
  • 网络absolute standard;absolute criterion;absolute criteria
  1. 美是不可能用任何绝对标准来衡量的。

    Beauty cannot be measured by any absolute standard .

  2. 第二章是基础标定理论部分,主要从绝对标准、标定理论公式推导和Si光电二极管的标定及其特性等方面进行阐述。

    The second chapter is the basic theory of calibration , which mainly expounds the absolute standard , function deduction , calibration and performance of Si photodiode and so on .

  3. Bielschowsky征阴性不应作为评判上斜肌麻痹治愈的绝对标准。

    Negative Bielschowsky sign should not be an absolute criterion for surgical success .

  4. 首先,我认为,如果您不是Nokia公司,同时你已决定将这些测试项作为您的绝对标准,您已经失去了敏捷的精髓。

    First off , I think that if you are not Nokia and you have decided to use this test as your golden standard , you have already missed the point about agility .

  5. 利用合肥800MeV电子存储环同步辐射(HESYR)作为紫外真空紫外光谱辐射测量的绝对标准,标定了传递标准氘灯光源的光谱辐亮度。

    The spectral radiance of transfer standard-deuterium lamp is calibrated using Hefei 800 MeV electron storage ring synchrotron radiation ( HESYR ) as an absolute UV-VUV spectral radiometric standard .

  6. 《华尔街日报》是商业报导的绝对标准。

    The journal is the gold standard of business reporting .

  7. 水溶液中离子的绝对标准生成焓

    Ionic absolute standard heat of formation in aqueous solution

  8. 质感、简洁,和对驾驶乐趣的专注是这个优雅空间的绝对标准。

    Quality , clarity and a dedication to driving pleasure define this elegant cabin .

  9. 本文将给出水溶液中离子的绝对标准生成焓。

    In this paper , the ionic absolute standard heat of formation is gotten .

  10. 传统翻译研究把忠实作为翻译实践的绝对标准。

    Traditional translation studies regards " faithfulness " as an absolute norm for translation practice .

  11. 包括绝对标准、相对标准及漏率标准;

    These vacuum standards include the absolute standards , relative standards and leak rate standards .

  12. 我有个绝对标准。

    I have an absolute standard .

  13. 常用的绝对标准有两类:绝对标准探测器和绝对标准光源。

    Typical absolute standards include two types : absolute standard detector and absolute standard light source .

  14. 他为现代工业化的西方社会提出了九种正义的准绝对标准。

    Stone set forth nine semi-absolute standards of justice for the modern and industrialized western society .

  15. 因涉及笔者个人口感好恶,所述仅供读者参考,并非绝对标准。

    Because of my personal taste preferences , it is not absolute standard , but only a reference for the reader .

  16. 在594nm和785nm两个波长上,用以低温辐射计标定过的陷阱探测器作为基准,对两个响应未知的陷阱探测器进行了绝对标准的传递。

    At 594 nm and 785 nm , two trap is calibrated against a silicon standard detector which is calibrated against cryogenic radiometer .

  17. 按社会活动领域和法律调整宗旨的标准划分法律部门,责任方式并非划分法律部门的绝对标准。

    In light of the legal department classification of social activities and legal regulation , form of responsibility is not the absolute standard of classification .

  18. 在考试标准上,要实现相对标准向绝对标准与个体标准相结合的转变;

    The transmission on the examination criterion should be realized from the comparative criterion to the combination of the absolute criterion and the individual one .

  19. 同样,在戏曲研究中,西方的理论也时常被当作具有普世意义的绝对标准,并以此来衡量、要求中国本土的事物。

    Similarly , in the field of Chinese opera studies , western theories have been regarded as the only universal criteria to judge and evaluate the local operas in China .

  20. 其中,绝对标准是法学家不懈追求的理想,而相对标准经过学界认同则演绎为法学通说。

    Among them , the absolute standard is the ideal that jurists pursue relentlessly , and the relative standard is interpreted into the recognized law theory through the academic recognition .

  21. 据此可以逻辑地推定艺术的绝对标准:每个个体的任何独特情感(确证感),都通过不可重复的对象形象(形式感),而为每个其他个体所同感(同情感)。

    It follows that there is an absolute artistic criterion which means that the unique feelings of every individual is empathized by every other individual through images that can 't be duplicated .

  22. 在传统的翻译研究中,翻译仅仅被看作为两种语言文字之间的相互转换,将原文看作译文的绝对标准。

    In the history of traditional translational study , translating is merely regarded as a linguistic translation between languages , and it holds that the original version is the absolute standard of the translational one .

  23. 记:说一口绝对标准、流利的日语,转瞬间就能流露出的那种日本人特有的、漫画式的夸张表情,作为一个中国人你是如何做到的?

    Note : that an absolute standard , fluent in Japanese , the Japanese suddenly be able to reveal the kind of unique , cartoon-like exaggerated facial expressions , as a Chinese , how do you do ?

  24. 企业资本结构并不存在一个绝对标准,与企业所处的内部和外部环境相适应、能够促使企业价值提高的资本结构就是合理的资本结构。

    There is no absolute criterion of enterprise 's capital structure . It is a reasonable capital structure which can adapt to the enterprise 's inside and outside environment , and can make the enterprise 's value rise .

  25. 传统的翻译理论一直把原文视为译文的绝对标准,认为译者的翻译活动应该仅仅围绕原文或原文作者来展开,并且使译文绝对忠实于原文。

    Traditional translation theory , which holds that the translator should cast off the yoke of the tyranny of subjectivity and represent the source text objectively and faithfully , has perceived the source text as the absolute criterion of the target text .

  26. 美丽没有绝对的标准。

    Beauty has no absolute standard .

  27. 全球化以及“世界是平的”(worldisflat)潮流带来的意料之外的后果之一,是投资者的确开始(虽然较为缓慢)低估自由的价值,用相对而非绝对的标准来看待完全不同的政治制度。

    One of the unintended consequences of the globalisation and " world is flat " movements is that investors have slowly but surely started to discount the value of freedom , viewing disparate political systems in relative rather than absolute terms .

  28. 1.5μm半导体激光器绝对频率标准

    Absolute Frequency Standard of 1.5 μ m Semiconductor Laser

  29. 双边投资条约中的绝对待遇标准评析

    Absolute Treatment Clauses in Bilateral Investment Treaties : Analysis

  30. 它没有绝对的标准。

    There 's no absolute standard for it .