
  • 网络Amis;ami;amis people;Amis Tribe;Pangcah
  1. 由于这些经验,我打算返回都兰录制都兰阿美族的音乐和故事。

    As a result of these experiences , I plan to return to Dulan to record the music and stories of the Dulan Amis people .

  2. 台湾阿美族的织树为布工艺及其文化史意义

    Taiwan 's Ami 's " Tree-Woven Cloth " Technology and Significance of Cultural History

  3. 吟唱阿美族歌谣是阿美族人振兴族语、保存语言文化最快乐最便捷的一种重要方式。

    Singing Amei people 's ballads is an important way of maintaining the language and culture of the people .

  4. 每当新月升起,数百名阿美族渔夫在河口聚集。

    As a new moon rises , hundreds of fishermen from the AMI tribe gather at a river mouth .

  5. 阿美族歌谣中所透露的族群特质,能让族人反思并恢复民族的自信。

    Amei people 's ballads have the ethnic characteristics that have helped the people gain confidence in their ethnic identity .

  6. 阿美族孩童长而翘的睫毛、慧黠的双眸与纯挚的笑声,荡漾在静寂的街头巷尾。

    The Ami children with their long , curling eyelashes , their intelligent , artful eyes and their pure , sincere laughter , run about the quiet streets and alleys .