastic cups , and the class is all his again .

  5. 这些小礼物通常是叶子、小树棍、树枝、塑料杯子或者纸巾。

    The gifts usually consist of leaves , sticks , twigs , plastic cups or paper towels .

  6. 一些人跳着舞保暖,拿着塑料杯子喝伏特加酒,脚边到处是破碎的空瓶子。

    Some danced to keep warm and drank vodka from plastic glasses , with empty bottles crunching underfoot .

  7. 酒吧业内人士警告,用防碎塑料制杯子取代传统的品脱玻璃杯将不会受到酒客的认同。

    Plans to replace the traditional pint glass with one made of shatter-proof plastic will not be accepted by drinkers , the pub industry has warned .

  8. 你可以回收塑料瓶和杯子来种东西。

    You can recycle plastic bottles and cups to grow something .

  9. 与只有茶包相比,加入了一只塑料章鱼的泡茶杯子,会更显别致。

    Tea bags have their place , but they aren 't as fancy as having the tea infused with a plastic octopus .