
  • 网络aspartame;Aspartam;NutraSweet;APM
  1. 阿斯巴甜在目前消费水平(低于确定的ADI水平)下,甚至对哪些高食用量人群来说,是安全的。

    Aspartame is safe at current levels of consumption , which remain well below established ADI levels , even among high user sub-populations .

  2. 即使消费水平几倍于确定的ADI水平,也没有可信的证据表明阿斯巴甜具有致癌性、神经毒性或其它任何不良作用。

    No credible evidence was found that aspartame is carcinogenic , neurotoxic or has or any other adverse effects when consumed even at levels many times the established ADI levels .

  3. 改性活性炭脱除阿斯巴甜粗品中羰基硫的工艺研究

    Studies on Removing COS from Aspartame Products by Modified Active Carbon

  4. 二十一世纪阿斯巴甜的市场潜力

    Aspartame : a potential sweetener in the 21st century

  5. 内酯法制备阿斯巴甜的研究

    Study on the Synthesis of Aspartame by Lactone

  6. 未见阿斯巴甜在生殖行为和泌乳方面的不良反应。

    Aspartame has not been shown to have adverse effects on reproductive activity or lactation .

  7. 另一个研究则归咎于阿斯巴甜口香糖中最常见的人工甜味剂。

    The other study blamed aspartame , the artificial sweetener used in most popular chewing gums .

  8. “他可以看出,在这部影片中对阿斯巴甜,”甜蜜的痛苦:一,毒害的世界。

    He can be seen in the movie on aspartame , Sweet Misery : A Poisoned World .

  9. 如果我没有得到我的每日剂量的阿斯巴甜我醒来和恐惧的现实。

    If I don 't get my daily dose of Aspartame I wake up and dread reality .

  10. 如果你想减肥的话你可以用阿斯巴甜代替咖啡里的糖。

    You can substitute aspartame for sugar in your coffee if you 're trying to lose weight .

  11. 颞骨关节功能紊乱已被证明会导致头痛,但其中的证据与阿斯巴甜有关。

    TMJ dysfunction has been shown to cause headaches , while the evidence is mixed on aspartame .

  12. 信不信由你,但也有一种危险,从停止你的摄入量,如果阿斯巴甜。

    Believe it or not , but there 's also a danger from ceasing your intake if aspartame .

  13. 纽特多肽素(酒用阿斯巴甜)应用试验

    Applied Tests of Aspartame

  14. 这些研究没有证据支持阿斯巴甜与脑瘤或造血系统肿瘤发生存在相关性。

    The studies provide no evidence to support an association between aspartame and brain or hematopoietic tumor development .

  15. 目的:建立测定各类食品中阿斯巴甜含量的系统分析方法。

    Objective : To establish the systemic analysis method for determination of aspartame in foods from different categories .

  16. 欧盟专家小组说,他们所做的评估工作可以使多年来关于阿斯巴甜安全性的争论告一段落了。

    The European panel said its assessment should put the lid on years of debate over the sweetener .

  17. 基于几项长期研究结果,阿斯巴甜不具有致癌或促癌活性。

    Based on results of several long term studies , aspartame does not have carcinogenic or cancer-promoting activity .

  18. 在中国,阿斯巴甜也是国家卫生部认可,获准用于各种食品和饮料中的甜味剂之一。

    In China , aspartame is approved by the ministry of health to be used in food and beverages .

  19. 这支平面广告着重宣传了阿斯巴甜、即俗称“甜味剂”的安全性。

    The print ad stresses the evidence showing the safety of aspartame , commonly known by the NutraSweet name .

  20. 研究结论表明,糖尿病患者应用阿斯巴甜是安全的,并且有助于糖尿病患者坚持无糖饮食。

    Studies conclude that aspartame is safe for use by diabetics and may aid diabetics in adhering to a sugar-free diet .

  21. 研究人员表示,未来的项目会对阿斯巴甜、三氯蔗,以及甜叶菊等其他甜味剂进行详细研究。

    The researchers said future research would examine aspartame and sucralose in detail as well as other alternative sweeteners like stevia .

  22. 他们把糖精,阿斯巴甜和三氯蔗糖等人工甜料加进动物的饮用水中。

    The researchers added artificial sweeteners to the animals ' drinking water . Those sweeteners included saccharin , aspartame and sucralose .

  23. 我所知道的镇上仅有的几个病人都是因为抽烟、染发、或者吃了太多的阿斯巴甜(属于一种代糖,经常使用在低糖饮料当中)。

    The only people I know in my hometown with sicknesses smoke , color their hair , and eat too much aspartame .

  24. 那些意大利科学家则坚持认为他们当初的研究结论是正确的,并且表示将把有关阿斯巴甜安全性的研究工作继续进行下去。

    The Italian researchers who conducted the rat study insisted that their initial findings were correct and pledged to continue studying the subject .

  25. 他说,口香糖的口味只能停留一小段时间,其中阿斯巴甜的含量不高。

    Gum only has a flavour for a short period of time , suggesting it does not contain much aspartame , he says .

  26. 最佳配方为6%蔗糖+2%柠檬酸+0.35%阿斯巴甜+0.35%异抗坏血酸,在此条件下品质最佳。

    The best formula of beverage was 6 % sucrose + 2 % citric acid + 0.35 % aspartame + 0.35 % iso-ascorbic acid .

  27. 文中简要介绍了阿斯巴甜的应用现状与发展前景,评述了国内外阿斯巴甜的研究和生产方法,提出了国内进一步工作的建议。

    Some suggestions were also proposed for further work in China on the basis of reviewing the various chemical pathways and biological pathways for synthesizing aspartame .

  28. 如果阿斯巴甜引起头痛,那膳食饮料和其他含有阿斯巴甜的人工加糖食品会导致更多的头痛。

    If aspartame caused headaches , he reasons , there would be a lot more headaches from diet drinks and artificially sweetened products which also contain it .

  29. 对模拟人群阿斯巴甜暴露研究的广泛调查结果表明,没有证据显示阿斯巴甜消费出现诸如记忆和学习问题的神经学效应。

    Results of extensive investigation in studies that mimic human exposure do not show any evidence of neurological effects , such as memory and learning problems , of aspartame consumption .

  30. 我要告诉你的是:一定量的阿斯巴甜和其他所有的人造甜味剂(如代糖)对于人的身体来说都是有害物质,并且会使得人体体重增加,与糖相比甚至更严重些!

    Equal ( Aspartame ) and all other artificial sweeteners like Splenda and Sweet and Low are toxins to your body and cause weight gain , even more so than sugar !