
jué yù shǒu shù
  • sterilization operation;operation of sterilization
  1. 我妻子生完第4个孩子后做了绝育手术。

    My wife was sterilized after the birth of her fourth child .

  2. 我们要求公众为自家的狗做绝育手术,并严格看管。

    We ask the public to have their dogs neutered and keep them under close supervision .

  3. 乡间卫生院的医生准备做绝育手术。

    Doctors prepare for the reproductive sterilization of a young person .

  4. 注意,操作早期绝育手术的需要经过特殊培训。

    However , early-age neutering requires special training of veterinarians .

  5. 最重要的是给你的宠物做绝育手术。

    The most important thing is to get your pet spayed or neutered .

  6. 她生了第四个孩子后决定做绝育手术。

    After her fourth child she decided to be / have herself sterilized .

  7. 一些人有几个孩子,并愿意行绝育手术。

    Some have had several children and are willing to have sterilization surgery .

  8. 输精管绝育手术前后精子抗原对人体免疫反应的三年动态研究

    Three years developing observation on human immunological response to sperm antigen before and after vasal sterilization

  9. 女性绝育手术后性机能研究

    Female sexual function after sterilization operation

  10. 输精管切除术是一种安全、有效、简便的男性绝育手术,也是一种重要的避孕选择。

    Vasectomy is a safe , effective and simple male sterilization procedure and an important contraceptive option .

  11. 为了鼓励养猫者对猫做绝育手术,该议会对做过阉割手术的猫收取较低的登记费。

    To encourage owners to have their cats sterilized , the council charges a reduced registration fee for neutered animals .

  12. 那些因为政治信念而被强制进行绝育手术,对友谊和信任的嘲弄,谋杀孩子。

    Men sterilized because of political belief , a mockery made of friendship and faith , the murder of children .

  13. 很多黑人妇女被强迫接受、甚至被欺骗接受绝育手术。

    And so it was commonly known that black women were being pressured into sterilization or even sterilized without their knowledge .

  14. 在我所住的三里屯公寓,我捉了一些流浪猫,把他们带到兽医那里,然后进行绝育手术。

    In my compound in Sanlitun I have caught the stray cats , brought them to the veterinarian and had them neutered or spayed .

  15. 幸运土猫恢复场所最重要的工作就是为群护区域中完成绝育手术的猫咪提供免费的恢复和专业的术后照顾。

    The most important work in the recovery place is to provide free recovery aid and professional postoperative care for the cats which have sterilized .

  16. 患者应该复印一份绝育手术记录和病理报告(如果输卵管被切除)以供她们的外科医生参考。

    Patients should obtain a copy of their sterilization operative note and pathology report ( if tubal segments were removed ) for review with their surgeon .

  17. 一对黑人夫妇已有八个小孩,而鲁拉·梅又怀了第九个小孩,最后她说服了她先生去做男性绝育手术。

    The black couple already had eight children , and Lula May was pregnantwith her ninth . Finally she convinced her husband to get a vasectomy .

  18. 有点绅士风度,真诚地请求让这个孩子跟你姓,给她写张支票支付孩子未来18年的抚养费,然后去做结扎绝育手术。

    Do the gentleman-like thing , ask for the kid to be named after you , write her a check for18 years of child support , and get a vasectomy .

  19. 他最新的小说,2009年的《蛙》,是对中国独生子女政策和当地官员无情地以强制堕胎和绝育手术来实施这项政策的灼热描写。

    His latest novel , 2009 's Frog , is a searing depiction of China 's one-child policy and the local officials who ruthlessly implement it with forced abortions and sterilizations .

  20. 本办法所称动物诊疗,是指动物疾病的预防、诊断、治疗和动物绝育手术等经营性活动。

    The term " animal clinical activities " in these Measures shall refer to the business activities such as animal disease prevention , diagnosis and treatment as well as sterilization operation of animals .

  21. 将来我们亦会为特别的项目如动物绝育手术资助计划、请一位全职福利中心职员等筹务经费。

    In the future we shall be seeking more of these specific donations to cover special purposes such as spay and neuter subsidy programme , or the salary of a full-time staff member to run the Thrift Shop .

  22. 澳大利亚最高法院判决医生要为其实施的失败的绝育手术承担过失侵权责任,医生要赔偿原告的损失,其中包括支付原告在绝育手术后所生孩子的抚养费。

    The High Court of Australia judged a case , in which the doctor should be responsible for his failed sterilisation procedure and compensate for the plaintiff 's losses including costs of raising and maintaining the child born after the sterilisation procedure .