
jué shōu
  • total crop failure
  1. 水稻是主要的粮食作物,长期以来因洪涝灾害造成的水稻减产或绝收是饥荒发生的主要原因之一。

    Rice is the main food crop . The reduction of output or total crop failure caused by flooding is a main reason of hungry for a long time .

  2. 随着我国蔬菜种植面积的增加,蔬菜根结线虫病的发生逐年加重,病害发生后,一般造成产量减少20%-30%,严重时达到75%以上,甚至绝收。

    At present in China , with the expansion of the vegetable acreage , root-knot nematode disease increases year by year . The occurrence of disease generally caused production losses of20 % - 30 % , or more severe up to75 % , even total crop failure .

  3. 由条形柄锈菌(Pucciniastriiformisf.sp.tritici)引起的小麦条锈病,是一种重要的世界性气传病害,其大面积暴发常常造成小麦产量大幅度下降,甚至绝收。

    Stripe rust , caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici , is one of the most serious air-borne diseases in wheat worldwide .

  4. 如果无雨,则庄稼绝收。

    If the rains fail , so do the crops .

  5. 导致庄稼绝收的是布兰多的玩意儿。

    What 's killing the crops is this brawndo stuff .

  6. 2009年的农业季出现了绝收,使得人们普遍面临谷物缺口,许多家庭因此而陷入困境。

    The2009 agricultural season failed and created widespread cereal deficits , placing many households in dire circumstances .

  7. 他们可以学会识别可能存在的问题,以及怎样对作物进行规划,以防歉收或绝收。

    They can learn to recognize possible problems and how to plan crops to help prevent failures .

  8. 通过侵染植株茎部和叶部发病会影响植株生长而导致植株减产,严重时可绝收。

    Stems and leaves of infected plants through the morbidity affects plant growth and lead to plant cut production .

  9. 长期以来,作物生产一直受到病虫害的危害而造成不同程度的损失,严重的甚至绝收。

    Crop production has being bothered by disease and pest for a long time , which sometime cause a disastrous result .

  10. 有些对其他作物来说不是灾害的气象变化,但就有可能对设施农业作物造成严重的影响甚至绝收。

    To other crops climate changes are not disasters , but they could cause serious influence on facilities agricultural and even worst has no harvest .

  11. 小麦条锈病是世界上对小麦生产危害最大的病害之一,在大流行年份可以造成小麦的减产甚至绝收。

    Stripe rust is one of the most harmful diseases against wheat production . On pandemic years , it could significantly grain yield and end-use quality .

  12. 因此,缺少蜜蜂将阻止应有的授粉,从而让果实的产量下降或绝收。

    A lack of bees would therefore prevent the pollen from moving as it should and the fruits produced would therefore be small in number or nonexistent .

  13. 近年来全国各地因种子纯度和活力等造成作物减产,绝收的情况时有发生,经济损失巨大。

    In the recent years , Because of vigour and purity of seed , it is universal that output decreased and sterilized . Economic loss is enormous .

  14. 病虫害是农作物生产的重要制约因素,它能导致农作物大面积减产甚至绝收,影响农作物品质。

    Diseases and pests are important factors to restrict the growth of crops in agriculture producing , which may reduce yields of crops greatly and quality of products .

  15. 粮食供应得以保证:项目实施前,频繁的旱灾使得坡地作物欠收或绝收,有时需要政府紧急提供粮食援助。

    Food supplies were secured : Before the project , frequent droughts caused crops cultivated on slopes to fail , sometimes requiring the government to provide emergency food aid .

  16. 调查表明,果树缺铁性生理病害在碱性大的土壤里表现严重,导致果树枝梢枯死,生长不良,果实减产甚至绝收。

    The survey shows the fruit tree iron deficiency disease is serious in alkaline soil and it causes bourgeon wither of trees , poor growth and lower or no yield .

  17. 然而黄瓜在生长发育过程中,经常受到各种因素的影响而发生病害,从而影响黄瓜的产量和品质,甚至绝收。

    However , the cucumber are affected by various factors and diseases in the process of growth frequently , thus affecting the yield and quality of cucumber , or even crops .

  18. 水稻生长期特别是开花及灌浆期的高温热害导致结实率大幅降低甚至绝收,同时影响稻米品质。

    The seed setting rate significantly reduced or even crop failure and quality declined were caused by heat stress in rice growing season , especially at the flowering and grain-filling stages .

  19. 该救助组织报告称,由于作物绝收,牲畜死亡,盖多地区25%的人口,朱巴地区接近30%的人口营养不良。

    The aid group reports that 25 percent of people in the Gedo region and nearly 30 percent in the Juba region are malnourished crop failure and the death of livestock .

  20. 酸雨使部分农产品绝收,农民积极性下降,农业转向从事非农行业的人口逐渐增加,部分传统农业劳动力流失。

    Acid rain makes part of agricultural crops , farmers ' enthusiasm drops , agriculture to engaged in non-agricultural sectors of the population gradually increased , some traditional agricultural labor loss . 5 .

  21. 近来各主要气象灾害所造成的农作物绝收面积和死亡人口数占总灾情的比例明显下降;全省旱灾呈加重的趋势;冰雹、雷电等强对流天气最易造成人员伤亡。

    Recently , the proportion of crop failures and deaths in total disasters caused by the major meteorological disasters decreased obviously . The drought all over the province is more and more serious .

  22. 结果表明:孕穗Ⅲ期-齐穗期是水稻的第一敏感时期,缺水受旱会导致绝收;

    The results showed that the first sensitive period to water stress was from young panicle differentiation ⅲ to full heading ; when the serious drought occurred at that time , there was no yielding .

  23. 甜瓜枯萎病发生规律调查显示,该病在甘肃省各地均有发生,一般年份发病率为20%左右,严重的可高达80-90%,引起严重减产甚至绝收。

    The percentage of disease was about 20 % in general years , seriously occurred years it could up to 80-90 % . It may be caused serious yield reduction and even more no yields .

  24. 暴雨洪涝是对农作物影响最大的灾种,相比旱灾暴雨洪涝更易造成农作物的绝收。

    The rainstorm flood is one of the largest disaster which effects on crops in Jiangsu province . Compared with drought , torrential rains and flood are more easily to cause the total destruction of the crops .

  25. 受酸雨影响,传统农作物在生产和产量上均出现了不同程度的减产,严重的甚至绝收,对传统农业生产带来了一定的经济损失。

    Effect of acid rain , the traditional crop in production and yield have appeared different degree of reduction of output , serious or even crops , to traditional agriculture production brought a certain economic losses . 3 .

  26. 盐胁迫造成的影响几乎涉及所有的生理和生化过程,严重时导致水稻不能正常生长、减产甚至绝收。

    Of large-scale production of rice caused by salt damage , the impact of salt stress , involving almost all plant physiological and biochemical processes , leading to serious plant can not grow normally , cuts or even crops .

  27. 由于受冬季风气候影响,常有低温寒害和霜冻害发生,轻者减产,重者绝收,是限制香蕉生产和发展的主要因素。

    Due to the influence of the winter monsoon climate , chilling injury and frost damage often occurs , which have a great impact to banana production and to be the main factor to limit the development of banana .

  28. 随着肯尼亚开始进入一年一度的旱季,人们越来越担忧东部和东北部省份干旱地区的作物绝收,居民面临食物短缺。

    As Drought Intensifies , Kenya Fears Famine As Kenya begins its annual dry season , there are mounting fears of crop failure and a s of food for residents in the dry regions of the eastern and northeastern provinces .

  29. 长时间的干旱导致东非大范围粮食绝收,数千头牲畜死亡,粮食价格高企,使埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、索马里和乌干达这些最干旱国家的相当大部分人口挣扎在生死边缘。

    A prolonged drought has caused widespread crop failures , killed thousands of cattle and kept food prices high , leaving much of the population struggling to survive in the driest regions of Ethiopia , Kenya , Somalia and Uganda .

  30. 因此,水稻在我国一些地方的种植,存在因水源不足,而导致产量受影响,更有甚,加上其它不利情况,如遇低温冷害,有绝收的可能。

    Therefore , since water is lack the yield of rice is influenced in some places of my country , what is more , if there are other bad conditions that for example , the temperature is low , it will be possible for total crops failure .