
jué duì bǎo zhènɡ
  • Absolute guarantee;strict guaranty
  1. 主要分歧有:CPA过失及其程度的判断标准,相对保证与绝对保证之争。

    Main discrepancies lie in : the judgment standard of the fault and its seriousness of CPA , the argument about relative assurance and absolute assurance .

  2. 我们能够对你方绝对保证质量。

    We are able to give you an absolute guarantee on quality .

  3. 我们绝对保证一对一教授,直到学会为止。

    We absolutely guarantee one to one professor , until he has learned .

  4. 主要配件全部从日本进口质量绝对保证!

    All the major parts imported from Japan , quality is absolutely guaranteed !

  5. 有人会说:有了国际联盟就绝对保证不打仗了吗?

    You will say , 'Is the League an absolute guarantee against war ? '

  6. 它们绝对保证在一段时间里不会出现另一个

    they make very sure another one doesn 't appear for a certain length of time

  7. 尽管地理位置是重要的创新优势,但有利的地理条件并不是立于不败之地的绝对保证。

    While location confers important advantages to innovations , a favorable geography is no guarantee against failure .

  8. 用户可以有绝对保证财务报表没有任何重大错误陈述。(1为同意,7为不同意)

    Users can have absolute assurance that the financial statements contain no material misstatements . ( 1 is agree , 7 is disagree )

  9. 你知道我们的产品是享誉全球的名牌产品,而且我们绝对保证质量。

    You know our products have an established fame in the world and more importantly , we guarantee the quality of our products whatsoever .

  10. 定性控制着力量训练总体的方向,使力量训练绝对保证和专项对力量要求的高度一致性;

    The quality determines the primary direction of strength training , which guarantees absolutely strength training and meets the professional need for strength to higher degree .

  11. “不可撤销保兑信用证”是由发出银行作绝对保证的文件,除获得全部有关者同意,不能取消。

    A " confirmed irrevocable letter of credit " carries the absolute grarantee of the issuing bank , and cannot be revoked unless agreed by all parties .

  12. 如果明天有人建立一个博客,用来纪录一只极其富于照相细胞的小猫的童年生活,我绝对保证你会有巨大的读者群。

    If someone were to start a blog tomorrow documenting the young life of an extremely photogenic kitten , I can almost guarantee a huge amount of traffic .

  13. 此外,顺序通常很重要,但是难以绝对保证在所有情形下编码的次序都是正确的。

    On top of that , the order is usually important but it is difficult to be absolutely sure that the sequence coded is the correct order for all cases .

  14. 如果您可以绝对保证您选择关联的业务数据始终是惟一的(而不只是对于活动实例是惟一的),就不会出现这种情况。

    This may not happen if you can absolutely guarantee that the business data you choose for correlating upon will be unique for all time ( not just for active instances ) .

  15. 我公司为了其产品的真实性,在们的产品在每一个盒子上都贴了防违标签,请朋友一定打电话核实,质量绝对保证优质正品。

    My company to the authenticity of their products , their products in every box on both the anti-illegal label , a friend called to verify certain quality absolute guarantee of quality authentic .

  16. 安全问题我们绝对保证,雇主在山东那边是教育局里的人,有关系,不存在有多大风险。

    We can totally guarantee you safety , the hirers from Shandong are people working for the education office , I have contacts in there , so there 's not risk at all .

  17. 这是比较简单的编码,但是安全性比较差,因为不能绝对保证用户没有手工删除过一个断接子组,所以会漏删编号较大的组。

    This is easier coding , but less safe because there 's no absolute guarantee that someone may not have deleted one of the breakout subgroups manually , so you miss deleting higher-numbered groups .

  18. 入住前我们负责更换新的床单被褥等床上用品,绝对保证一客一换,长期租赁的每十天一换。

    All bed sheets , quilts , pillow covers are changable as guests'change , and for long term rent tenant , the bed sheets , quilts and pillow covers will be changed every ten days .

  19. 兰开夏郡选用这一问题肉制品的学校相对较少,但我们首先要考虑的是,必须绝对保证肉制品和标签所标明的成分一致,在发现这一肉制品有问题后,我们立刻进行了回收。

    Relatively few schools in Lancashire use this particular product but our priority is to provide absolute assurance that meals contain what the label says – having discovered this one doesn 't , we have no hesitation in removing it from menus .

  20. 纪律是有必要的,但绝对不是保证学习成效的充分条件。

    Discipline is a necessary , but certainly not a sufficient condition for learning to take place .

  21. 我的朋友绝对可以保证那个麻烦消失。

    My friend can absolutely guarantee to make that trouble disappear .

  22. 使我真相信生命是绝对没有保证的。

    It make me believed life have no GUARNTEE .

  23. 我不,也绝对不会保证

    I will not and I certainly never shall .

  24. 比例区分服务模型下的绝对时延保证

    Absolute delay guarantee over proportional differentiated service model

  25. 实木地板的外观,100%全原木生态芯,绝对质量保证。

    The appearance of solid wood flooring , 100 % entire log Eco-core , absolute quality guarantee .

  26. 质量绝对有保证,批发价格合理,量大从优。

    Quality is absolutely guaranteed , the wholesale price is reasonable , a large quantity of favorably .

  27. 雄性额部有一个隆起,不过这个特征并不是绝对可以保证区分的。

    Males usually have a larger hump than females , but this characteristic is by no means a guarantee .

  28. 我绝对敢保证你会得到更多,继续努力,你会拥有更好的经历。

    And I absolutely guarantee that you will achieve more , maintain your efforts , and have a much better journey along the way .

  29. 绝对不能保证在S中建立的模型是准确的,就像许多电子表格中的收益-损失预测显然是错误的一样。

    There 's absolutely no guarantee that a model expressed in S is accurate , just as plenty of spreadsheeted profit-and-loss projections have been obvious works of fiction .

  30. 你是非常认真的,对吧?我会试着替你跟咱们父母讨论一下,但你绝对得保证在这之前不会冲动做傻事。

    You 're serious about this , aren 't you ? I 'll try talking to our parents for you , but you must promise not to do anything irrational until I do .