
  • 网络Postmenopausal women
  1. 结果绝经期妇女接受三苯氧胺治疗3个月后血清雌二醇、雌酮、脱氢表雄酮浓度均有不同程度的升高,以雌二醇的升高有显著性(P<0.01);

    Results The serum estrogen levels in postmenopausal women significantly increased after three months'therapy .

  2. 维生素K4、维生素D及钙对绝经期妇女骨折早期骨代谢的影响

    Effects of Vitamin K4 , Vitamin D and Calcium on Bone Metabolism in Early Period of Fracture in Postmenopausal Women

  3. 围绝经期妇女血清抑制素B和性激素水平的检测

    Serum inhibin B and sex hormone testing for perimenopausal women

  4. 为探讨绝经期妇女载脂蛋白E(ApoE)基因多态性的分布情况,以及载脂蛋白E基因多态性对绝经期妇女血脂代谢的影响。

    To explor the distribution of ApoE genotypes in postmenopausal women and its biological impact on blood lipid metabolism .

  5. 绝经期妇女危险因素以BMI和家族史,以及饮酒为主,且随BMI增加相对危险度提高。

    The snoring of menopause women was related with BMI , family history and drinking .

  6. 据国外流行病调查表明,绝经期妇女AD发病较同期男性高1.5-3倍。

    The epidemiologic studies suggest that women are 1.5-3 times more likely to develop AD than men among the people with the same age .

  7. 北京地区围绝经期妇女激素替代疗法(HRT)使用情况调查及疗效分析

    The investigation and analysis of the hormone replacement therapy of perimenopausal women in Beijing

  8. 目的探讨B超用于绝经期妇女取子宫内避孕器(IUD)监视的价值。

    Objective To explore the value of applying B-ultrasonic in monitoring IUD fetching for climacteric women .

  9. 方法选择40~60岁围绝经期妇女90例,随机分为A、B、C3组,每组30例。

    Methods 90 menopausal Syndrome women aged 40-60 years old were randomly divided into groups A , B and C ( each of 30 cases ) .

  10. 方法:使用社会功能缺陷筛选表(socialdeficitscreeningscale,SDSS)和焦虑症状自评量表(self-ratinganxietyscale,SAS)对109例绝经期妇女进行了评估。

    METHODS : Totally 109 menopausal women were evaluated by social deficit screening scale ( SDSS ) and self rating anxiety scale ( SAS ) .

  11. 近期一些研究提出出生时低体重、绝经期妇女的雄激素水平等也是IGT的危险因素。

    Recently , some studies suggested that low birth weight , androgen activity in postmenopausal women also were the risk factors of IGT .

  12. 目的探讨动态心电图(DCG)在围绝经期妇女心脏病诊断与鉴别诊断中的价值。

    Objective To study the application of DCG in diagnosis of cardiac disease of the women in peri menopausal period .

  13. 目的检测绝经期妇女激素替代治疗前后血清瘦素(leptin)水平并初步探讨激素替代治疗对瘦素的调节作用。

    Objective To measure serum leptin levels of menopausal women before and after hormone replacement therapy , and to evaluate the action of hormone replacement therapy in regulating serum leptin levels .

  14. 可以通过几种方法获得FSH,如从绝经期妇女尿中提取,或从猪、牛、羊等动物脑垂体中提取或采用重组DNA技术生产重组FSH。

    One of them was by purifying urine from menopausal women and extracted FSH from the anterior pituitary of pig , cattle . sheep or FSH was made by using recombinant technique .

  15. 目的:了解北京地区围绝经期妇女骨密度(BMD)水平以及骨质疏松(OP)的患病率,分析影响OP的有关因素,评价OP的单光子筛查方法。

    Objective : To know the bone mineral density ( BMD ) and osteoporosis ( OP ) condition of perimenopausal women in Beijing as well as relevant factors .

  16. 目的了解绝经期妇女灼口综合征(BMS)患者唾液生化成分及雌激素水平的改变与BMS发生间的关系。

    Objective To investigate whether the salivary biochemistry content and estrogen were associated with burning mouth syndrome ( BMS ) in menopausal women .

  17. [方法]不孕妇女42例随机分为克罗米酚(CC)治疗组、绝经期妇女尿促性腺激素(HMG)治疗组和中西医结合(CC+TCM)治疗组。

    [ Methods ] Forty - two cases of infertility were treated with clomiphene citrate ( CC ), human menopausal gonadotropins ( HMG ) and CC combined with TCM respectively .

  18. 结论围绝经期妇女SH紊乱导致心肌电不稳定性增高,是除了脂代谢异常之外的导致冠心病发病率升高及心血管事件发生率升高的机制之一。

    Conclusion : Apart from the disorder of serum lipid profile , the instability of heart electrophysiology causing the disorder of SH in menopausal women also increases the incidence of CHD and coronary event .

  19. 围绝经期妇女中绝经组的STI明显低于未绝经组,脂肪百分比(PBF)和腰臀比(WHR)却显著升高,提示增龄及停经是造成澳门女性骨量丢失、脂肪增多的原因之一。

    The STI of postmenopausal women were lower than that of premenopausal women , while their PBF and waist hip ratio ( WHR ) were higher significantly .

  20. 方法:30例绝经期妇女口服尼尔雌醇5mg,po,每月1次,疗程3mo,分别于服药前后查血脂及血液流变学。

    METHODS : Thirty menopause women were given nilestriol 5 mg , po , once a month × 3 mo and were compared on lipids and hemorheology between before and after the treatment for 3 mo.

  21. 方法回顾性分析2700例围绝经期妇女的病例,比较妇科双合诊、TVS及手术后病理结果之间的符合率。

    Methods In this retrospective study of 2700 perimenopausal women with gynecologic symptoms and signs , we compared the findings of transvaginal sonography ( TVS ) with those of bimanual examination , as well as operation pathological findings .

  22. 方法:109例绝经期妇女在体检时接受了Zung编制的抑郁自评量表(SDS)和焦虑自评量表(SAS)的测评,并与她们的绝经年限及雌激素水平进行比较。

    METHODS : During health examination , 1095 postmenopausal women were measured by self rating depression scale ( SDS ) made by Zung and self rating anxiety scale ( SAS ), and the results were compared with their menopausal years and estrogen level .

  23. 目的应用回声跟踪(E-tracking)技术对围绝经期妇女的早期颈动脉硬化特征进行研究。

    Objective To study the changes of early carotid arteriosclerosis in perimenopausal women and to explore the relationship between the levels of estradiol and early carotid arteriosclerosis using E-tracking technique .

  24. 结论:在女性OSAS患者中,年龄较大的绝经后妇女较年龄较轻的围绝经期妇女,呼吸紊乱程度更重,更易发生冠心病、左。

    Conclusion : In female patients with OSAS , the aged postmenopausal women have more severe respiratory disorders , and are more likely to have CHD , damaged systolic and diastolic function of left / right ventricle and pulmonary hypertension than younger perimenopausal women .

  25. 方法对62名绝经期妇女前后二次进行脑电图监测。

    Methods EEG examination was performed twice on 62 menopausal women .

  26. 绝经期妇女血浆性激素对高密度脂蛋白-胆固醇影响的临床研究

    Serum sex hormones and high density lipoprotein cholesterol in menopausal women

  27. 精神神经症型精神分裂症手术绝经对围绝经期妇女精神神经症状的影响

    Effects of surgery-induced menopause on neuropsychological symptoms in women with perimenopause

  28. 围绝经期妇女更年期症状与心率变异性的关系

    Relation of postmenopausal symptoms and heart rate variability in perimenopausal women

  29. 绝经期妇女骨密度与细胞因子的变化

    The Changes of Cytokines and Bone Mineral Density in Post-Menopausal Women

  30. 围绝经期妇女保健状况与卫生需求调查

    Investigation on health care status and sanitation demand of menopausal women