
lěnɡ què shí jiān
  • Cooling time;cool down time
  1. 造型线采用了开放式布置,满足了间歇供应钢水和铸件冷却时间长的要求。

    With the open layout of the line molten steel can be delivered in a manner of batch and castings have a longer cool down time .

  2. 立即在出生地复活你的英雄,冷却时间9分钟。

    Instantly revives your Champion at your Spawning Pool , 9 minute cooldown .

  3. 大型CFB扩大单元满负荷滑停与机炉冷却时间的探讨

    Discussion on Full Load Slide Shutdown and Cooling time of Enlarged CFB Unit

  4. 提高必灭重击的伤害值、MP消耗,并延长其冷却时间。

    The damage rate , MP consumption , and cooldown time of Soul Crash skill have increased .

  5. 冷却时间、扩散氢含量和预热温度对临界断裂应力(σcr)imp均有影响。

    And diffusion hydrogen , cooling time and preheating temperature all influence the critical fracture stress (σ cr ) imp.

  6. 对纯β衰变核~(147)Pm,采用了表观冷却时间近似替代法对高放废液样品测量的不确定度约为±15%。

    The ratio of the radioactivity for ~ ( 147 ) Pm which also has purity disintegration is calculated by means of apparent cooling-time approximation .

  7. 普通塑料(HDPE)管虽然成本低,但是导热性能差,延长了冷却时间。

    The ordinary plastic ( HDPE ) pipe is of poor heat conductivity , which prolongs the cooling time though it costs less .

  8. 建立了国产低合金高强钢的临界冷却时间判据tcr。

    On the basis of the above research , the critical cooling time criterion tcr of domestic HSLA steels is established .

  9. 基于微区电弧放电和热循环机理,结合负载电压波形定义了燃弧时间ta和冷却时间tc,认为大弧现象是由tc不足造成。

    Based on local micro-arc discharge and thermal cycling mechanism , the arcing time t_a and the cooling time t_c were defined . Large-arc discharge phenomenon is caused by a lack of cooling time .

  10. 推荐沉淀冷却时间应控制在30min以上;

    The recommendatory refrigerant time must be above 30 min ;

  11. 然后结合CSR物理设计参数,计算了部分典型被加速离子的冷却时间,同时比较了电子冷却和随机冷却的冷却力,得出了一些结论;

    According to the main parameters of CSR , cooling time of some typical ions has been calculated and the cooling forces of electron cooling and stochastic cooling are compared .

  12. 研究了焊接热模拟工艺参数(峰值温度Tp、焊后冷却时间t8/5)和真实焊接对微钙钢热影响区显微组织和性能的影响。

    The effects of technological parameters of simulated welding thermal cycle ( peak temperature Tp and cooling time t8 / 5 ) on microstructure and properties of HAZ in micro-calcium steel were studied .

  13. 计算了TiAl电子束焊接接头形成第一道裂纹的冷却时间和温度,该温度定义了有利于接头组织充分转变的高温区间下限。

    The temperature of the first crack of TiAl electron beam welding was calculated , which defined the lower limit of the high temperature range that was perfect at the structure transition .

  14. 根据铸件的半冷却时间,用广义Dodd计算高铬铸铁的淬透性公式,求出各合金元素含量。

    According to the half-cooling time , contents of every alloy element were determined by adopting the broad sense Dodd-formula for calculating hardenability of the High-Cr white cast iron .

  15. 介绍了三甘醇(TEG)清洗系统的工艺流程和所存在的主要问题是自然冷却时间太长和TEG蒸气泄漏。

    The technological process and existed main problems of TEG cleaning system are introduced . The main problems are that the so long of unforced cooling period and the leakage of TEG steam .

  16. 采用热模拟和其它方法研究了2205双相不锈钢的模拟焊接热影响区(HAZ)的冲击韧度和金相组织的关系,探讨了冷却时间t5/8和t12/8对模拟HAZ冲击韧度的影响规律。

    The relationship of the microstructures and impact toughness of simulated welding Heat Affect Zone ( HAZ ) in 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel ( DSS ) were investigated by using material thermal simulator technique and others analyses methods .

  17. 叉形探测器可用于后处理和贮存工厂中PWR和BWR型的乏燃料组件的燃耗、冷却时间、总钚和总裂变物质含量的测定。

    The detector can been used to determine the burnup , cooling time and the contents of whole plutonium and whole fission material in spent fuel assemblies of the PWR and BWR types at a reprocessing and storage facility .

  18. 兼顾冷却时间、材料所能承受的应力及晶体生长尺寸,以及实现100kW的平均功率输出等因素,Nd:GGG晶体是目前三者中比较适合于作为高平均功率、重复率热容方式工作的激光材料。

    Taken cooling time , fracture limit and obtainable size of the crystal into account , Nd : GGG should be the suitable active medium for high average power , repetitive frequency heat capacity laser .

  19. 指出块状M-A是影响缺口韧性的主要因素。通过控制连续冷却时间和冷却后给以适当的回火工艺,可以减少或分解块状M-A组织,并可使热影响区的缺口韧性得到改善。

    It is concluded that since lump M-A is mainly responsible for notch toughness of the steels , it is possible to reduce or resolve the lump M-A structure to improve the HAZ notch toughness by means of proper control of continuous cooling time and post-cooling tempering .

  20. 注射模冷却时间分析

    Analysis of cooling time in the injection molding process for plastics

  21. 注塑模冷却时间理论计算公式

    Theoretical Formula for Calculating the Required Time for Cooling Injection Molds

  22. 冰霜新星冷却时间延长到60秒。

    The Frost Nova spell cooldown has been raised to60 seconds .

  23. 双介质淬火冷却时间计算方法的研究

    Study of the Calculating Method of Cooling Time for Interrupted Quenching

  24. 结晶性注塑平板制品冷却时间的确定

    Decision of Cooling Time for Injection Molded Slabs of Crystalline Plastics

  25. 战斗的圣洁现在不再减少驱邪术的冷却时间。

    Sanctity of Battle no longer reduces the cooldown of Exorcism .

  26. 提出了合理控制燃气比、钎焊加热时间和焊后冷却时间,以改善钎焊质量的建议。

    Methods of brazing quality improvement are suggested as well .

  27. 属厚壁注塑的瓶坯,冷却时间支配着周期时间。

    Cooling time dominates cycle time in thick-wall moulding like preform moulding .

  28. 焊接冷裂纹临界冷却时间判据建立

    Establishment of critical cooling time criterion of welding cold cracking

  29. 炮弹投掷和蒸汽锤击不再共享冷却时间。

    The Hurl Boulder and Ram effects no longer share a cooldown .

  30. 它持续1分钟,并没有冷却时间。

    It lasts for1 min and has no cooldown time .