
jué zhǒng
  • extinction;become extinct;die out
绝种 [jué zhǒng]
  • [become extinct] 通常指消灭一个种族、家族、物种或生长物,采取的方法往往是破坏或除去某种东西进行繁殖的手段

  • 这种枝叶繁茂的杨梅树…几乎绝种了

绝种[jué zhǒng]
  1. 大熊猫即将绝种令人担心。

    There is concern that the giant panda will soon become extinct .

  2. 很多动植物已经绝种。

    Many plants and animals have become extinct .

  3. 树袋熊已列为澳大利亚濒临绝种的动物之一。

    The koala is listed among Australia 's endangered animals .

  4. 恐龙绝种几百万年了。

    Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years .

  5. 为之前几代人提供了可承受的养老计划的固定收益养老计划(definedbenefitpension)正面临绝种。

    The defined benefit pension that provided a bearable retirement for earlier generations faces extinction .

  6. 被IUCN评估的所有两栖类中近三分之一都面临绝种的威胁,尽管与处境危险的四分之三的植物物种相比要好得多。

    Nearly a third of all amphibians assessed by the IUCN are under threat , though that pales by comparison with the three-quarters of plant species found to be in danger .

  7. 因此,他们将企业以一种濒临绝种的猩猩的名字命名,读起来是bo-NOH-bos,而不是BON-oh-bos。

    So they named the company after a great ape , an endangered species that 's pronounced bo-NOH-bos , not BON-oh-bos .

  8. 由国际自然和自然资源保护协会(IUCN)编制的红名单在评测一个物种所受的绝种威胁程度时,主要是考虑该物种的种群数量、下降速度以及地理分布等。

    The Red List , which is compiled by the World Conservation Union ( IUCN ), gauges a species'risk of extinction mainly on the basis of its population size , rate of decline and geographic range .

  9. 殷为污染严重,秧多睦丽的鱼类正在面临绝种。

    Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the pollution .

  10. 救命啊,快来,他们还是绝种了。

    Help , come quick , they 're still extinct . '

  11. 老想染指濒临绝种生物。

    Always trying to get his greedy hands on endangered species .

  12. 有一天你会发现你已绝种。

    You may wake up one day and find yourself extinct .

  13. 有人说恐龙就是这么绝种的。

    Some people say that 's why the dinosaurs went extinct .

  14. 但这却令它们几乎面临绝种。

    That it has , paradoxically , led to its near-extinction .

  15. “面对绝种问题,大象每天都要和生存竞争。”

    " Facing extinction , the elephants struggle for existence everyday . "

  16. 金雕有绝种的危险。

    The golden eagle is in danger of dying out .

  17. 许多生活在数千年前的动物现已绝种。

    Many animals that lived thousands of years ago are now extinct .

  18. 现在该地区的许多蜂类几乎绝种了。

    Many species of bee are almost non-existent in this area now .

  19. 它是灭绝的,存在主义的,快要绝种的还是枚举?

    Is it extinct , existential , endangered or enumerated ?

  20. 大象当真已濒临绝种的危险了吗?

    Is the elephant really in danger of dying out ?

  21. 这种鸟正在大自然中迅速濒临绝种。

    These beautiful birds are fast disappearing in the world .

  22. 你们一无所有,快绝种了。

    You don 't have anything . you 're dying .

  23. 他的目标在于教会濒临绝种的鸟类安全迁徙。

    His goal is to teach safe migratory paths to endangered birds .

  24. 恐龙绝种了,因为姚明要吃早餐了。

    The dinasaurs became extinct because Yao Ming needed breakfast .

  25. 产于马达加斯加岛现已绝种的巨型鸟(可达9英尺)。

    Huge ( to 9 ft. ) extinct flightless bird of Madagascar .

  26. 海豚的绝种被归咎于中国急速的现代化。

    China 's rapid modernisation is blamed for the dolphin 's demise .

  27. 蛮尼!我刚听说长毛象会绝种。

    Manny , I just heard you 're going extinct .

  28. 老虎在其生存环境已濒临绝种。

    Throughout most of their range , tigers face extinction .

  29. 你们不知道,该如何才能让绝种的动物复活吧?

    You don 't know how to bring back an animal now extinct .

  30. 某些绝种的头足类动物具有特殊的旋卷形态。

    Certain extinct cephalopods have an unusual coiling shape .