
jué duì zhǔ quán
  • absolute sovereignty
  1. 从绝对主权到实效主权&国家主权理论的新发展

    From Absolute Sovereignty to Actual Sovereignty & The New Development of National Sovereignty Theory

  2. 绝对主权理论也受到越来越多的质疑。

    The theory of absolute sovereignty was being doubted by more and more scholars .

  3. FGHemisphere主张,刚果不应在香港享受绝对主权豁免权。香港是前英国殖民地,承袭普通法传统。

    FG Hemisphere argued Congo should not enjoy full sovereign immunity in Hong Kong , a former British colony with a common law heritage .

  4. 第二,用上帝之国来维护绝对主权。

    Second , associating the Kingdom of God to protect the sovereignty .

  5. 秩序的解体与重构:霍布斯“绝对主权”思想评析

    Collapse and reconstruction of order : a comment on hobbes 's concept of " absolute sovereignty "

  6. 示威者要求宣布独立的共和国拥有绝对主权。

    Demonstrators demanded full sovereignty for the self-proclaimed republic . In business , a prompt reply is imperative .

  7. 绝对主权理论产生后,许多政治思想家对其进行了丰富和发展。

    Since the theory of absolute sovereignty was introduced , it has been enriched and developed by many political thinkers .

  8. 神其它的属性都围绕着神绝对主权这个属性,神掌管着世上一切的受造之物。

    His absolute authority and rule over His creation is the axle around which all of His other attributes revolve .

  9. 治理理论主张削弱国家的绝对主权,倡导多中心治理的格局,这与传统的官僚制行政是大相径庭的。

    Governance theory advocates weakening absolute sovereign rights and proposing multi-center governance structure , which is different from traditional bureaucracy administration .

  10. 现代国际法的发展建立在绝对主权观念的弱化从而解除自身蕴含的悖论基础之上。

    The development of modern international law is based upon the weakening of absolute sovereignty and upon the dissolution of its logical paradox .

  11. 这两种趋势都是统一于国家主权的,是由国家主权的两重性即绝对主权与相对主权所决定的。

    The two kinds of trend are unified in national sovereignty . This is determined by the characteristics of sovereignty : absolute sovereignty and relative sovereignty .

  12. 但上帝的恩典及与之极相关的预定论则与人的自由意志相冲突,似乎要取消人的自由意志才能保住上帝的绝对主权、保住上帝的恩典。

    But the Grace of God related to predestination are conflict with the free will of humans , as if abolish the free will of humans is protect absolute dominion of God and Grace of God .

  13. 绝对主权是在16-17世纪欧洲特殊环境下形成的一个概念,在其产生之初,曾对反对神权,确立以民族国家为中心的国际社会产生了积极的影响。

    Absolute sovereignty is a concept which was formed under the special condition of Europe during the 16th and 17th century . At the beginning of its appearance , it made an active influence on the establishment of the nation-state world .

  14. 关于国家主权的性质和地位的理论演进表明:相对主权的理论是正确理解主权性质的现实理论,而绝对主权的理论则是歪曲主权性质的过时理论。

    The theoretical evolution on the character and position of state sovereignty indicates that the theory of relative sovereignty is the realistic theory of understanding the character of sovereignty correctly ; the theory of absolute sovereignty is the dated theory of distorting the character of sovereignty ;

  15. 在19世纪70年代之前,由于受绝对国家主权思想的影响,不可能产生刑事赔偿制度。

    It was impossible before 1870s due to the thought of absolute sovereignty .

  16. 各州在其保留权之范围内享有绝对的主权。

    Each state is a complete sovereignty within the sphere of its reserved powers .

  17. 绝对领土主权理论、绝对领土完整理论和在先占用主义只维护一国的权利和利益,遭到国际社会的普遍抛弃。

    The theories of absolute territory sovereignty , absolute territory integrity and prior use have been abandoned by international society generally because they favorite only one state .

  18. 它们宣扬绝对尊重民族主权的教义。

    They preach a doctrine of absolute respect for national sovereignty .

  19. 第三,学生对自己选定修读课程有绝对的自主权。

    Third , students have the absolute decision-making power to select optional courses .

  20. 人力资源还有与其他任何资源都不同的一点,对于自己要不要工作,拥有绝对的自主权。

    The human being , unlike any other resource , has absolute control over whether he work at all .

  21. 以绝对统治者或者绝对统治为特点;具有绝对的君主权。

    Characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule ; having absolute sovereignty .