
jiǎn shí huī
  • soda lime
碱石灰[jiǎn shí huī]
  1. 碱石灰及其组成成分清除呼吸回路中氮氧化物效应的研究

    Elimination of nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide by soda lime and its components

  2. 麻醉机呼吸环路碱石灰尘埃污染的情况

    Observation of contamination of soda lime dust inside the breathing circuits of anesthesia machina

  3. 低氧呼吸器是便携式高原呼吸模拟器,带有用碱石灰过滤的CO2的部分重复呼吸系统,可在海平面模拟各种海拔高度的高原缺氧。

    The hypoxic respirator presented is a portable altitude simulator , consisting mainly .

  4. 碱石灰烧结法生产Al2O3过程中硫的化合物的排除

    The removal of sulphur compounds in soda-lime sintering process for production of alumina

  5. 我国的Al2O3主要是拜耳烧结联合法和碱石灰烧结法生严的。

    In China , the alumina is mainly produced by Bayer-sintering combination process and soda-lime sintering process .

  6. 碱石灰法从铌钽矿富锆尾矿制备氧氯化锆

    Preparation Zirconium Oxychloride from Concentrated Zr Tails of Nb-Ta Ore by Lime

  7. 碱石灰改良酸土对大豆植株保护系统的影响

    Effect of alkaline lime on soybean protection system

  8. 结果表明:采用适当的化合物替代传统硫化碱石灰浸灰,既减小了膨胀,又良好地去除纤维间质。

    It shows that the new materials in stead of lime and sulfide , could decrease the pelt swelling and well remove interfibrillar substance .

  9. 高碱(石灰)体系中黄铁矿表面性质及其活化

    Surface charactristics and activation of pyrite in high alkaline and calcium medium

  10. 碱、石灰双回收锅炉的开发设想

    Concept of Alkali and Lime Double Recovery Boiler

  11. 化灰机是碱&石灰烧结法生产氧化铝工序的重要设备。

    Ash machine is one of the important equipment for producing alumina with the method of alkali-lime agglomeration methods .

  12. 不同防治处理综合评价得分顺序为:泥浆凡士林硫酸铜碱水生石灰水波尔多浆桐油食盐水柴油多菌灵。

    The comprehensive valuation of control treatment was quantitatively analyzed and the order of value from high to low was slop , vaseline , cupric sulphate , sodium hydroxide , limewater , bordeaux mixture , tung oil , saline solution , diesel oil , bavistin .

  13. 结果:硫化碱+生石灰+酒精组的脱毛时间和单位面积用量与相应对照组比较存在显著差异。

    Results : The using of Sulphurate soda + quicklime + alcohol had a remarkable difference in depilation time and unil areas compared with the corresponding contrast groups .

  14. 研究了碱、石膏、石灰和温度对粉煤灰火山灰活性的激发作用。

    In this paper , excitation effects of alkali , gypsum , lime and temperature on the pozzolanic activity of fly ash were researched .