
  • 网络Jedi;jedi knight
  1. 虽然曼达洛超级突击队被绝地武士剿灭,但詹戈·费特是少数仍然身披盔甲的幸存者之一。

    Though the Mandalorian supercommandos were wiped out by the Jedi Knights , Jango was one of the few left to still wear the armor .

  2. 千代的绝地武士使用这武器它还产生了将要运用这种武器的人&现代的工人,即无产者。

    For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights it has also called into existence the men who are to wield those weapons the modern working class the proletarians .

  3. 她说,时至今日,这个俱乐部已有200多名会员,曼哈顿工作室的每节课都有20到40人参加。这个工作室也是别人捐赠的,需要同绝地武士协会(JediKnight)合用。

    These days , it has more than 200 members , and anywhere from 20 to 40 people turn up for periodic classes at the club 's Manhattan studio & a donated space it shares with a Jedi Knight group , she says .

  4. 杰克的棺椁周围用贡花装饰,贡花拼成了“绝地武士”的字样,还围成了光剑、尤达大师和机器人R2-D2的形状。

    His carriage was covered floral tributes , including one reading ' Jedi ' and wreaths in the shape of a light saber , Yoda and R2-D2 .

  5. 绝不能让绝地武士发现我们开发的终极武器。

    Thejedi must not find our designs for the ultimate weapon .

  6. 绝地武士很无私,他们只关心他人。

    The Jedi are selfless * They only care about others .

  7. 绝地武士怎么可能那么快带来一支如此大的军队?

    How could thejedi come up with an army so quickly ?

  8. 我原以为你们绝地武士会更清楚。

    I should think that you Jedi would have more respect .

  9. 不是这位绝地武士雇你们干这活的吗?

    Is he not thejedi who hired you for this job ?

  10. 现在面对死亡吧,就向你之前的绝地武士一样。

    Now face oblivion like all of the Jedi before you .

  11. 我早该知道绝地武士在策反了。

    I should have known the Jedi were plotting to take over .

  12. 别轻易的下结论,我年轻的绝地武士。

    Don 't be so sure , my young jedi .

  13. 那其他分散在星系间的绝地武士怎么办?

    What about the other Jedi spread across the galaxy ?

  14. 你没跟他提那两个失踪的绝地武士。

    You didn 't tell him about the missing jedi .

  15. 要求所有的绝地武士回到圣殿里去。

    It requests all Jedi to return to the temple .

  16. 绝地武士不足以保护共和国。

    There aren 't enough Jedi to protect the republic .

  17. 两个绝地武士进了主甲板。

    Two Jedi have landed in the main hangar bay .

  18. 有时,我真的想不明白绝地武士们。

    Sometimes , I wonder what 's happening to the Jedi order .

  19. 对,绝地武士日益普遍的缺点。

    Yes , yes . a flaw more and more common amongjedi .

  20. 你会成会一个伟大的绝地武士。

    I foresee you will become a greatjedi knight .

  21. 只有绝地武士才能清除文件。

    Only a Jedi could have erased those files .

  22. 还有多少绝地武士生还?

    How many other Jedi have managed to survive ?

  23. 我才不去见那两个绝地武士。

    I 'm not going in there with twojedi .

  24. 这是绝地武士的武器。

    This is the weapon of a Jedi knight .

  25. 我看透了绝地武士的谎言。

    I see through the lies of the jedi .

  26. 我感觉有人在密谋毁灭绝地武士。

    I sense a plot to destroy the jedi .

  27. 我比任何绝地武士都强。

    I ` ve become more powerful than anyjedi .

  28. 所有的绝地武士都是帮木偶。

    All Jedi had was a bunch of muppets .

  29. 你会成为一名绝地武士。

    You will be a jedi , I promise .

  30. 终于,绝地武士终于一个不剩了。

    At last the Jedi are no more .