
xiāng wèi
  • aroma;smell;fragrance;scent;perfume;bouquet;spiciness;sweet smell;odour;savor
香味 [xiāng wèi]
  • (1) [bouquet]∶食物的香气;任何香气

  • (2) [sweet smell;fragrance]∶花香或其他不太浓的香味

  • 苹果的香味

香味[xiāng wèi]
  1. 房间里充满很浓的松柏香味。

    The room is pervaded with the strong odour of pines .

  2. 弗兰士嗅着烤山羊的香味,正在等得不耐烦的时候。

    Franz waited impatiently , smelling the odour of the goat .

  3. 厨房里飘出新鲜面包的香味。

    The smell of new bread floated up from the kitchen .

  4. 新鲜咖啡那诱人的香味向他们飘来。

    The tantalizing aroma of fresh coffee wafted towards them .

  5. 干酪会增加面食的香味。

    Cheese will add extra bite to any pasta dish .

  6. 厨房里的香味馋得我们直流口水。

    The smells from the kitchen made our mouths water .

  7. 这火腿散发着一种烟熏的香味。

    The ham had a smoky flavour .

  8. 炉子里散发出木柴燃烧时的浓烈香味。

    The heady aroma of wood fires emanated from the stove .

  9. 她刚烤制了一些面包,空气里都弥漫着一股香味。

    She 'd baked some bread which made the air smell sweet .

  10. 他们进门时一阵香味扑鼻而来。

    The savoury smell greeted them as they went through the door .

  11. 用你最喜欢的香味熏香你的抽屉和衣柜。

    Scent your drawers and wardrobe with your favourite aromas .

  12. 美食的香味弥漫在他的四周。

    The smells of delicious foods floated all around him .

  13. 一阵面包的香味从远处的面包房飘来。

    A smell of bread drifted from some distant bakery .

  14. 香槟酒的香味会特别浓郁。

    Champenois wines can be particularly fragrant and perfumed .

  15. 做饭的香味可以传到家里的各个角落。

    Cooking odors can circulate throughout the entire house .

  16. 咖啡煮开了,满屋子都是香味。

    The coffeepot bubbled , filling the room with fragrance

  17. 伊丽莎白·戴维对普罗旺斯菜肴的色香味津津乐道。

    Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste , fragrance and character of Provencal cuisine

  18. 炉子上放着香味四溢的炖牛肉。

    An aromatic beef stew waited on the stove .

  19. 空气中弥漫着烤牛肉的香味。

    The smell of roast beef permeated the air

  20. 淡淡的咖啡香味一下子吸引了他。

    A faint aroma of coffee attracted his attention

  21. 这种精油用来给肥皂、沐浴液和香水添加香味。

    The oil is used to flavour and perfume soaps , foam baths , and scents .

  22. 她打开了带有香味的信封。

    She opened the perfumed envelope .

  23. 这块干酪至少酿制了10个月,带着坚果味,香味十足。

    This cheese is matured for at least 10 months producing a nutty , well rounded flavour .

  24. 数个世纪以来,香草一直被用于给各种食物增添淡淡的香味。

    Herbs have been used for centuries to endow a whole range of foods with subtle flavours .

  25. 空气中满是玫瑰花的香味。

    The air is full of the fragrance of roses .

  26. 这种特殊的玫瑰散发出浓烈的香味。

    This particular rose gives off an incredible fragrance .

  27. 丁香散发出芬芳的香味。

    The lilac gave off a sweet fragrance .

  28. 柠檬香味充满了大厅。

    The scent of lemons filled the hall .

  29. 那刺鼻的香味差点儿让我喘不过气来。

    That pungent perfume almost choked me .

  30. 这种香皂起泡很多,并且有好几种香味。

    This toilet soap lathers so nicely and has several fragrances .