
  • 网络Ordinance;The Law of Hong Kong
  1. 本条例对印行香港法例的活页版本作出规定。

    To provide for the publication of an edition in loose-leaf form of the laws of Hong kong .

  2. 根据香港法例,车主是有责任妥善处理拟弃置的车辆。

    According to the laws of Hong kong , a vehicle owner has a duty to dispose of his unwanted vehicle properly .

  3. 强制性公积金终於成为香港法例重要的一环,我感到非常高兴。

    I was also very pleased that MPF was finally part of a very important legislation .

  4. 根据香港法例第169章防止残酷对待动物条例,如残酷对待动物或令到动物受到不必要的痛苦,均属违法。

    It is an offence under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance Cap.169 to treat animals cruelly and cause unnecessary pain or suffering to them .

  5. 总督可藉宪报公告,委任一名专员负责编制一套香港法例的编正版。

    The governor may , by notice in the gazette , appoint a commissioner who shall prepare a revised edition of the laws of Hong kong .

  6. 香港法例规定,携带武器及军火进入香港境内,必须持有由有关单位预先发出的入口许可证明文件。

    The importation into Hong Kong of arms and ammunition is governed by laws , which require import licences or permits to be issued in advance by the authorities concerned .

  7. 这些条例及有关的附属法例,载于《香港法例》活页汇编,也可在互联网上阅览。

    Those ordinances , and the subsidiary legislation made under them , are published in the loose-leaf edition of the Laws of Hong Kong and are accessible on the Internet .

  8. 有些人对此表示怀疑,而在过去一个月,我们见到临时立法会的合法地位和香港法例本身的合法性受到挑战,这是前所未有的。

    There are some who cast doubt on this and in this past month we have seen landmark challenges to the legitimacy of the provisional legislature and the very legitimacy of Hong kong 's laws themselves .

  9. 强制性公积金终於成为香港法例重要的一环,我感到非常高兴。我想藉叁与今晚盛会的机会,向大家谈一谈强制性公积金计划。

    I was also very pleased that MPF was finally part of a very important legislation . I would like to take this opportunity this evening to briefly talk about the Mandatory Provident Fund ( MPF ) .

  10. 至今香港中文法例真确本已有179章,其余300多章中文本香港法例已经做好,等待法定程序通过。

    Up to now , Hong Kong laws in Chinese have already numbered 179 chapters ; over 300 others have been made and are awaiting passage through legal proceedings .

  11. 作为家佣的雇主,你必须遵守香港的劳工法例。

    As an employer of a domestic helper , you are required to observe the labour legislation of Hong kong .

  12. 常满储物箱不可存放一切跟据香港特别行政区法例定为非法之物件。

    Illegal objects that was forbidden in the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region can not be stored in the Sheung Moon Box .