
lěnɡ dònɡ shí pǐn
  • frozen foods
  1. 除此之外,你还应该开始了解冷冻食品和罐头食品。

    The other sections you should get to know are the frozen foods and the canned goods .

  2. 日本冷冻食品的生产业正在实施CIM化,并开始向海外谋求生产基地和原料供应基地。

    The manufacturers of frozen foods in Japan are carrying out a system of CIM ( Computer Integrated Manufacturing ) and seeking for production bases and sources of raw materials abroad .

  3. 维生素C的存在是冷冻食品里存在其他维生素和营养成分的很好说明。

    Vitamin C is a good marker for the presence of other vitamins and nutrients in frozen food .

  4. 冷冻食品和新鲜食品不能相提并论。

    There is no comparison between frozen food and fresh food .

  5. HACCP在水产冷冻食品加工中的应用

    Application of HACCP in processing of frozen aquatic food

  6. HACCP与冷冻食品的安全性

    HACCP and safety of frozen food

  7. 例如,您可在将冷冻食品中的RFID芯片存储于非冷冻区域时设置一个警告。

    For example , you can set an alert when the RFID chip in a frozen food item is stored in a non-frozen area .

  8. 早餐通常是蛋白或谷物食品,中饭则是含瘦肉的三明治,晚餐则加热一份LeanCuisine的冷冻食品。

    Breakfast typically consists of egg whites or cereal , and lunch is a sandwich with lean meat . For dinner , they heat up a Lean Cuisine frozen meal .

  9. 食物标准局(FSA)最新的调查显示,人们普遍质疑冷冻食品的安全性,每户家庭平均每星期会浪费相当于6顿饭的冷藏食品。

    According to a new poll for the Food Standards Agency ( FSA ) , there is widespread confusion around the safety of frozen food as households waste the equivalent of about six meals a week .

  10. 习语短语津津有味地咀嚼;尽情地吃[助剂]防腐剂;保存剂Stockpile积累;储备物资pricehike提价;物价上涨freezerburn冻斑,冷冻食品表面干燥变硬

    New words : munch on ( something ) - to eat preservatives - chemicals added to food , to prevent it from rotting or spoiling - to keep a very large amount of something , for future use - a sudden increase in prices - when items in the freezer become dry from being in there too long

  11. 生产的公禾祥牌TT25型冷冻食品设备采用国际先进的设计和加工制造技术,具有设计先进,性能可靠,品质优良等特点。

    Our chief product " TT25 frozen food equipment " which applies the advanced design and processing technology is characterized by the good design , reliable performance and high quality .

  12. 学校的厨师开始使用新鲜的原料代替冷冻食品。

    School cooks started using fresh ingredients instead of frozen foods .

  13. 中国冷冻食品发展前景与流通体系的变革

    Prospects & development of refrigerated food and change of circulation system

  14. 把这冷冻食品解冻后再烹煮。

    Leave this frozen food to thaw before you cook it .

  15. 食品解冻是冷冻食品加工中十分重要的操作。

    Food thawing is the important operation in frozen food processing .

  16. 您需要冰保持冷冻食品冷却。

    You will need ice to keep the frozen foods cool .

  17. 冷冻食品的冻结技术与应用

    The Freezing Technique and its Application in the Production of Frozen Food

  18. 冷冻食品中小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌的分离和鉴定

    Isolation and identification of Yersinia enterocolitica from the frozen food

  19. 大豆多糖的性质及其在冷冻食品中的应用

    Property of Soybean Polysaccharides and the Application in Frozen Food

  20. 目前冷冻食品行业的重点在于整体扩张。

    At present , frozen food industry focuses on a whole expansion .

  21. 冷冻食品的初始冻结温度和未冻水的估算方法

    Estimation of the Initial Freezing Point and Unfrozen Water in Frozen Foods

  22. 冷冻食品已经逐渐侵占了新鲜家禽肉类市场。

    Frozen foods have moved in on the market for fresh poultry .

  23. 妈妈,我在冷冻食品部分看见一些冰淇淋。

    Mum , I see some ice-cream at the frozen food section .

  24. 淀粉酶和糖化酶在冷冻食品中的应用研究

    Studies on α - amylase and Glucoamylase Application in the Refrigeration Foods

  25. 中国冷冻食品工业的现状与发展趋势

    The Present Situation and Developing Trends of Frozen Food Industry in China

  26. 他以自己的名字命名的冷冻食品成了名牌。

    He gave his name to a well-known brand of frozen food .

  27. 欧洲化学品制造商联合理事会冷冻食品制造商协会欧洲联合会

    European Federation of Associations of Manufacturers of Frozen Food Products

  28. 2004年招远市冷库冷冻食品细菌交叉污染调查

    Investigation on Bacterial cross Pollution of Frozen Foods in Zhaoyuan , 2004

  29. 中国冷冻食品业的现状和展望

    Status and Prospect of china 's frozen foods industry

  30. 调理冷冻食品占总产量的四分之三,业务用冷冻食品的产量迅速增长。

    The output of frozen foods for business use is also increasing rapidly .