
  • 网络Basic lead acetate;Lead acetate basic
  1. 本文研究了碱式醋酸铅(BLA)对化学致癌物诱发小鼠肺肿瘤的影响。

    The effects of basic lead acetate ( BLA ) on the induction of lung tumors were studied in mice treated with chemical carcinogens .

  2. 碱式醋酸铅对化学致癌物诱发小鼠肺肿瘤的影响

    Effect of basic lead acetate on induction of lung tumors in mice treated with chemical carcinogens

  3. 采用饮水染毒法研究碱式醋酸铅对小鼠早期胚胎体内发育的毒性。

    The toxicity of lead acetate on embryo development in vivo was investigated on mice by adding lead acetate into drinking water .

  4. 茶样经碱式醋酸铅除去茶多酚、色素等杂质后,再用硫酸除去多余的铅离子,即可测定。

    After removing polyphenols , pigments and other substances by precipitation with lead subacetate , the residual lead ions are removed by adding sulphuric acid .